The iSalusPatient.GetSetup webservice is used to obtain information from the Patient Demographics setup screen found here: Setup > Patients > Demographics. The webservice will accept a patient ID as an input and the entire patient object will be returned as a result.
Sample Call
<userid />
<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
<chart_number />
<ethnicity_name>Not Hispanic or Latino</ethnicity_name>
<secondary_id_name />
<secondary_id_value />
<primary_care_name>Ford, Lynn MD (12345678910)</primary_care_name>
<practice_physician_name>Dietzen, Chuck MD (1234567890)</practice_physician_name>
<employer>iSalus Healthcare</employer>
<referring_name>Chapman, Ann PT (1579240585)</referring_name>
<ph_number>(317) 956-7909</ph_number>
<ph_number>(317) 687-8119</ph_number>
<ph_number>(317) 956-7909</ph_number>
<address1>123 Test Street</address1>
<address2 />
Element Description
The Request element will serve as a wrapper for the entire body of the XML request.
Request > Security
See documentation for the Security node here: Access to Webservices
Request > Patient_ID
Chat number for the patient data you would like to retrieve.
The Response element will server as a wrapper for the entire body of the XML response.
Response > Patient_id
The unique, public facing ID for this patient (aka Chart Number).
Response > entity_id
Unique, internal facing ID for this patient.
Response > first_name
Patient first name
Response > last_name
Patient last name
Response > middle_name
Patient middle name
Response > nick_name
Patient nick name
Response > gender_code
Patient gender. Represented as M = Male, F = Female, U = Unknown.
Response > birth_date
Patient date of birth. Formatted as MM/DD/YYYY.
Response > email
Patient e-mail address
Response > ethnicity_id
ID representing patient ethnicity.
Response > ethnicity_name
Decoded representation of patient ethnicity (i.e. Not hispanic or latino).
Response > Primary_ID
ID Type used for patient primary ID. 34 = SSN.
Response > Primary_ID_Name
Decoded representation of the primary ID used (i.e. SSN).
Response > Primary_ID_Value
The value for the patient that corresponds to the primary ID type. For example, the actual SSN for the patient.
Response > Secondary_ID
ID Type used for patient secondary ID. 34 = SSN.
Response > Secondary_ID_Name
Decoded representation of the secondary ID used (i.e. SSN).
Response > Secondary_ID_Value
The value for the patient that corresponds to the secondary ID type. For example, the actual SSN for the patient.
Response > Primary_care_eid
The internal entity ID for the primary care provider assigned to the patient.
Response > Primary_care_name
The display name for the primary care physician formatted as Last, First Suffix (NPI).
Response > Practice_physician_eid
The internal entity ID for the primary doctor assigned to the patient from the practice.
Response > Practice_physician_name
The display name for the primary doctor assigned to the patient from the practice formatted as Last, First Suffix (NPI).
Response > Marital_status
The marital status for the patient.
Response > Employer
The name of the employer.
Response > Signature_on_File
The flag to indicate of signature is on file for the patient. Represented as Y = Yes, N = No.
Response > Signature_on_File_Date
The date the signature is on file.
Response > Active_ind
The flag to indicate if the patient is either active or inactive. Represented as Y = Yes, N = No.
Response > Report_Ind
The flag to indicate if the patient is either reportable or not reportable. Represented as Y = Yes, N = No.
Response > Referring_eid
The internal entity ID for the referring provider assigned to the patient.
Response > Referring_name
The display name for the referring physician formatted as Last, First Suffix (NPI).
Response > Rx_History_Consent
The flag to indicate if the patient has given consent to obtaining medication history through Surescripts.
- N = No Consent
- P = Prescriber Only
- X = Parental/Guardian Consent
- Y = Consent Given
- Z = Parental/Guardian Prescriber Only
Response > Language_ID
The ID representing the patient's primary language.
Response > Reminder_id
The ID representing the patient's preferred reminder method.
Response > Phone_home
A wrapper to contain elements related to the patient's home phone number.
Response > Phone_home > Ph_number
The element containing the patient phone number.
Response > Phone_home > Extension
The element containing the extension for the phone number.
Response > Phone_work
A wrapper to contain elements related to the patient's work phone number.
Response > Phone_work > Ph_number
The element containing the patient phone number.
Response > Phone_work > Extension
The element containing the extension for the phone number.
Response > Phone_other
A wrapper to contain elements related to the patient's other phone number.
Response > Phone_other > Ph_number
The element containing the patient phone number.
Response > Phone_other > Extension
The element containing the extension for the phone number.
Response > Address1
Address line 1 for the patient. Typically street address.
Response > Address2
Address line 2 for the patient. Typically suite/apartment number.
Response > City
City for the patient address.
Response > State
State for the patient address.
Response > Zip_Code
Zip code for the patient address.
Response > Race
A wrapper to contain elements related to the patient's race.
Response > Race > race_id
An ID representing the patient race. Where 1=American Indian or Alaska Native, 2=Asian, 3=Black or African American, 4=Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, 5=White.
Response > Race > race_name
The decoded value for the patient race (i.e. White).
Response > Responsible_party_number
The ID for the patient responsible party.
Response > Responsible_party_count
The number of responsible party records on file.