Open a Data Export File

In order to open a file obtained by using Data Export, a user must have Microsoft Excel (v.2017 or newer).

The steps below will allow the user to open Data Export files, whether they were exported in either XML or CSV format:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel.
  2. On the Menu Bar, click File, then Open.

  3. Click Browse under Other locations.

  4. Navigate to wherever the XML or CSV file was saved when you did your export.

  5. Select the exported XML file and double-click to Open.
    • Before the file opens, a window Open XML will pop up, asking how you would like to open this file. "As an XML table" is the default answer. Click OK.

    • You may get another window which pops up, regarding an "XML schema". Click OK to get past this window.

  6. The exported file will load.

  7. If you have exported a CSV file instead of an XML file, at Step 5, you will need to select All Files (*) from the dropdown at the bottom of the Open window, select and double-click the CSV file.

  8. The file will open immediately, without the pop ups mentioned in Step 5.