
The SetSenderResponse webservice is to confirm the receipt of the retrieved list of <send_item>s from the GetSender webservice. This will ensure the returned list from subsequent GetSender requests will remain unique. Failure to return <passed>Y</passed> will result in redundant <send_item>s in GetSender requests as the queue items are still "Unprocessed".

Sample Request

    <userid />


The Request element will serve as a wrapper for the entire body of the XML request.

Request > Security

See documentation for the Security node here:  Access to Webservices

Request > Response_list

This is a container for the response items.  There could be 1 to many response items.

Request > Response_List > Response_item

This is a container for each individual response.  This houses details for the item being returned.

Request > Response_List > Response_Item > TPS_Send_ID

This is the unique ID that represents the result that was received in the following request: iSalusTPS.GetSender

Request > Response_List > Response_Item > Passed

This element will contain either a Y or an N.  Y will indicate that the order was received successfully and will be removed from list.  N will indicate that the order was not picked up successfully and will remain in the queue.