Printing a Requisition from Order Entry - History

A Requisition, the PDF containing the details of an order that has been placed, can be generated from either the My Task - Orders section or from the history section of Order Entry. This article describes the steps to print/transmit requisitions for one or more orders using Order Entry. 

Steps to Complete

  1. After Placing an Order in the Order Entry Chart Tab.
  2. Navigate to the History in the toolbar

  3. Ensure you are on the Orders Tab

  4. From the list, you can either select and right-click over a single order or select multiple orders at once by using SHIFT+Click and/or CTRL+Click. Select Requisition

  5. The Create Requisitions screen will display the groupings for the order you are going to print and errors that may need to be resolved first.

  6. After selecting OK, the PDFs will be generated and you will be able to Fax the form, Add it to the Patient's Print/Fax Queue, or Print the requisition. If you have an Interface, this may transmit the order to the facility depending on the type of interface.