The Advanced Diagnosis Search screen can be accessed from multiple locations.
- Setup > Diagnosis Codes > More
- Billing Portal > Setup Screens option on toolbar > Dx Codes
- Code: The code value associated with the diagnosis code.
- Code Type: The code type associated with the diagnosis code.
- Billing Code: The code that will be used on claims for the associated diagnosis code.
- Description: The description of the associated diagnosis code.
- Problem: The problem description of the associated diagnosis code.
- Start Date: The start date associated with the diagnosis code.
- End Date: The end date associated with the diagnosis code.
Additional Field Options
- Create Date: The creation date of the associated diagnosis code.
- User Id: The user id that created the associated diagnosis code.
- Gender: The gender requirement for the associated diagnosis code.
- Problem List Ind: Indicates the associated diagnosis code to appear on the problem list.
- Active: The active status of the associated diagnosis code.
- Billable: Indicates if the associated code is to appear on claims.
- Included in IHS: Indicates if the associated code is to be included in the IHS process.
- Included in CCM: Indicates if the associated code is to be included in the CCM process.