Claim Issues - Global Period

Claims that contain Global Period Issues can be found:

Starting from the Revenue Cycle Wheel:

  • Hover over the group and click the magnifying glass to open the billing query screen

To Correct a Claim with a Global Period Claim Issue

Global Period claims are typically entered with a charge of $0.00 or they are written off. Per example, if a patient has a procedure that has a 90 day global period and that patient is seen by the provider the provider will typically bill a $0.00 post-op visit.  If the provider bills an office visit instead then the claim will be flagged as having a Global Period Claim Issue.  The office can then:

Change the Charge Amount for the Claim to $0.00

  1. Double click on one of the claims
  2. Click the X to clear the amount from the Charge field

  3. Click Save

Adjust the Claim Balance to $0.00

  1. Click once to select one of the claims

  2. Click the Billing Options icon on the toolbar and select Payment

  3. Select the Line, Add the Paid By, Adjustment Amount, and Adjustment Type

  4. Click Post

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each Procedure line with a balance until the balance for the claim and each line displays $0.00

  6. Click Close