Initial Setup of Scanning Solution

Historically, scanning documents into OfficeEMR was only possible while using Internet Explorer. As of the 3/26/22 release, users will now have the ability to scan documents using Google Chrome. In order to accomplish this, we have partnered with a third-party vendor,  Dynamsoft. This requires users to download and install the software onto their local machine.

Steps to Complete

  1. Login to OfficeEMR using Google Chrome
  2. Navigate to eDocuments
  3. Open Any Patient or Flip to "Practice Docs"
  4. Select the scan icon from the Toolbar
  5. The setup screen will be displayed, select "Download"

  6. Select the DynamsoftServiceSetup from the download banner.

  7. Follow the prompts in the Setup Wizard:
    • Next >
    • Next >
    • Allow the Program to Make Changes when prompted (Select Yes)
    • Ensure you receive:
  8. Select "click here to connect again"