eDocument Metadata

The eDocument Metadata Export extracts the details related to documents scanned into the patient record. Please note, this does not include the image itself.  You must contact iSalus Healthcare to obtain this information.  Below you will find a detailed definition of possible inputs and outputs.  

Data Location:  EMR > eDocuments


  • Effective From:  file save date
  • Effective To:  file save date
  • Employer: For practices that utilize the Employer Module product, demographics can be exported based on this.  This is rare.


  • chart_number: Unique ID for patient (foreign key for patient)
  • sys_id:  Unique ID for the note record (primary key)
  • sys_path: Storage location in the patient chart. Structured as [Cabinet name].[Drawer name].[Folder name].
  • image_name:  Name of the image.
  • comment:  Comment related to the image.
  • creation_date: Date image was saved.
  • note_left:  Images can have notes laid on top of them.  This is the position, in pixels, where the left side of the note starts.
  • note_top: Images can have notes laid on top of them.  This is the position, in pixels, where the top side of the note starts.
  • note: Images can have notes laid on top of them.  This is the note text.
  • image_data_size:  Size of the file.
  • receive_date:  Date the file was received (editable field).
  • sys_group_id:  Images can be saved in groups.  This ID represents the group that this unique image is part of.
  • group_page: Images can be saved in groups.  This represents which page in the group that this image is.
  • group_name:  Images can be saved in groups.  This is the name of the group.
  • group_page_count:  Images can be saved in groups.  This is the total number of pages in this group.