The iSalusExternal.BillingExport webservice is intended to retrieve information back from many different areas of the system related to billing based on the export_type variable.
Sample Request
<userid />
<start_date>01/01/2021</start_date> <end_date>01/31/2021</end_date></request>
The Request element will serve as a wrapper for the entire body of the XML request.
Request > Security
See documentation for the Security node here: Access to Webservices
Request > Export_type
The name of the export to retrieve. See below for options.
Practice Information
- Company Profile = list.Practice
- Users = list.Users
- User Groups = list.Usergroups
Claim Lists
- Claim List = Claim
- Parameters = Start_Date and End_Date for Claim Date
- Claim Procedure List = Claimprocedures
- Parameters = Start_Date and End_Date for Date of Service
- Claim Comments = ClaimComments
- Parameters = Start_Date and End_Date for Date Entered
- Submissions List = Submissions
- Parameters = Start_date for Submission Date
- Claim Levels = list.Claimlevels
- Claim Statuses = list.Claimstatuses
- Clam Sub-Statuses = list.Claimsubstatus
- Payers = Payers
- Type of Claim = list.Claimtype
Payment Lists
- Payments = Payments
- Parameters = Start_Date and End_Date for Post Date
Patient Lists
- Patient List = Patients
- Patient Insurances = PatientInsurance
- Parameters = Start_Date and End_Date for Effective Date
- Gender = list.Gender
- Ethnicity = list.Ethnicity
- Race = list.Race
- Language = list.Language
- Marital Status = list.Maritalstatus
- Student Status = list.Studentstatus
- Employment Status = list.employedstatus
Provider Lists
- Rendering Providers = Providers
- Referring Providers = list.Referringprovider
Appointment Lists
- Appointments = Appointments
- Parameters = Start_Date and End_Date for Date Last Updated
- Resource Categories = list.Resourcecategory
- Scheduled Resources = list.Scheduledresource
- Appointment Types = list.Appointmenttype
- Appointment Statuses = list.Appointmentstatus
- Service Locations = Locations
Problem List Lists
- Problem Lists = ProblemList
- Parameters = Start_Date and End_Date for Post Date
Sample Response
No Results: When no results are available, the <export_type> node will be returned, but no data will be present.
<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
Results Available: When results are available, the <export_type> node will contain 1 to many list items.
<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/"> <export_type>claim</export_type> <ClaimList> <Claim> <claim_number>66072</claim_number> <claim_date_time>01/20/2021 1:14PM</claim_date_time> <submission_date>01/20/2021 6:00PM</submission_date> <claim_status_id>8</claim_status_id> <claim_status>Rejected</claim_status> <sub_status><></sub_status> <billing>Electronic</billing> <level>Primary</level> <owner>!wcassady</owner> <primary_insurance_id>276965</primary_insurance_id> <primary_insurance>Blue Cross Ms School And State (1234 Test Street~Flowood, MS 39232)</primary_insurance> <secondary_insurance /> <tertiary_insurance /> <chart_number>42997</chart_number> <last_name>Heinlein</last_name> <first_name>CHRISTOPHER</first_name> <charge>0.00</charge> <balance>0.00</balance> <resp_party>Heinlein, CHRISTOPHER B.</resp_party> <aging_date /> <aging_type /> <aging_days>0</aging_days> <rendering /> <referring /> <supervising /> <ordering /> <purchasing /> <attending /> <service_location /> <admission_date /> <discharge_date /> <onset_date /> <menstrual_date /> <accident_date /> <accident_state /> <accident_country /> <epsdt /> <epsdt_code_1 /> <epsdt_code_2 /> <epsdt_code_3 /> <narrative_type /> <claim_narrative /> </Claim> </ClaimList> </response>
The Response element will serve as a wrapper for the entire body of the XML response.
Response > Export_Type
The <export_type> node will serve as a stub for all list_items
Response > Export_Type > <<ECHOED Export Type Name>>
The name of the export will be returned as a dynamic node. For example, if you request a 'Claim' list, 'Claim' will be returned as a node before the items in that list.
Response > Export_Type > <<ECHOED Export Type Name>> > Field_name
The <field_name> node will serve as a stub for the details for this item.