Authorizations Export

The Authorization Export extracts data related to the patient authorization records  Below you will find a detailed definition of possible inputs and outputs.  

Data Location:  Setup > Patients > More > Authorizations


  •  None


  • last_name: Patient last name
  • first_name: Patient first name
  • middle_name: Patient middle name
  • nick_name: Patient nick name
  • suffix: Patient suffix
  • chart_number: Unique ID for patient (foreign key for patient)
  • reason: Reason for authorization
  • status: Status of authorization 
  • tracking: Authorization tracking type (Referred To or Referred By)
  • type:  Authorization type (Referral or Authorization)
  • auth_date: Date of authorization
  • auth_referral_number: Authorization number
  • auth_by: Who the authorization was provided by
  • insurance:  Name of insurance the authorization was associated with
  • coverage:  Insurance level for the selected insurance (i.e. 1 for primary, 2 for secondary)
  • start_date: Start date of authorization
  • date_end: End date of authorization
  • amount: Authorization for a total dollar amount
  • amount_used:  Dollar amount that has been used so far
  • visits:  Authorization for a total number of visit
  • visits_used:  Visit count used so far
  • units: Authorization for a total number of units
  • units_used:  Total number of units used so far 
  • comment: Authorization comment
  • procedures: CPT Code authorized
  • diagnosis: ICD Code authorized 
  • rendering: Rendering provider associated with the authorization 
  • referring: Referring provider associated with the authorization
  • claims: Claim numbers that the authorization has been applied to