DIRECT E-mail is a secure way to communicate patient information from one provider to another. Eligible Clinicians in the Medicare and Eligible Providers in the Medicaid incentive programs will need a DIRECT email address in order to meet the MIPS Referral Loops - Send Health Info, MIPS Referral Loops - Receive & Incorporate Health Info, MU3 Send Referral Summary of Care and MU3 Receive & Incorporate Electronic Summary of Care documents objectives. To obtain a DIRECT E-mail, follow these steps:
- Have an administrator email Secure Exchange Solutions or call them at 1-888-470-9913 x 1.
- Secure Exchange Solutions will assess your practice's needs and perform the identity proofing process for the administrator you have chosen.
- Secure Exchange Solutions will work with your administrator to setup the appropriate DIRECT Email addresses.
- Setup and Authenticate a User's DIRECT Email Address
Organizational DIRECT Accounts are $470/Year. Provider Level Professional Accounts are $225/year.