The Payments Export extracts the payment lines related to patient claims/procedures Below you will find a detailed definition of possible inputs and outputs.
Data Location: Billing > Posting or Deposits
- Deposit From: Beginning date for the deposit
- Deposit To: Ending date for the deposit
- Deposit Post From: Beginning date for when the deposit was posted
- Deposit Post To: Ending date for when the deposit was posted
- Owner: List of deposit owners to filter by
- Payer: List of payers to filter by.
- Service Location: List of service locations to filter by.
- Rendering: List of rendering providers to filter by
- Dep_Date: Date of deposit
- Dep_Post_date: Date/Time deposit was posted
- Paid_Amount: Amount of the payment/adjustment
- Primary_Insurance: Name of primary payer on the claim
- Primary_fin_Class: Name of the primary insurance's assigned financial class
- Secondary_Insurance: Name of secondary payer on the claim
- Secondary_fin_Class: Name of the secondary insurance's assigned financial class
- Tertiary_Insurance: Name of tertiary payer on the claim
- Tertiary_fin_Class: Name of the tertiary insurance's assigned financial class
- Adj_amount: Amount of the adjustment
- Paid_By: Name of person/company that made the payment
- Payment_Method: How the payment was made (i.e. Credit Card)
- Payment_Type: Type of payment made (i.e. CoPay)
- Payment_Method_ID: ID for the payment method used
- User_Name; Name of user that posted the payment
- Claim_Number: ID of claim the payment is associated with
- Service_Location: Service location on the claim
- Rendering: Rendering provider on the claim
- Diagnosis_ID: The unique ID for the procedure that was paid.