User Setting: Search List Type

The 'Search List Type' user setting allows a user to decide which code set the system search against by default in the Problem List chart tab.  

Default Value: SNOMED Problem


  • ICD:  This option causes the problem list to search against the diagnosis codes that have been added to the system via Setup > Diagnosis Codes.
  • SNOMED Problem: This option causes the problem list to search against a SNOMED library that are linked to problems. The 'Problem' option means that the SNOMED value can cross-walk into an ICD code.
  • SNOMED Full: This option causes the problem list to search against a SNOMED library.  This option search across all possible SNOMED terms, regardless if it can be linked to an ICD code.

SNOMED is a industry standard codification mechanism that provides "physician friendly" naming schemes and abbreviations.