Partially Automatic Statement Batch Setup

This image represents our recommended setup for partially automatic statements. In the setup pictured above statements will automatically be batched every 7 days according to their letter range. The batches will then need to be reviewed by a user prior to being printed or sent to a print vendor manually.  Some of the settings listed above are required and others are recommended but optional according to the needs of your practice.

Required Settings

  • Auto-Send Statement Cycle Batches - This option must be turned off or statements will be automatically sent that do not have warnings.
  • Cycles - It is required that at least one cycle be setup and assigned a Day of Month to be processed.

Key Optional Settings

  • Threshold - This is the minimum statement balance. It is a necessary field to be certain that only intended statements are sent out.
  • Minimum Days from Last Statement - This field is to set the interval (how often) at which a patient gets sent a statement.
  • Past Due Notice Level - If set then it will be communicated to Data Media (not available with RevSpring) to print a Past Due Notice for statements at the designated level.
  • Final Notice Level - If set then it will be communicated to Data Media (not available with RevSpring) to print a Final Notice for statements at the designated level.