Updated Articles

  1. Payment Plan Screen

    The Payment Plan screen can be found in the Billing portal under the Payment Plan category on the navigation bar. This screen by default will display all payment plans that exist currently in any status. In addition, the screen allows you t...
  2. Payment Plan Guides

  3. Payment Plan Actions

    Once you have set up a payment plan, you may find that some edits or updates need to be made to the existing plan. There are various actions you can perform on the existing payment plans from the  Payment Plan Details Screen .  Payment Plan...
  4. Creating a New Payment Plan

    The Payment Plan Window allows users to create a new payment plan in the application allowing patients to pay high balances over time.   Creating a New Payment Plan To create a new payment plan, a user will navigate to the  Payment Plan  wi...
  5. Revenue Cycle Wheel - Overview

  6. Revenue Cycle Wheel

    The Revenue Cycle wheel is broken down into 5 categories designed to assist the practice with the workflow of processing claims. These categories are Prepare, Submit, Manage, Post, and Collect. Clicking on a category section will open a list of...
  7. Text to Pay

  8. Text to Pay (Quick Pay Screen)

    The text to pay request can be sent utilizing the Quick Pay screen. On the Quick Pay screen selecting the payment method of credit card will allow the selection of the Text to Pay button. Follow the below step by step instructions on how to do thi...
  9. Payment Plan Details Screen

    The Payment Plan Details screen can be accessed by double-clicking on a payment plan from the Payment Plan screen . You can also access this screen by highlighting a payment plan and clicking the "Open" button. This screen can be used to revie...
  10. Payment Plan Setup

    Below you will find an explanation for each company setting along with the default values that are applied. These settings and rules will affect how payment plans are handled in your database.  As a practice, you will be responsible for updating...