The iSalusSchedule.ScheduleList webservice is intended to retrieve a list of appointments for a given resource on a given date. Developers will be expected to pass in the date and resource entity ID to retrieve the desired output.
Sample Request
<userid />
<date>1/1/2020</date> <entity_id>12345</entity_id> <patient_id></patient_id> <include_cancelled>N</include_cancelled></schedule>
The Request element will serve as a wrapper for the entire body of the XML request.
Request > Security
See documentation for the Security node here: Access to Webservices
Request > Schedule
This is a stub for the main body of the scheduling inputs.
Request > Schedule > Date
The date that you would like to retrieve appointments for. This is required.
Request > Schedule > Entity_ID
The internal ID for the resource that you would like to retrieve appointments for. This is required.
Request > Schedule > Patient_ID
If you would like to return appointments for a specific patient, this can be accomplished by passing the patient's chart number into this field. This is optional.
Request > Schedule > Include_Cancelled
If you would like to return appointments that have been canceled, this can be accomplished by passing a 'Y' into this field. If left blank, canceled appointments will not be returned.
Sample Response
No Results: When no results are available, the <resource> node will be returned, but no <app> node will be passed back.
<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
<display>Patrick Hynes, MD</display>
Results Available: When results are available, the <app> node will contain 1 to many appointments.
Sample Response
<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/"> <resource> <first>Patrick</first> <last>Hynes</last> <suffix>MD</suffix> <display>Patrick Hynes, MD</display> <entity_id>37333</entity_id> </resource> <app> <id>84069</id> <statusid>1</statusid> <status_description>Scheduled</status_description> <t1>1:00 PM</t1> <t2>1:15 PM</t2> <duration>15m</duration> <patientid>24928</patientid> <phone /> <dob>03/20/1989</dob> <name>Head, Blake</name> <chief>Cough</chief> <gender>Male</gender> <age>31y</age> <type>Follow up</type> <service_location_id>182</service_location_id> <location>iSalus Healthcare South</location> </app> </response>
Error: When there is an error retrieving the results, an <Error> node will be returned with the appropriate code and description of the error.
<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
<description>There was a problem retrieving the schedule list. Please contact your System Administrator.</description>
The Response element will serve as a wrapper for the entire body of the XML response.
Response > Resource
The Resource node will serve as a stub for all details related to the resource requested.
Response > Resource > First
The Resource's first name.
Response > Resource > Last
The Resource's last name.
Response > Resource > Suffix
The Resource's suffix.
Response > Resource > Display
The Resource's name in a pre-defined format (Last, First, Suffix).
Response > Resource > Entity_ID
The Resource's internal ID. This is echoed back from the original request.
Response > App
The App node will contain all appointment related details for an individual appointment.
Response > App > ID
The Internal ID for the specific appointment.
Response > App > Status_ID
The internal ID for the appointment status. This may change from practice to practice as the list of appointment statuses can be customized.
Response > App > Status_Description
The description of the appointment's status (i.e. Checked-In).
Response > App > T1
This is the start time of the appointment.
Response > App > T2
This is the end time of the appointment.
Response > App > Duration
This is the duration of the appointment.
Response > App > Patient_ID
The chart number for the patient.
Response > App > Phone
The patient's home phone number.
Response > App > DOB
The patient's date of birth.
Response > App > Name
The patient's name. Formatted as Last, First, Middle
Response > App > Chief
The chief complaint for the appointment.
Response > App > Gender
The patient's gender.
Response > App > Age
The patient's calculated age based on today's date.
Response > App > Type
The appointment type description.
Response > App > Service_Location_ID
The internal ID of the service location for the appointment.
Response > App > Location
The description of the service location for the appointment.