The Problem List Export extracts data related to the patient's problem list records. Below you will find a detailed definition of possible inputs and outputs.
Data Location: EMR > Problem LIst
- Employer: For practices that utilize the Employer Module product, demographics can be exported based on this. This is rare.
- chart_number: Patient chart number (foreign key)
- sys_id: Unique ID for the problem list record (primary key)
- onset_date: Onset date for the problem
- description: Description of the problem
- icd9_code: ICD9 or ICD10 code. ICD10 codes do not contain the period (.).
- icd9_code_description: Description of the code stored in the database
- snomed_conceptid: SNOMED Concept ID associated with the problem
- chronic_ind: Chronic Condition indicator (Y or N)
- type: Type of problem (Cognitive or Functional)
- notes: Notes associated with the problem, separated by a semicolon (;).