Orders & Results Interface (ORU Inbound, ORM Outbound)

This article describes the flow of information for a bidirectional orders and results interface. This is the most common interface iSalus supports. Establishing an interface such as this substantially increases a practice's clinical efficiency. This removes the need to allocate ancillary staff time to index received results and transcribe the values. Another added value of interfaced results is the ability to set up the Data Trends for encounter notes. 

Definitions & Diagrams

ORM | Order Entry Message

Order entry messages are created in the application by placing orders in the Order Entry chart tab. These messages are not sent until a user prints the requisition. This message is then sent to the interface engine to be translated and sent to the external system using the established connection method.

ORU | Observation Result

Result messages are initially received by the interface engine via the established connection method. Once the message is sent to the practice the message will be displayed in the My Task - Results section of the EMR. 

NOTE: Result messages are processed by the database every other even minute (8:02, 8:04, etc.).