Initiate the Intake on the iPad Using the Intake Schedule or Quick Pay window

Generate a code for an Intake

Once you have assigned an intake or are trying to start an automatically assigned intake, you will need to generate a code for the iPad. iPad Setup.pdf must be completed prior to this. 

You will only need to complete this for patients who are needing to use a practice-supplied iPad. If your patients fill out paperwork prior to their appointments or use their mobile devices. They will log in to My Medical Locker to complete. 

Steps To Complete

  1. After the intake has been assigned and you are ready to start the form on the iPad you will need to generate a code specific to that intake.
  2. Both the Quick Pay and Intake Schedule generate codes in the same way:

    Intake Schedule

    Quick Pay

  3. Select the Play icon
  4. This will prompt a window with a code to enter in the iPad:

  5. On the iPad, enter the code into the available fields followed by the patient DOB.