Payment Plan Details Screen

The Payment Plan Details screen can be accessed by double-clicking on a payment plan from the Payment Plan screen. You can also access this screen by highlighting a payment plan and clicking the "Open" button. This screen can be used to review or edit a payment plan.


Payment Plan Details

  • Plan Information: The basic plan information such as payment plan ID, initial total amount, and the type of payment plan.
  • Patient Information: The patient's name, DOB, and chart #.
  • Responsible Party: The responsible party (Name and SysID) for the payment plan.
  • Comment: Any comments added to the payment plan.
  • Status: The status that the payment plan is currently in. The possible payment plan statuses are:
    • Completed: The entire payment plan balance was paid in full and no remaining balance exists.
    • Active: The Payment Plan is active with expected payment amounts and dates.
    • Past Due: The payment plan has an installment that has been deemed past due.
    • Hold: The payment plan is in a hold state.
    • Canceled: The payment plan has been canceled.
    • Error: The system was unable to automatically associate the receipt balance to a claim and the receipt must be reconciled manually.
    • Reversed: This status is set after the Reverse Receipt process has been executed.
    • Ignore: This status is used to exclude receipts from being processed by the Receipt Disbursement Logic.
  • Installment Start Date: The date that the first payment plan installment is due.
  • Installment End Date: The date that the last payment plan installment is due.
  • Next Due Date: The date that the next payment plan installment is due.
  • Total: The total amount that is included as part of the payment plan.
  • Paid: The total amount that has been paid up to date on the payment plan.
  • Remaining: The total balance remaining on the payment plan.
  • Installments: The amount due on each installment of the payment plan.
  • Card on File: Indicates if there is a card on file for this payment plan (Yes/No).
  • Recurring Payment: Indicates if there is a recurring payment set up for this payment plan (Yes/No).
  • Exclude Claims from Statement: Indicates if claims included in this payment plan are excluded from statements (Yes/No).
  • Do Not Send A Statement: Indicates if flagged to not send a statement for this payment plan (Yes/No).

Detail Actions

  • Print Plan: Click Print Plan to print the payment plan details.
  • Update Plan: Click Update Plan to update payment plan fields such as the Installment Amount, Installment Count, Total Amount, the "Recurring Payment" flag, the "Exclude Payment Plan Claims from Statements" flag, and the "Do Not Send Patient Statement" flag.
  • Update Status: Click Update Status to change the payment plan status based on its current status.
  • Resp Party: Click Resp Party to update the responsible party for the payment plan.
  • Deferment: Click Deferment to defer (push back the due date) one or multiple installments on the payment plan by selecting a future date to which the installment will be deferred.
  • Add Card: Click Add Card to save a patient credit card and associate it with the payment plan for recurring and manual processing.

Included Payment Plan Balance Claims

This section allows a user to see any claims associated with the Payment Plan.

  • Checkbox: This box is used to mark the claim(s) included in the payment plan balance. 
  • Claim ID: The claim ID# associated with the payment plan balance. Clicking the link will open the claim within the claim window.
    • You can also click the down arrow to view the claim's Procedures, Payments, or Comments.
  • Claim DOS: The claim date of service associated with the payment plan. Clicking the link will open the claim details.
  • Status: The claim(s) current status.
  • Payer: The Payer on the claim.
  • Charges: The total charges on the claim.
  • Payments: Any payments applied on the claim.
  • Adjustments: Any adjustments applied on the claim.
  • Balance: The total balance on the claim.

Claim actions

  • Remove Claim: Click Remove Claim to remove a claim from being included in the payment plan balance. 

Payment Plan Summary

This section is used to display a comprehensive summary of each installment within the payment plan.

  • #: The installment number associated with the payment plan.
  • Installment Due Date: The payment due date for the scheduled payment plan installment.
  • Installment Amount: The payment amount for the scheduled payment plan installment.
  • Paid Amount: The paid amount for the scheduled payment plan installment.
  • Paid Dates: The date the payment was collected for the scheduled payment plan installment.