Orders Report Display Settings

By clicking More, then Change Display Settings, users may modify how many records are shown per page of the Orders report, as well as which fields are shown:

The user will then have the option to choose from the following fields to display:

  1. Commonly Used
    1. Chart Number: The chart number of the patient. 
    2. Patient Name: The full name of the patient. 
    3. Ordering User: The full name of the Ordering User. 
    4. Order Name: The full name of the order. 
    5. Order Date: The order date. 
    6. Order Type: The type of the order. 
    7. Order Status: The status of the order. 
    8. Processor: The Processor of the Order. If it's assigned to a single user, it will show the user's name. If assigned to a group, it will show the name of the group. 
    9. Order Route: The Order Route assigned to the order. 
    10. Order Location: The location of the order. 
    11. Rendering Provider: The rendering provider linked to the order. 
    12. Results: This will display Yes/No, depending on whether the order has results.
    13. Reviewed: This will display Yes/No, depending on whether the order has been reviewed. 
    14. Has Auth: This will display Yes/No, depending on whether the order has an authorization linked. 
  2. Order Details
    1. Priority: Displays the priority of the order. 
    2. Lab Coll Date: Displays the lab collection date of the order. 
    3. Finding Date: Displays the finding date of the order. 
    4. Auth #: Displays the authorization number of the auth linked to the order, if applicable. 
    5. Ordering User Last: Displays the last name of the ordering user.
    6. Ordering User First: Displays the first name of the ordering user. 
    7. Processor Last: Displays the group name or, if the processor is a single user, the last name of the user. 
    8. Processor First: Displays the first name of the processor if it's a single user. If the processor is a group, it displays "Unknown."
    9. Rendering Last: Displays the last name of the rendering provider linked to the order.
    10. Rendering First: Displays the first name of the rendering provider linked to the order. 
    11. Referring Provider: Displays the full name of the referring provider linked to the order. 
    12. Referring Last: Displays the last name of the referring provider linked to the order. 
    13. Referring First: Displays the first name of the referring provider linked to the order. 
  3. Demographics
    1. Patient Last: The last name of the patient on the order. 
    2. Patient First: The first name of the patient on the order. 
    3. DOB: The date of birth of the patient on the order. 
    4. Next Appt: The associated patient's next appointment in the scheduled or confirmed status. 
    5. Gender: The gender of the patient on the order. 
  4. Insurance
    1. Primary Class: The financial class of the associated patient's primary insurance.
    2. Primary Ins: The associated patient's primary insurance. 
    3. Secondary Class: The financial class of the associated patient's secondary insurance. 
    4. Secondary Ins: The associated patient's secondary insurance. 
  5. Patient Address
    1. Address 1: The first line of the associated patient's address. 
    2. Address 2: The second line of the associated patient's address. 
    3. City: The associated patient's city. 
    4. State: The associated patient's state.
    5. Zip: The associated patient's zip code. 
    6. Country: The associated patient's country.