New Features and Updates
My Tasks
- U17471 - Health Exchange - Add Findings to Printed HIE Record: Within the Health Exchange records (My Tasks/EMR), the printed record currently does not include the Review/Findings section related to the record. This section is considered the sign-off/review of the Health Exchange item and must be displayed so that customers using CCM services can comply with Medicare signature rules. With this update, we have renamed the Findings section to "Signature/Review Log" in the generated PDF. It now includes the user's first and last name, the date of the finding, and notes for the finding.
Company Settings
- U17465 - Enhancements to Company Setting Result Processor User List Display:
- A new company setting within Setup > Administrative Settings > Company Settings has been created to allow practices to define what to display in the Result Processor field of the Add Result Findings/Activities section of the Order Lab Results screen. When set, Company Setting: Result Processor User List Display allows a practice to choose what lists appear within all order and result processor fields, such as the Add Results Findings/Activities section of the Order Lab Results screen, the Order Entry chart tab, and the Order Results screen found in the Results tab and in MyTasks Results. The setting value options (between 0-2) to select are:
- 1 = Setting 0 - All active and inactive users plus user groups (this is the defaulted selection).
- 2 = Setting 1 - All active users and user groups (no inactive users).
- 3 = Setting 2 - Only active users (no inactive users and no user groups).
Lab Results
- U17345 - MML Temporary Account update for users to have the ability to recover when TEMP MML error occurs: Some users frequently encountered an error when trying to assign patient intakes due to a temporary account already existing for the patient in MML. This required support to log an SF case to resolve the patient chart issue and allow the assignment and processing of intakes.
We have updated the process to automatically recover/recreate a temporary MML record and connection for the patient when an error is received (the process fails to create the temporary MML account). This new TEMP MML connection entry is linked to the patient's chart and the Patient's MyMedicalLocker Admin screen, allowing users to assign/process intakes for the patient chart without logging an SF case to resolve the issue.
Bug Fixes
Lab Results
- B17527 - MyMedicalLocker Notifications - Updated '' to '': Resolved an issue affecting the URL received in patient communications sent via text/email from a chart connected to an MML account. The problem was that the link sent as was not automatically defaulting to https://, causing the link to fail to open on some phone carriers. We have updated the MyMedicalLocker notifications to include the full link URL, ensuring it can be opened regardless of how the carrier handles the link.
- B17470 - Search Open Appointments Including Appointment Slots Outside Active Workday: Corrected an issue stemming from release 24.106 that was causing the Search Open (appointments) option within iScheduler to not work correctly. The previous enhancement allowed the search to include open appointment slots without placeholders, but it did not limit results to the schedule's start and end times and also included inactive dates. Moreover, it failed to include slots made available due to cancellations or rescheduled appointments. We have updated the Search Open Appointments option to now consider day override workday times and blackout periods.
Claim Submission
- B17486 - Diagnosis Code and Billing Diagnosis Code Being Sent on the 837: We have corrected an issue that could cause some electronic claims submitted in a batch to incorrectly include both the diagnosis code and the billing code in loop 2300 of the 837 file. Now, only the billing code from the diagnosis is sent and billed on both electronic and paper claims.