

The iSalusEMR.SaveVitals webservice is used to create a vitals record within the EMR.  This can be found here:  EMR > Select Patient > Vitals OR EMR > Select Patient > Summary/Timeline. The webservice will accept a patient ID, encounter date/time, unit type, and various vital metrics.

Sample Call


<request xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
        <userid />
    <vitals_id />
    <encounter_date>05/27/2021  09:31 AM</encounter_date>
    <temperature_method_code />
    <respirations />
    <head_circum />
    <pain />
    <lmp_date />
    <glucose />
    <glucose_cd />
    <heart_rate />
    <o2saturation />
    <fio2 />
    <liters_minute />
    <extremity_pulse_oximetry_code />
    <oxygen_code />
            <extremity_code />
            <extremity_code />
            <extremity_code />
    <comment>Here is a vitals comment</comment>


<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">

Element Description


The Request element will serve as a wrapper for the entire body of the XML request. Required items are marked with "*".

Request > Security*

See documentation for the Security node here:  Access to Webservices

Request > Patient_ID*

Chat number for the patient data you would like to retrieve.

Request > Encounter_Date*

Time & Date the vitals were taken.
Format:MM/DD/YYY HH:MMam/pm | Ex. 04/25/2020 10:15AM

Request > Units*

Defines English vs Metric units. All following values passed in will be associated with one of the unit types.
Accepted Values: E OR M | E = English, M = Metric

Request > Height_Primary_Unit

The primary unit for height will accept an integer. The unit associated will depend on Request > Units:
E = Feet (ft) | M = Meters (m)

Request > Height_Secondary_Unit

The secondary unit for height will accept an integer. The unit associated will depend on Request > Units:
E = Inches (in) | M = Centimeters (cm)

Request > Weight_Primary_Unit

The primary unit for weight will accept an integer. The unit associated will depend on Request > Units:
E = Pounds (lbs) | M = Kilograms (kg)

Request > Weight_Secondary_Unit

The secondary unit for weight will accept an integer. The unit associated will depend on Request > Units:
E = Ounces (oz) | M = Grams (g)

Request > Temperature

The temperature will accept a real number to the tenths place.
Example: 98.6

Request > Temerature_Method_Code

This will accept an integer. The following method codes are accepted:

  • Null/Empty = ' ' - A method is not required to save a vital record
  • 1  = Oral
  • 2 = Axillary
  • 3 = Rectal
  • 4 = Aural
  • 5 = Temporal

Request > Waist_Circum

This element defines the waist circumference of the patient. The units are dependant on Request > Units:
E = Inches (in) | M = Centimeters (cm)

Request > Head_Circum

Defines the patient's head circumference depending on Request > Units:
E = Inches (in) | M = Centimeters (cm)

Request > Body_Fat

This will accept a real number for the total body fat percentage.

Request > Respirations

Will accept a whole number. The units are static, Breaths/Minute.

Request > Pain

The pain element defines a 0-10 pain scale. This will accept whole numbers 0-10.

Request > LMP_Date

The Last Menstrual Period (LMP) date accepts a date value.
Format: MM/DD/YYYY

Request > Glucose 

This will accept an integer for the glucose value. The units for which are defined on the next element.

Request > Glucose_CD

Defines the units for glucose value. This is a dropdown in the UI that only accepts one of two values:

  • 1 = mg/dL
  • 2 = mmol/L

Request > Heart_Rate

In this case of heart rate, this is specific to pulse oximetry. An integer will be accepted. For position and extremity measurements, see Request > Position_List sections. 

Request > Extremity_Pulse_Oximetry_Code

This will define the extremity that the pulse oximeter used for the results. This is a picklist in the UI. The accepted encoded values are: 

  • 1 = Left Hand Digit
  • 2 = Right Hand Digit

Request > O2saturation

Accepts a real number as a value. This is measured in %. Also relates to the Pulse Oximetry section (shown in the screenshot)

Request > FIO2

Fraction Inspired Oxygen Saturation accepts a real number.

Request > Liters_Minute

Accepts a real number for the patient's oxygen flow in liters per minute.

Request > Position_List

This element will serve as a wrapper for the 3 positions that Blood Pressure / Pulse can accept.

  • Sitting
  • Standing
  • Supine

Request > Position_List > Position_Item

The position_item will sever as a wrapper for all details related to specific positions.

Request > Position_List > Position_Item > Position_Code

The position _code defines the position that the vitals were recorded in. There are three options available:

  • 1 = Sitting
  • 2 = Standing
  • 3 = Supine

Request > Position_List > Position_Item > Beats_Per_Minute

Defines the beats per minute per position item. This will accept an integer. UI units: Beats/Minute

Request > Position_List > Position_Item > Rhythm_Code

The rhythm codes accept an integer for the encoded value. There are 3 options available:

  • 1 = Regular
  • 2 = Regularly Irregular
  • 3 = Irregularly Irregular

Request > Position_List > Position_Item > Systolic

Defines the systolic pressure for the specified position. Will accept an integer.

Request > Position_List > Position_Item > Diastolic

Defines the diastolic pressure for the specified position. Will accept an integer.


The Response element will serve as a wrapper for the entire body of the XML response.

Response > Vitals_Id

Returns the Vital ID that is created by saving the record. This indicates success.

Response > Weight_Message

Depending on the degree of fluctuation from the last weight value a message may be returned to highlight this difference:
Ex. "The patient's weight has increased by more than 20 percent."