Dialysis Visit User Settings

The Dialysis Visit Note process allows a user to decide how the process works for them.  There are several user settings which configure the Dialysis Visit documentation flow for a user. These settings are as follows: 

Display Dialysis Rounds

This setting will turn on the Dialysis Rounds list in the EMR. 

Display Dialysis SOAP Status

This setting will display the SOAP Status for any documented dialysis visit in the Dialysis Rounds list. 

Copy Forward Previous Dialysis Visit Template Data

This setting will automatically copy forward the most recent dialysis visit's template data for the same visit and template type. Providers can then document by exception.  

Automated Dialysis Letter Template

This setting is used for Automatically Faxing Signed Dialysis Visit Notes. Navigate to Setup > Letters and note the ID of the Letter template the user wishes to use for these automated faxes.

Default Dialysis Visit Type

This is an old setting for practices documenting Dialysis Visits using the Patient Extension Chart Tab.

Default Dialysis SOAP Note Letter

This is an old setting for practices documenting Dialysis Visits using the Patient Extension Chart Tab.

Follow these steps to access and modify the user settings:

  1. Click on the Setup portal.
  2. Select Users in the Navigation Pane.
  3. Select the User you wish to setup.
  4. Click on the User Settings button.
  5. Search for and Select the desired User Setting.
  6. Set the appropriate value.
  7. Press the Save button.