HL7 Appointment Message Specifications
This document assumes the user has a working knowledge of HL7 standards. Below you will find the specifications for the SIU file as it relates to OfficeEMR.
If you need exports for any of the items such as locations, providers, appointment types, etc. Contact your Interface specialist and they can provide a file with the ID's and Descriptions. Otherwise, see the notes column for guidance on what to expect in the file.
Segment | Field | Value | Notes |
MSH | 2 | Encoding Characters | Sent as ^~\& |
MSH | 3 | Sending Application | Sent as 'iSalus' |
MSH | 4 | Sending Facility | Database_Name (C####) |
MSH | 5 | Receiving Application | Interface Vendor Software Name and/or Company Name |
MSH | 6 | Receiving Facility | Interface Vendor Company Name |
MSH | 7 | Date/Time of Message | Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS |
MSH | 9.1 | Message Type | Format: SIU Subfield Delimiter: ^ |
MSH | 9.2 | Trigger Event | S12 = New Appointment Booking |
MSH | 10 | Message Control ID | GUID value |
MSH | 11 | Processing ID | P |
MSH | 12 | Version ID | 2.3 or 2.4 - Can not accept 2.5.1 |
SCH | 1 | Placer Appointment ID | iSalus Appointment ID |
SCH | 2 | Filler Appointment ID | iSalus Appointment ID |
SCH | 5.1 | Schedule ID | iSalus Resource ID |
SCH | 5.2 | Schedule Text | iSalus Resource Text |
SCH | 5.3 | Coding System | Sent as 'L' |
'SCH | 6.1 | Event Reason ID | iSalus Appointment Status ID |
SCH | 6.2 | Event Reason Text | iSalus Appointment Status Name |
SCH | 6.3 | Coding System | Sent as 'L' |
SCH | 7.2 | Appointment Reason Name | iSalus Chief Complaint |
SCH | 7.3 | Coding System | Sent as 'L' |
SCH | 8.1 | Appointment Type ID | iSalus Appointment ID |
SCH | 8.2 | Appointment Type Name | iSalus Appointment Description |
SCH | 8.3 | Coding System | Sent as 'L' |
SCH | 9 | Appointment Duration | Duration in minutes, integer |
SCH | 10.2 | Appointment Units | Always 'Min' |
SCH | 10.3 | Coding System | Sent as 'L' |
SCH | 11.4 | Start Date/Time | Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS |
SCH | 11.5 | End Date/Time | Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS |
SCH | 25.1 | Filler Status | iSalus Appointment Status Name |
PID | 1 | Set ID | Incrementer, always 1 |
PID | 2.1 | External Patient ID | Usually Set to iSalus Chart ID |
PID | 3.1 | Internal Patient ID | iSalus Chart ID |
PID | 4.1 | Alternate Patient ID | iSalus Chart ID (Ability to Use Old ID 1 2 or 3) |
PID | 5.1 | Family Name | Patient Last Name |
PID | 5.2 | Given Name | Patient First Name |
PID | 5.3 | Middle Name | Patient Middle Name |
PID | 7 | Date of Birth | Format: YYYYMMDD |
PID | 8 | Sex | Mapped Values |
PID | 9 | Alias | Patient Nick Name |
PID | 10 | Race | Mapped Values |
PID | 11.1 | Street Address | Address - Address 1 |
PID | 11.2 | Other Designation | Address - Address 2 |
PID | 11.3 | City | Address - City |
PID | 11.4 | State | State Code ie. IN, OH, NY |
PID | 11.5 | Zip | Patient Zip |
PID | 12 | Country | USA, CAN or Blank |
PID | 13 | Home Phone | Format: ########## |
PID | 14 | Work Phone | Format: ########## |
PID | 15 | Language | Mapping Table (Custom) |
PID | 16 | Marital Status | Mapping Values |
PID | 18 | Patient Account Number | iSalus Chart Number (Billing & EMR are the same) |
PID | 19 | SSN | Social Security Number |
PID | 29 | Death Date and Time | RHC Date, Format: YYYYMMDD |
PV1 | 1 | Set ID | Incrementer, always 1 |
PV1 | 3.1 | Point of Care | Appointment Location ID |
PV1 | 3.2 | Room | Appointment Location Name |
PV1 | 7.1 | Attending Doctor ID | Resource Provider - NPI |
PV1 | 7.2 | Attending Family Name | Resource Provider - Last Name |
PV1 | 7.3 | Attending Given Name | Resource Provider - First Name |
PV1 | 8.1 | Referring Doctor ID | Referring Doctor - NPI |
PV1 | 8.2 | Referring Family Name | Referring Doctor - Last Name |
PV1 | 8.3 | Referring Given Name | Referring Doctor - First Name |
PV1 | 19.1 | Visit Number ID | iSalus Appointment ID |
AIG | 1 | Set ID | Incrementer, Always 1 |
AIG | 3.1 | Resource ID | iSalus Resource ID |
AIG | 3.2 | Resource Name | Resource Name |
AIG | 3.3 | Coding System | Sent as 'L' |
AIL | 1 | Set ID | Incrementer, Always 1 |
AIL | 3.1 | Location ID | iSalus Location ID |
AIL | 3.2 | Location Name | Location Name |
AIL | 3.3 | Coding System | Sent as 'L' |
AIP | 1 | Set ID | Incrementer, Always 1 |
AIP | 3.1 | Provider ID | Resource Provider NPI |
AIP | 3.2 | Provider Family Name | Resource Provider Last Name |
AIP | 3.3 | Provider Given Name | Resource Provider First Name |