This article describes the functionality available for Template Demographics within the Intelligent Intake, a subset of these configurations can be made to EMR templates (read more). If you DO NOT have access to Setup > Templates, then you will either need to have your permissions changed via Roles OR reach out to Support with a Template Change Request Form (TCRF) to request these changes (recommended).
Executive Summary
Filter entire template categories from the patient's view within the Intelligent Intake based on Age, Gender, Diagnosis, and/or specific Payer or Financial Class affiliated with the patient's insurance.
Template Demographics Use
Template Demographics were introduced to allow providers to visually exclude the need to navigate Template Categories, "Blue Bars", only to be used for specific scenarios. This functionality was introduced for Intelligent Intake templates as well. Unlike the EMR's use of the feature, on the Intake side, the Template Categories are filtered out of the Intake Form. Meaning the entire Template Category is removed from the patient's view as opposed to a grey-colored section as seen in the EMR.
Real World Example
Age & Gender filters may be applied to questionnaires like the AUA-SI form. This questionnaire is only intended for male adults experiencing symptoms specific to urologic conditions.
Furthering that, it may be the case that you'd want all New Male Patients to complete the form prior to their first visit, but you may want to only ask this on return visits in cases where specific ICD-10 codes have been added to the patient's problem list during the initial encounter or thereafter. In this case, a copy of the existing Intake Template containing the questionnaire(s) can be made and a different Template Demographic created/applied to each Template Category within the two versions of the questionnaire(s) template.
Following the initial creation and assignment of the intake types, each of those templates would be assigned to their respective Intake Types, ex. The "New Patient Packet" Intake Type is assigned the Age/Gender template, and "Follow-Up Visits" is assigned the ICD-10 version.
Screen Definitions & Intelligent Intake Effect
Using the corresponding numbers shown in the above screenshot, reference the below definitions and their corresponding effect in the Intelligent Intake form.
Section 1: Toolbar & List
This section holds the buttons related to setting up new, deleting existing, and saving changes to different Template Demographic setups. You may select the existing setup to see the current configuration and where this is currently being used by referencing Section 3. Unlike the functionality described in Section 2, there are no Intake effects to describe in Section 1.
The save button, floppy disk icon, will immediately apply the changes to the assigned templates and affiliated Intake Form(s) containing the Intake Template listed in Section 3. Namely, you will not need to reset the current window in order to assign an Intake Form containing the Template Demographic changes.
The new button, white paper icon, allows a user to create a new Template Demographic type.
The delete button, red X icon, is used to remove a Template Demographic type from the list, these changes will occur immediately and can not be undone. It is not recommended to delete these types so they can be referenced later. It is best practice to disassociate the associated templates and leave the Template Demographic item in the list.
Demographic Setup List
The list, directly below the toolbar in Section 1, contains all existing Template Demographic types. Selecting an item in the list will allow the user to view/modify the configuration.
Section 2: Configuration
This section holds the configuration options that affect both EMR & Intake Templates, this article describes the functionality of these configurations and their effect on the Intelligent Intake. In either case of EMR or Intake, multiple configurations within the same Template Demographic type will narrow the number of patients who are expected to complete the assigned Template Category (ex. Patient is 65 or older AND the patient is Male. As opposed to, the patient is 65 or older OR the patient is male).
The name is an internal description for the Template Demographic type. This can be named at the user's discretion, but it is recommended that this adequately describes the purpose/use of the type. The Name will NOT be displayed anywhere outside of the setup screen and setup of the Template Categories.
Based on the gender of the patient (from Patient Setup > Demographics), the specific Template Category (Blue Bar) will be excluded from the Intake Form when the Intelligent Intake is loaded by a patient that falls outside of the selected criteria.
Options Available: Male, Female, Unknown
Based on the age of the patient (calculated from DOB in Patient Setup > Demographics), the specific Template Category (Blue Bar) will be excluded from the Intake Form when the Intelligent Intake is loaded by a patient that falls outside of the selected criteria. The section will be enabled for patients that are within the range of the configured Template Demographic.
Options Available
The age range can accept a top and bottom limit for the age range, but neither is required. You may set up the Template Demographic to only look for patients 35+ years old without having to set a top limit.
>= Age | Greater than or equal to
> Age | Greater than
= Age | equals
Age <= | Less than or equal to
Age < | Less than

"Age is [Operator.1] [XX.1] year(s) old, and Age is [Operator.2] [XX.2] year(s) old"
ICD9 Codes (accepts ICD10)
The diagnosis configuration, titled 'ICD9 Codes', is not limited to ICD9 codes, ICD10 codes are also accepted in this field. All entries must be comma separated and should not include a period "." in the code. This list will be compared against the patient's problem list. Active problem list entries matching any of the codes will cause the section to display for the patient. Patients without matching ICD10s will have this Template Category excluded from the Intake Form.
Example Input: N183, N184, N185, N186
Section 3: Assigned Templates & Categories
The third section contains the list of currently assigned templates & the specific Template Category affiliated with the selected Template Demographic. This section contains a list with 3 components: Type, Template, and Category. This corresponds to Chart Tab, Template Name/Description, and Blue Bar Name/Description (respectively).
Assignment List
As described above, the list will contain all currently assigned Template Categories affiliated with the selected Template Demographic. This is simply a view of the list, no modifications are made here. Assignments to Template Demographics are done within the Template itself within the individual Template Category.
Section 4: Payers & Financial Class
Specific to Intelligent Intake templates, Primary Payer/Financial Class, and Secondary Payer/Financial Class filters can be configured in order to only have specified Template Categories included when either condition is met by the patient completing the Intake Form.
Notice the figure above, this screen should be viewed as 2 separate conditions that can be met in order to display the section to the patient. You have the option to configure the Primary Payer OR Primary Insurance Type the patient has on file. There are then corresponding options on the right-hand side for Secondary Insurance.
Using the above example, only patients who have either Medicaid or Medicare (payer financial classes) associated with their Primary Insurance OR have the "AARP Medicare Complete HMO" payer as their Secondary Insurance will display the assigned Template Category to the patient.
Primary / Secondary
The Payer dropdown allows the section of Active and Inactive payers. This condition will only be evaluated if the checkbox is selected.
Insurance Type
The Insurance Type dropdown contains a list of all financial classes available in the system. The condition will only be evaluated if the checkbox is selected.