New Features
- The Statements process has been completely re-imagined to be far more intuitive and automated. We have re-designed our statement layouts to maximize patient collections. We have also partnered with a new Statement Vendor to offer features like online bill pay via PaySimple and electronic statements. In addition, the new statement process takes a proactive approach to identify errors before creating a statement batch so that your team can correct them ahead of time. The statement process has been moved out of the Billing Query screen and is now has its own section which contains two new screens - Ready to Send and Batches.
- Statement Documentation: To learn more about the new Statements process click here: Statements
- Register for Training: If you haven't already done so, please register for an online training session on the new Statements process: Register here
- Learn more about Data Media: Truly automating your statement process will require integration with Data Media. Learn more here: Automated Statement Processing - Data Media
- Learn more about PaySimple: To maximize collections, offering patients the ability to pay online via credit card is critical. Learn more about accepting credit card payments here: Credit Card Processing - PaySimple
My Tasks - Faxing
- iSalus has completed our faxing integration with UpDox. This will allow your practice to electronically send and receive faxes through the system. This integration will replace the current MyFax solution. Learn more about electronic faxing with UpDox here: Electronic Faxing Integration via UpDox
- iSalus has developed an integration with the RxInform solution offered through Dr. First. This completely free and HIPAA compliant solution is designed to increase prescription adherence by your patients. This integration will send a text message to your patient shortly after a medication is printed or sent. This text will provide the patient with information about their prescriptions, prescription education, discount coupons, prescription pick-up reminders, and more. This solution will be activated for all practices by default. Learn more here: Prescription Adherence Integration with Dr. First.
Updates and Bug Fixes
Performance Improvements
- The team has been working hard to identify and optimize various processes throughout the application. With each release, you should see incremental improvements in speed and performance.
- B11691 - Database and Server information not displaying: Resolved an issue where the 'About' menu option (Lock icon drop-down) was not displaying the database and server information.
Intelligent Intake
- B11854 - Unable to complete on an iPad: After the recent 14.5.1 iOS update, Intakes initiated on an iPad were displaying blank content sections. This issue has been resolved.
- B11513 - Inactive eDocs showing on Timeline Summary: eDocuments in inactive folders will no longer show on the patient Timeline Summary.
- B11658 - Unable to Clear Template Defaults: Resolved an issue where the clear/reset default template options (found in the Template Default window and on Template Bluebars) were not saving.
Progress/SOAP Notes
- B11683 - Auto-fax User setting not working within My Tasks: Resolved an issue where the User Setting, Automated Fax Auto Send was not working when signing off on a SOAP/Progress Note from within the My Tasks section.
- B11824 - Latency when signing off on Progress/Soap Notes: Some users experienced latency when signing off on Progress/Soap Notes that were configured to automatically fax. Unfortunately, when this latency occurred it could cause the fax to unknowingly fail. In an attempt to prevent latency, the automated-faxing process has been optimized and the user will now receive a communication if the fax fails.
Quick Picks
- B11659 - Chrome - Unable to click New/Add/Remove buttons on Quickpicks setup screen: Resolved an issue where the New/Add/Remove buttons on the Quickpicks setup screen were overlapping for Chrome users.
- U11572 - Appointment Count in iScheduler: Added a counter (indicated in parentheses) that will display the total number of appointments for the day In the header of the selected Resource.
User Settings
- B11806 - Chrome - User Setting: Appointment Double Click: Resolved an issue where the Appointment Double-Click User Setting was not functioning correctly for Chrome users.
iScheduler Day Setup
- B11831 - iScheduler Day Setup - Week/Day Copy functionality: Resolved an issue in the iScheduler Day Setup where Placeholders were not correctly copying forward.
Billing Analytics
- U11788 - Updated Billing Analytics: Previously the Post Date and Service Date fields were only accessible in the Billing Analytics package as part of a hierarchy. To assist in running claim lists, these have now also been added as individual fields.
- U11604 - Added New Company Setting to split 0-30 A/R bucket in Billing Analytics: A new company setting has been added called, Split A/R into two buckets in cube, 0-15 and 16-30:
This setting will affect the Aging Bucket by Aging Date and the Aging Bucket by DOS fields on the new Billing Analytics. To learn more about this setting click here.
- U11724 - Added new Flag to Claim Status: Added a Collection Status flag to the Biller Defined group on the Claim Status screen. When a Claim is in a Biller Defined status that has this flag checked, the Statement process will recognize that Claim as 'In Collection' and will exclude it from any Statements:
- B11704 - Check for Duplicate Procedure and/or ICD codes not working: Resolved an issue where the Company setting, Check for Duplicate Procedure and/or ICD codes not working was not flagging Codes that were duplicated on the same claim.
Connect Reports
- U11779 - New 'Dialysis Census' Connect report: Added a new Connect report called 'Dialysis Census' which will provide a list of patients who are currently receiving dialysis, along with their locations, schedules, shifts, current month's visit counts, and insurances. For more information on adding this report click here.
- U10753 - New 'Biller Productivity' Connect report: To assist practices in reviewing the work their billers are doing, a new report was created called 'Biller Productivity.' This report returns all notes created in a given date range that were either a) on claims, or b) have a Biller Action attached. For more information on adding this report, click here.
- U11696 - Updated 'Appt List' Connect report: Added Patient Chart Number as an available field on the 'Appt List' Connect report.
- U11411 - Updated 'CCM Monthly Exam Counts' Connect report: Added Doctor as an available field on the 'CCM Monthly Exam Counts' Connect report.
- U11780 - Updated 'Lost to Follow-up' Connect report: Added patient Nickname as an available field on the 'Lost to Follow-up' Connect report. For more information on this report click here.
- U11719 - Updated 'Claim Proc Detail' Connect report: The Code Group parameter on the 'Claim Proc Detail' Connect report was modified to now be a multi-select parameter. This will allow users to view multiple code groups at once. Also added Patient Age as an available field.
Summary of Care
- U11246 - CCDA Scheduling - Today's Patients Scheduling Option: Added new functionality to the Report > Summary of Care > Schedule export that will allow CCDAs to be exported for providers for all completed encounter notes.
- B11804 - CCD Summary of Care not generating: Resolved an issue where the CCD Summary of Care files failed to generate for some practices due to the format of specific SOAP Notes.
MU Dashboard
- B11560 - Unable to Print MU 2020 Report: Resolved an issue in the Meaningful Use Dashboard (Reports > Meaningful Use > MU Dashboard) where the 2020 Completed reports were not correctly printing.