Deposits - Manager Priorities

Training Video

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  • The Deposit Posting process consists of two main windows, Deposits and Posting. 
    • Deposits will be where you create any new deposits (ERA imports, statement payments, manual EOBs, or patient payment batches), as well as enter any needed information for manual EOB’s, fix any deposit errors, and send deposits to posting. 
    • Posting is where you’ll fix any errors that arose in the auto-posting process that the system performs. 
  • The auto-posting process has been designed to minimize what your team needs to manually review, even as we make it more clear when items need to be worked.  
  • We have also included a deep level of adjustment detail you can find on posted payments. This will give you more granularity on what happens to different claims in the posting process, as well as help your billers as they research unpaid claims.
  • The Billing Wheel will be the guide your staff will use to find work items that need to be addressed on a daily basis - and we’ve created a separate sheet that will help them do just that.

Review Default Settings

The most important thing you need to do is to review the settings that have been created to customize the new posting process. 

The team at iSalus has evaluated each setting to be sure that the defaults are accurate and conservative, but we’d encourage you to review them to be sure they’re set to best meet the needs of your practice. 

At the upper right corner of the new Deposits screen, you’ll see the words “Deposit Search,” with a gear icon next to it. You can find all the settings for the posting rebuild by clicking this gear.

Company Settings

  • Auto-Post ERA Delay
    • Default Setting: -1 (Off)
    • Function: When an ERA is loaded into the system, it will auto-post any claim that does not have errors, without waiting for a user to manually choose to send that check to posting, or it will wait to post until the delay time has been met.
    • Reason for Default:  The default setting 'off' more closely represents the current function of deposit posting, and it allows users to hold checks and post to the bank if desired.
    • Reason to Change Setting:  If you’re not posting to the bank, there’s little reason to hold ERA’s back from posting once they come in. Changing the setting to '0' (on) will enable a more automated workflow to minimize the need for staff intervention.

ERA Claim Adjustment Reasons

This screen is how the system determines how to handle each adjustment code when posting an ERA.  

In the example below you see a 45 adjustment reason.  This code is not set as a denial.  It is set as an EOB Indicator.  If the payment is for a primary claim the code will be handled as a contractual insurance adjustment and the amount will be adjusted from the claim balance.  If the payment is for a secondary claim the code will be just be stored as a note and the amount will not be adjusted.

Please see below for more information regarding these settings.

ERA PLB Amounts

An ERA PLB amount is an ERA level adjustment.  This includes but is not limited to interest payments, late charges, capitation payments, forwarding balances, and more.

In the example below you will see the settings for ERA level Interest payment.  If an interest payment is reported on the ERA the system will not change the claim status.  The claim level will be updated to completed.  The payment will be regarded as an ERA Interest Adjustment.  The payment amount will be applied to the claim(s).

Please see below for more information regarding these settings.

Deposits Security - New Role Settings

In addition to these settings you also have the option of redefining user roles.  The security permissions for the new screens will all be inherited from the security permissions from the old screens.  In the case that you wish to review or adjust these settings you can find those instructions here.