The iSalusExternal.SaveAppointmentStatus webservice is intended to set the status for a given appointment. Developers will be expected to pass in the appointment ID and the status ID.
Sample Request
<userid />
The Request element will serve as a wrapper for the entire body of the XML request.
Request > Security
See documentation for the Security node here: Access to Webservices
Request > Appointment_id
This is the internal iSalus appointment ID for the appointment that needs updated.
Request > Appointment_Status_ID
The internal appointment status ID that you would like to set. NOTE: Appointment statuses can change from one practice to the next. Use the iSalusWindow.GetList webservice and pass in 'appointment_status' to the <name> node to retrieve this list.
Appointment Status Updated: When the appointment status is updated, the appointment ID and appointment status passed in the original request will be updated.
<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/"> <appointment_id>12345</appointment_id> <appointment_status_id>2</appointment_status_id> </response>
Error: When there is an error retrieving the results, an <Error> node will be returned with the appropriate code and description of the error.
<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
<description>Invalid appointment status identifier.</description>