Overview of IdenTrust Mobile Setup Process

The IdenTrust Mobile Authentication process allows a provider to use their mobile device to electronically approve controlled substance prescriptions.

In order to configure this, you will need to follow a series of steps to fully implement this.  In general, these steps include:

  1. Register and setup an IdenTrust Mobile account: Create IdenTrust Account
    1. First Time users will need to go through an identity proofing process.
    2. Users that have already completed this process and just need to purchase a certification to  complete the Mobile process can skip that step.
  2. Access your Mobile IdenTrust Account information: My IdenTrust Account
  3. Setup the HID Approve Mobile Application from IdenTrust.
  4. Add your mobile certificate to your user account in OfficeEMR.

The Mobile Authentication Process can only work in the Google Chrome browser.  If you prefer to use Internet Explorer, please be sure to use the USB method to approve prescriptions.