The Responsible Party Export extracts data related to the patient's responsible party records. Below you will find a detailed definition of possible inputs and outputs.
Data Location: Setup > Patients > Responsible Party
- None
- last_name: Patient last name
- first_name: Patient first name
- middle_name: Patient middle name
- nick_name: Patient nick name
- suffix: Patient suffix
- chart_number: Unique ID for patient (foreign key to patient demographics)
- relationship: Relationship between the Responsible Party and the Patient
- resp_first_name: Responsible Party First Name
- resp_middle_name: Responsible Party Middle Name
- resp_last_name: Responsible Party Last Name
- resp_suffix: Responsible Party Suffix
- address_1: Responsible Party Address Line 1
- address_2: Responsible Party Address Line 2
- city: Responsible Party City
- state: Responsible Party State
- zip: Responsible Party Zip Code
- home_phone: Responsible Party Home Phone
- work_phone: Responsible Party Work Phone
- other_phone: Responsible Party Other Phone
- email: Responsible Party Email address
- primary_id: Responsible Party Primary ID type (i.e. SSN)
- primary_id_value: Responsible Party Primary ID Value
- gender: Responsible Party Gender
- employer: Responsible Party Employer Name
- position_order: Responsible Party Order (more than 1 can exist)
- responsible_party_id: Unique ID for Responsible Party Record (primary key for responsible party)
- old_patient_id: Old patient ID #1 for imported patient record
- old_patient_id_1: Old patient ID #2 for imported patient record
- old_patient_id_2: Old patient ID #3 for imported patient record