Release 24.111 - June 13th, 2024

New Features and Updates



  • U12085 - Deposits - Make Advanced Claim Search available on Statement Deposits: When users are posting statement balances, they can receive payments that cover additional balances not on the statement. Users can then add claims to the statement deposit to apply the extra money. The problem is that if they want to add multiple claims, some search fields aren't available in the simple search, and the advanced search is not currently available for statement deposits. We added an advanced claim search option that is payer-specific to the statement deposit window which is similar to how EOB advanced search works.

Bug Fixes

My Tasks


  • B17166 - Batch Eligibility - Appointment Date Sort & Paging Addition: Corrected a sorting issue within Tasks > Eligibility that occurred when the batch eligibility tasking queues exceeded the 100-count default display, causing it to not display all eligibility tasks for the appointment date. With this update, we now display all eligibility tasks for the specific appointment date in ascending order. Additionally, we added a pagination control that will handle up to 50 records in any category on the Eligibility Tasking queues, making it clear to the user that there are more items under the queue that can be viewed.                          



  • B17884 - Prescription: Vitals are requested, Queue and Batch get modified to Send:  Corrected an issue within the Prescription Details/Rx Pad where users clicking to Queue a prescription then prompted to add vitals caused the prescription to revert to being Sent instead of being Queued.
    Note: This fix was also applied to a new feature that is expected in Q3 for Batch prescriptions.  



  • B16888 - Electronic Statement Deposit Error Not Clearing Out After Being Marked as Reviewed:  We have corrected an issue within the Deposit window (Billing > Deposit) that occurred when a statement payment file was received with errors. When these files contain errors, the payments are displayed upon the initial opening of the Deposit window under the Statement Electronic Payments screen, allowing users to mark the payments as reviewed and remove them from appearing when the Deposit window is initially opened. The screen was not allowing users to mark the payments as reviewed, causing the Statement Electronic Payments screen prompt to show every time the Deposit window was opened. We have resolved this issue so that the "Mark Reviewed" button now clears the payments from appearing when the Statement Electronic Payments screen is opened. Please note that this fix applies to all Statement Electronic Payments on this screen.