Naming Convention for Data Exports
All data export files follow a consistent naming convention:
Prefix: | Filename that relates to data type being exported |
Extension: | json |
Example: | allergy.json |
File Structure
Our exports of system data will be in JSON format and an example of the structure can be found here. The sections below for Clinical Data Exports and Practice Management Exports define each data category as a named export and then details each data element included. You can find an Excel version of these data exports here. Finally, document image data is provided in a separate zipped file with the document image data in its original format (e.g., PDF, JPEG, PNG, etc.).
Usage and Integration
Fields contained within each export data file are detailed in our public documentation. Each export file will contain the field ‘patientId’ to identify the unique patient that the data pertains to. Each data element will provide the patientId and available data elements across the clinical and practice management data elements (which includes image-documents).
Clinical Data Exports
Export Name | FIELD | Description |
accident.json | accidentCountry | The country where the accident occurred |
accident.json | accidentDate | The date on which the accident occurred |
accident.json | accidentState | The state where the accident occurred |
accident.json | authorLogDateUtc | The date and time when the record was logged, in UTC format |
accident.json | authorUserId | The user ID of the individual who authored or logged the record |
accident.json | comment | Additional comments or notes about the referenced accident |
accident.json | description | A brief description of the incident or condition (e.g., "Car", "Fall") |
accident.json | dosLastSeenInd | An indicator of whether the lastSeenDate in the is the last date the patient was seen |
accident.json | lastSeenDate | The last date the patient was seen |
accident.json | onsetIllnessDate | The date on which the accident occurred |
accident.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
accident.json | relatedCause1 | Descriptions of related causes of the incident or condition |
accident.json | relatedCause2 | Descriptions of related causes of the incident or condition |
accident.json | relatedCause3 | Descriptions of related causes of the incident or condition |
accident.json | resolved | Indicates whether the issue has been resolved ("Y" for yes, "N" for no) |
accident.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
accident.json | treatmentDate | The date on which the accident occurred |
allergy.json | active | Field indicating whether the record is active or not |
allergy.json | allergenName | The name of a specific allergen |
allergy.json | authorLogDateUtc | The date and time when the record was logged, in UTC format |
allergy.json | comment | An optional field for additional comments about the allergy |
allergy.json | internalAllergenId | A unique ID for each allergen |
allergy.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
allergy.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
allergy.json | rxNormId | Optional fields for clients to associate the RxNorm (a normalized naming system for generic and branded drugs) value to codified data elements |
allergy.json | severity | An optional field to describe the severity of the allergy |
allergy.json | snomedCtValue | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) values to codified data elements |
allergy.json | snomedDescription | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) description to codified data elements |
allergy_symptom.json | active | Field indicating whether the record is active or not |
allergy_symptom.json | allergenName | The name of the allergen causing the reaction |
allergy_symptom.json | internalAllergenId | Identifier for the allergen |
allergy_symptom.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
allergy_symptom.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
allergy_symptom.json | snomedCtValue | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) values to codified data elements |
allergy_symptom.json | snomedDescription | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) description to codified data elements |
allergy_symptom.json | symptomName | The symptom reported due to the allergy |
care_plan_goal.json | alias | A shortalternative name for the control type |
care_plan_goal.json | authorLogDateUtc | The date and time when the entry was logged by the user, formatted as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS with an offset for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) |
care_plan_goal.json | authorUserId | The identifier of the user who authored or created the entry |
care_plan_goal.json | controlType | The type of user interface control related to the encounter data (e.g., a "TextArea", indicating a large, editable text field) |
care_plan_goal.json | encounterDate | The date of the encounter, formatted as YYYYMMDD |
care_plan_goal.json | encounterId | A unique identifier for the associated encounter |
care_plan_goal.json | encounterValue | The information or data input into the control during the encounter |
care_plan_goal.json | globalDescription | A description providing context about the control type |
care_plan_goal.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
care_plan_goal.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
care_team.json | address1 | The primary street address of the care team member or their office |
care_team.json | address2 | The secondary address line for the care team member or their office |
care_team.json | careTeamId | A unique identifier for the care team member for the patient specified |
care_team.json | careTeamtype | The type or role of the care team, such as "Referring" |
care_team.json | city | The city where the care team member is located |
care_team.json | company | The name of the company or organization that the care team member is associated with |
care_team.json | directEmail | A direct email address for the care team member when the care team member is a clinician and has a Direct Email address populated in the client's record |
care_team.json | The email address for the care team member | |
care_team.json | fax | The fax number for the care team member |
care_team.json | firstName | The first name of the care team member |
care_team.json | fullName | The full name of the care team member |
care_team.json | jobTitle | The job title of the care team member |
care_team.json | lastName | The last name of the care team member |
care_team.json | middleName | The middle name of the care team member |
care_team.json | notes | Any additional notes regarding the care team member |
care_team.json | otherPhone | An alternative phone number for the care team member |
care_team.json | otherPhoneExt | An extension for the alternative phone number |
care_team.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
care_team.json | phoneWork | The work phone number for the care team member |
care_team.json | phoneWorkExt | An extension for the work phone number, if applicable |
care_team.json | state | The state where the care team member is located |
care_team.json | suffix | Any suffix to the care team member's name, such as "Jr." or "Sr." |
care_team.json | website | The website associated with the care team member or their office |
care_team.json | zip | The ZIP code for the care team member's location |
case_management.json | careCoordinateDate | The date on which care coordination activities were performed |
case_management.json | careStartDate | The start date of the care, formatted as YYYYMMDD |
case_management.json | caseManagementId | A unique identifier for the case management record |
case_management.json | caseManagerId | The identifier for the case manager assigned to this case |
case_management.json | ckcc1Label | Custom Optional CKCC Program Field Label1 |
case_management.json | ckcc1Value | Custom Optional CKCC Program Field Value1 |
case_management.json | ckcc2Label | Custom Optional CKCC Program Field Label2 |
case_management.json | ckcc2Value | Custom Optional CKCC Program Field Value2 |
case_management.json | ckcc3Label | Custom Optional CKCC Program Field Label3 |
case_management.json | ckcc3Value | Custom Optional CKCC Program Field Value3 |
case_management.json | ckcc4Label | Custom Optional CKCC Program Field Label4 |
case_management.json | ckcc4Value | Custom Optional CKCC Program Field Value4 |
case_management.json | ckccStatus | Custom CMS CKCC Program Tracking - CKCC Program Status |
case_management.json | dischargeDate | The date the patient was discharged from the program |
case_management.json | dischargeReason | The reason for the patient's discharge |
case_management.json | dischargeUsersId | The identifier of the user who processed the discharge |
case_management.json | firstContactDate | The date of the first contact with the patient |
case_management.json | lastEvaluationDate | The date of the last evaluation, formatted as YYYYMMDD |
case_management.json | lengthOfStay | The expected or actual length of stay in the program, in days. |
case_management.json | nextEvaluationDate | The date when the next evaluation is due, formatted as YYYYMMDD |
case_management.json | packetSentDate | The date a packet of information was sent |
case_management.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
case_management.json | payerName | The name of the payer or insurance provider |
case_management.json | postedDate | The date and time the record was posted, formatted as MM/DD/YYYY HH:MMPM |
case_management.json | primaryDoctorName | The name of the primary doctor overseeing the case; null if not provided |
case_management.json | program | The name of the program under which the case management is occurring, e.g., "RPM" |
case_management.json | referralDate | The date when the case was referred, formatted as YYYYMMDD |
case_management.json | source | The referral source or origin of the case |
case_management.json | status | The current status of the case management, such as "Active" |
case_management.json | usersId | The identifier of the user associated with the record entry |
case_management_ckcc_note.json | authorLogDateUtc | The date and time when the note was logged, formatted as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS with an offset for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) |
case_management_ckcc_note.json | authorUserId | The identifier of the user who authored the note |
case_management_ckcc_note.json | caseManagementId | A unique identifier linking the note to a specific case management record |
case_management_ckcc_note.json | note | The content of the note itself |
case_management_ckcc_note.json | noteId | A unique identifier for the note entry |
case_management_ckcc_note.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
chart_share.json | authorLogDateUtc | The date and time the sharing action was logged, in UTC format |
chart_share.json | authorUserId | The user who authored the share |
chart_share.json | chartShareId | A unique identifier for a shared patient chart |
chart_share.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
chart_share.json | sharedWith | The individual with whom the chart is shared |
chart_share.json | shareExpiration | The date on which the share will expire |
chart_share.json | status | The current status of the shared chart |
chart_share_detail_all.json | chartShareId | A reference to the identifier of the shared patient chart |
chart_share_detail_all.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
chart_share_detail_all.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
chart_share_detail_all.json | section | The specific section of the patient's chart |
chart_share_detail_individual.json | chartShareId | A reference to the identifier of the shared patient chart |
chart_share_detail_individual.json | identifier | A unique identifier for the specific item within the section |
chart_share_detail_individual.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
chart_share_detail_individual.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
chart_share_detail_individual.json | section | The specific section of the patient's chart |
chart_share_detail_individual_1.json | chartShareId | A reference to the identifier of the shared patient chart |
chart_share_detail_individual_1.json | identifier | A unique identifier for the specific item within the section |
chart_share_detail_individual_1.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
chart_share_detail_individual_1.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
chart_share_detail_individual_1.json | section | The specific section of the patient's chart |
chart_share_note.json | authorLogDateUtc | The date and time the note was logged, in UTC format |
chart_share_note.json | chartShareId | A reference to the identifier of the shared patient chart |
chart_share_note.json | chartShareNoteId | A unique identifier for the note within the shared chart |
chart_share_note.json | consultNote | The content of the consult note |
chart_share_note.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
chronic_care_management.json | contact | Text based field to enter contact details for the Case Management case |
chronic_care_management.json | contactFriday | Boolean value to determine if contact on this day of the work is good for the patient |
chronic_care_management.json | contactMonday | Boolean value to determine if contact on this day of the work is good for the patient |
chronic_care_management.json | contactSaturday | Boolean value to determine if contact on this day of the work is good for the patient |
chronic_care_management.json | contactSunday | Boolean value to determine if contact on this day of the work is good for the patient |
chronic_care_management.json | contactThursday | Boolean value to determine if contact on this day of the work is good for the patient |
chronic_care_management.json | contactTime | Text based field notating the best time of day for contact |
chronic_care_management.json | contactTuesday | Boolean value to determine if contact on this day of the work is good for the patient |
chronic_care_management.json | contactWednesday | Boolean value to determine if contact on this day of the work is good for the patient |
chronic_care_management.json | discontinuationDate | The date of Discontinuation for this Case Management Service was recorded |
chronic_care_management.json | hasSecondary | Boolean indicator for notating if patient has a Secondary insurance |
chronic_care_management.json | insuranceList | Patient Insurance listed in text |
chronic_care_management.json | newsLetter | Text value entry determined by patient for sending NewsLetter program updates (e.g., home address, email, responsible party address, etc) |
chronic_care_management.json | offerDate | The date the Case Management Service was offered to the patient |
chronic_care_management.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
chronic_care_management.json | phone | Text based field to enter phone details for the Case Management case |
chronic_care_management.json | relationship | Text based field to enter relationship for the Case Management contact |
chronic_care_management.json | verbalConsentDate | The date Verbal Consent for the Case Management Service was recorded |
chronic_care_management.json | writtenConsentDate | The date Written Consent for the Case Management Service was recorded |
ckcc_status.json | ckccDate | Date ckccStatus was recorded |
ckcc_status.json | ckccStatus | CMS Custom CKCC program primary status |
ckcc_status.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
comment.json | alert | Alert indicator for comment |
comment.json | alertEffectiveDate | Alert Effective Date |
comment.json | alertExpirationDate | Alert Expiration Date |
comment.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time when the comment was logged, formatted as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS with an offset for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) |
comment.json | authorUserId | User that created comment entry |
comment.json | comment | Text entered patient comment |
comment.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
comment.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
communication.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time when the communication message was logged, formatted as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS with an offset for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) |
communication.json | authorUserId | User that authored the communication message |
communication.json | communicationId | Unique Communication ID |
communication.json | communicationReplyId | Notates the original communicationId # for the communication method thread this is a reply to (where applicable) |
communication.json | message | Communication message message body text entry |
communication.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
communication.json | priority | Communication message priority designation |
communication.json | subject | Communication message Subject line text entry |
communication_recipient.json | communicationId | Unique Communication ID |
communication_recipient.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
communication_recipient.json | recipientId | Provides the recipient user |
communication_recipient.json | recipientType | Identifies the type of recipient |
communication_recipient.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
consent.json | The actual email address | |
consent.json | emailConsent | Indicates whether the individual has consented to be contacted via email |
consent.json | emailType | Specifies the type of email address provided |
consent.json | hieConsent | Indicates consent status for Health Information Exchange participation |
consent.json | hieConsentDate | The date on which the Health Information Exchange consent was recorded |
consent.json | patientid | Unique identifier for the patient |
consent.json | phone | The actual phone number |
consent.json | phoneConsent | Indicates whether the individual has consented to be contacted via phone |
consent.json | phoneType | Specifies the type of phone number provided |
consent.json | prescriptionEducationTextConsent | Indicates consent for receiving educational texts about prescriptions |
consent.json | text | The actual text message number |
consent.json | textConsent | Indicates if the individual has consented to receive text messages |
consent.json | textType | Specifies the type of text number provided |
dialysis_setup.json | changeDate | Date and time when changes were made to the dialysis setup |
dialysis_setup.json | dialysisSetupId | Unique identifier for the dialysis setup entry |
dialysis_setup.json | endDate | End date of the dialysis treatment, if applicable |
dialysis_setup.json | eventName | Name or description of the event |
dialysis_setup.json | excludeFromEligibilityCheck | Indicates whether to exclude this setup from eligibility checks |
dialysis_setup.json | lastEligibilityCheck | Date of the last eligibility check, if applicable |
dialysis_setup.json | modality | Type of dialysis treatment (eg, In Center Hemodialysis) |
dialysis_setup.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
dialysis_setup.json | scheduleFriday | Indicates if dialysis is scheduled for Friday |
dialysis_setup.json | scheduleMonday | Indicates if dialysis is scheduled for Monday |
dialysis_setup.json | scheduleSaturday | Indicates if dialysis is scheduled for Saturday |
dialysis_setup.json | scheduleSunday | Indicates if dialysis is scheduled for Sunday |
dialysis_setup.json | scheduleThursday | Indicates if dialysis is scheduled for Thursday |
dialysis_setup.json | scheduleTuesday | Indicates if dialysis is scheduled for Tuesday |
dialysis_setup.json | scheduleWednesday | Indicates if dialysis is scheduled for Wednesday |
dialysis_setup.json | serviceLocation | Location where the dialysis service is provided |
dialysis_setup.json | shiftId | Identifier for the shift during which dialysis is provided |
dialysis_setup.json | startDate | Start date of the dialysis treatment |
dialysis_setup.json | usersId | Identifier of the user or staff member associated with the dialysis setup |
dialysis_visit.json | claimId | Identifier for an associated insurance claim, if applicable |
dialysis_visit.json | comment | Any comments or notes related to the visit |
dialysis_visit.json | comprehensive | Indicates whether the visit was comprehensive |
dialysis_visit.json | encounterId | Identifier for the specific encounter, if applicable |
dialysis_visit.json | locationName | Name of the healthcare facility where the visit took place |
dialysis_visit.json | modality | Type of medical treatment or service provided during the visit (eg, In Center Hemodialysis) |
dialysis_visit.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
dialysis_visit.json | providerName | Name of the healthcare provider who attended the visit |
dialysis_visit.json | telemedicine | Indicates whether the visit was conducted via telemedicine |
dialysis_visit.json | visitDate | Date of the visit |
dialysis_visit.json | visitId | Unique identifier for the medical visit |
education.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the education entry was logged by the author |
education.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who provided the education material |
education.json | dataType | Type of data provided, such as a URL |
education.json | dataValue | The actual content or link to the educational material |
education.json | educationId | Unique identifier for the education entry |
education.json | educationName | Name or title of the educational content |
education.json | encounter_date | Date of the patient encounter related to the education provided |
education.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
education.json | receivedDate | Date when the education material was received by the patient |
emergency_contact.json | comments | Additional comments or notes about the contact person |
emergency_contact.json | contactName | Name of the contact person |
emergency_contact.json | contactNumber | Sequential number for the contact entry |
emergency_contact.json | Email address of the contact person | |
emergency_contact.json | homePhone | Home phone number of the contact person |
emergency_contact.json | homePhoneExt | Extension for the home phone, if any |
emergency_contact.json | otherPhone | An additional phone number for the contact person |
emergency_contact.json | otherPhoneExt | Extension for the other phone, if any |
emergency_contact.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
emergency_contact.json | phiAccess | Indicates if the contact has access to the patient's Protected Health Information (PHI) |
emergency_contact.json | phiExclusions | Any exclusions to the contact's access to PHI |
emergency_contact.json | pickUpMeds | Indicates if the contact is authorized to pick up medications for the patient |
emergency_contact.json | relationship | The relationship of the contact person to the patient |
emergency_contact.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
emergency_contact.json | workPhone | Work phone number of the contact person |
emergency_contact.json | workPhoneExt | Extension for the work phone, if any |
epa.json | epaTaskStatus | Current status of the electronic prior authorization (EPA) task for the prescription |
epa.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
epa.json | postDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the prescription or its status was posted or updated |
epa.json | prescriptionId | Unique identifier for the prescription |
extension_encounter.json | appointmentId | Identifier for the associated appointment, if applicable |
extension_encounter.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the encounter data was logged or updated |
extension_encounter.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who logged or authored the encounter data |
extension_encounter.json | encounterDate | Date of the medical encounter |
extension_encounter.json | encounterId | Unique identifier for the medical encounter |
extension_encounter.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
extension_encounter.json | templateGroup | Name or identifier of the group associated with the encounter template |
extension_encounter.json | templateId | Unique identifier for the template used in the encounter |
extension_encounter.json | templateName | Name of the template used in the encounter |
extension_results.json | additionalData | Any additional data related to the encounter item, if applicable |
extension_results.json | alias | An alternative name or alias for the encounter item, if applicable |
extension_results.json | controlType | Type of control used in the encounter form or record (eg, Checkbox) |
extension_results.json | encounterId | Unique identifier for the related medical encounter |
extension_results.json | encounterValue | Value recorded for the encounter item, reflecting the control type (eg, "Y" for Checkbox) |
extension_results.json | globalDescription | Detailed description of the global entity associated with the encounter |
extension_results.json | globalEntityId | Unique identifier for the global entity associated with the encounter |
extension_results.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
extension_results.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
extension_results.json | snomedCtValue | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) values to codified data elements |
extension_results.json | snomedDescription | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) description to codified data elements |
goal.json | createDate | Date when the goal entry was created |
goal.json | encounterDate | Date when the goal was discussed or set during a medical encounter |
goal.json | goal | Specific goal set for the patient |
goal.json | goalId | Unique identifier for the patient's goal entry |
goal.json | longTermGoal | A long term goal associated with the patient |
goal.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
goal.json | priority | Classification of the goal in terms of priority (eg, Short Term) |
goal.json | status | Current status of the goal (eg, Active) |
goal.json | userId | Identifier of the user who recorded or is managing the goal |
goal_comment.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the comment was logged or recorded |
goal_comment.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who made the comment |
goal_comment.json | comment | The actual text of the comment |
goal_comment.json | commentId | Unique identifier for the comment entry |
goal_comment.json | goalId | Identifier of the goal to which the comment is related |
goal_comment.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
goal_intervention.json | goalId | Identifier of the goal associated with the intervention |
goal_intervention.json | intervention | Description or name of the intervention related to the patient's goal |
goal_intervention.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
goal_intervention.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
goal_objective.json | goalId | Identifier of the goal associated with the objective |
goal_objective.json | objective | Description or name of the objective related to the patient's goal |
goal_objective.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
goal_objective.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
goal_problem.json | goalId | Identifier of the goal associated with the problem list entry |
goal_problem.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
goal_problem.json | problemListIdentifier | Unique identifier for the problem list entry associated with the goal |
goal_problem.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
health_concern.json | alias | An alternative name or alias for the encounter item, often used for easy identification |
health_concern.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the encounter data was logged or updated |
health_concern.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who logged or authored the encounter data |
health_concern.json | controlType | Type of control used in the encounter form or record (eg, Checkbox) |
health_concern.json | encounterDate | Date of the medical encounter |
health_concern.json | encounterId | Unique identifier for the related medical encounter |
health_concern.json | encounterValue | Value recorded for the encounter item, reflecting the control type (eg, "Y" for Checkbox) |
health_concern.json | globalDescription | Detailed description of the item or finding associated with the encounter |
health_concern.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
health_concern.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
hie.json | exchangeName | Name of the health data exchange providing the file |
hie.json | fileId | Unique identifier for the file entry |
hie.json | firstOrder | An initial or primary order or category related to the file |
hie.json | healthExchangeId | Identifier for the health exchange from which the data is sourced |
hie.json | hl7Data | HL7 (Health Level Seven) formatted data contained in the file |
hie.json | location | The location associated with the file, such as where the data originated |
hie.json | messageDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the message or file was created or logged |
hie.json | messageType | Type of message contained in the file, such as "Report" |
hie.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
image_document.json | documentId | Unique identifier for the associated document |
image_document.json | documentName | Name or title of the document |
image_document.json | imageXrefId | Unique identifier for the cross reference entry of the image document |
image_document.json | pageCount | Number of pages in the document |
image_document.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
image_xref.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the image data was logged or updated |
image_xref.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who logged or managed the image |
image_xref.json | comment | Any comment associated with the image, if applicable |
image_xref.json | documentId | Unique identifier for the document associated with the image, if applicable |
image_xref.json | documentPage | Specific page number of the document where the image is found, if applicable |
image_xref.json | documentTypeDescription | Description of the type of document related to the image, if applicable |
image_xref.json | documentTypeLoincCode | LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes) code for the document type |
image_xref.json | fileName | Name of the file containing the image |
image_xref.json | fileSize | Size of the image file, if applicable |
image_xref.json | imageId | Unique identifier for the image |
image_xref.json | imageXrefId | Unique identifier for the cross reference entry of the image |
image_xref.json | menuPath | The path or location within a system menu where the image is categorized or stored |
image_xref.json | note | Text of any note added to the image, if applicable |
image_xref.json | noteLeft | Positional data for a note left on the image, if applicable |
image_xref.json | noteTop | Positional data for the top of a note on the image, if applicable |
image_xref.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
image_xref.json | receivedDate | Date when the image was received, if applicable |
immunization.json | adminAt | Location where the immunization was administered, if specified |
immunization.json | adminBy | Name of the healthcare provider who administered the immunization |
immunization.json | amount | Amount of vaccine administered |
immunization.json | amountUnits | Units of measurement for the amount of vaccine |
immunization.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the immunization data was logged or updated |
immunization.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who logged the immunization record |
immunization.json | dateGiven | Date when the immunization was administered |
immunization.json | description | Description of the immunization (eg, "Hepatitis B") |
immunization.json | evidenceImmunity | Evidence or basis for claiming immunity (eg, "History of anthrax infection") |
immunization.json | expiration | Expiration date of the vaccine |
immunization.json | fundingSource | Source of funding for the immunization (eg, "Military Funds") |
immunization.json | immunizationId | Unique identifier for the immunization entry |
immunization.json | lotNumber | Lot number of the vaccine |
immunization.json | manufacturer | Manufacturer of the vaccine |
immunization.json | nextDue | Date when the next dose of the immunization is due, if applicable |
immunization.json | orderdBy | Name of the healthcare provider who ordered the immunization |
immunization.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
immunization.json | reaction | Any adverse reaction noted following immunization |
immunization.json | refusal | Indicates if there was a refusal to the immunization, and details if any |
immunization.json | route | Route of administration for the vaccine |
immunization.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
immunization.json | site | Anatomical site of the immunization administration (eg, "Left Hip") |
immunization.json | source | The source or origin of the immunization record (eg, "New immunization record") |
immunization.json | timeGiven | Time of day when the immunization was administered |
immunization.json | vfc | Vaccine for Children (VFC) eligibility status |
immunization.json | vis1 | First Vaccine Information Statement details |
immunization.json | vis2 | Second Vaccine Information Statement details, if applicable |
immunization.json | vis3 | Third Vaccine Information Statement details, if applicable |
immunization.json | vis4 | Fourth Vaccine Information Statement details, if applicable |
immunization.json | visGiven | Date when the Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) was given |
immunization_registry.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who logged or updated the information |
immunization_registry.json | mothersMaidenFirst | First name part of the patient's mother's maiden name |
immunization_registry.json | mothersMaidenLast | Last name part of the patient's mother's maiden name |
immunization_registry.json | multipleBirth | Indicates whether the patient was part of a multiple birth, such as "Unknown" |
immunization_registry.json | multipleBirthOrder | Order in which the patient was born in case of multiple births, if applicable |
immunization_registry.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
immunization_registry.json | protect | Patient's status or preference for sharing information, such as "Sharing is OK" |
immunization_registry.json | protectChangeDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the protect status was last changed |
immunization_registry.json | recall | Status regarding reminders or recalls, such as "No reminder/recall" |
immunization_registry.json | recallChangeDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the recall status was last changed |
immunization_registry.json | registryChangeDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the registry status was last changed |
immunization_registry.json | registryStatus | Current status of the patient in a registry, such as "Active" |
implantable_device.json | assignAuthority | Authority or organization assigning the record or identifier (eg, "CDC") |
implantable_device.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the device information was logged or updated |
implantable_device.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who logged or managed the device information |
implantable_device.json | deviceDescription | A detailed description of the device |
implantable_device.json | deviceName | Name of the device, as recorded in the database |
implantable_device.json | deviceXml | XML string containing detailed information about the device |
implantable_device.json | implantDate | Date when the device was implanted, if applicable |
implantable_device.json | inactiveDate | Date when the device was marked as inactive, if applicable |
implantable_device.json | inactiveReason | Reason for the device being marked as inactive, if applicable |
implantable_device.json | internalId | Unique identifier for the internal record of the device |
implantable_device.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
implantable_device.json | searchType | Type of search used to find the device information (eg, "Device ID") |
implantable_device.json | searchValue | Value used in the search to find the device (eg, device ID number) |
implantable_device.json | snomedDescription | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) description to codified data elements |
implantable_device.json | snomedIdentifier | SNOMED CT identifier for the device, if applicable |
implantable_device.json | status | Current status of the device (eg, "Active") |
implantable_device.json | udi | Unique Device Identifier, if applicable |
lab_result.json | abnormalFlags | Indicators or flags denoting abnormal results (eg, "A" for abnormal) |
lab_result.json | labAddress | Address of the laboratory, if applicable |
lab_result.json | labName | Name of the laboratory where the test was conducted |
lab_result.json | labPhone | Phone number of the laboratory, if applicable |
lab_result.json | labRequisitionId | Identifier for the lab requisition associated with the result |
lab_result.json | labResultId | Unique identifier for the laboratory result |
lab_result.json | loincCode | LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes) code for the lab test, if applicable |
lab_result.json | loincDescription | Description related to the LOINC code, if applicable |
lab_result.json | orderDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the lab test was ordered |
lab_result.json | orderItemCode | Code for the order item, often used in laboratory systems (eg, "POC") |
lab_result.json | orderItemDescription | Description of the order item, such as "Results" |
lab_result.json | orderResultDescription | Description of the test result (eg, "BENZODIAZEPINES") |
lab_result.json | orderResultValue | Value of the test result (eg, "Positive") |
lab_result.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
lab_result.json | resultDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the lab result was reported, if applicable |
lab_result.json | resultRange | Reference range for the lab result, if applicable |
lab_result.json | unitOfMeasure | Unit of measure for the lab result (eg, "ng/mL") |
letter.json | created | Date and time in UTC when the letter was created or logged |
letter.json | letterData | The actual content of the letter, formatted in HTML |
letter.json | letterName | Name or title of the letter |
letter.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
letter.json | patientLetterId | Unique identifier for the patient letter |
letter.json | status | Current status of the letter (eg, "Printed") |
md_revolution_status.json | ccmDate | Date of the most recent update or action regarding Chronic Care Management, if applicable |
md_revolution_status.json | ccmStatus | Current status of Chronic Care Management (CCM) for the patient |
md_revolution_status.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
md_revolution_status.json | rpmDate | Date of the most recent update or action regarding Remote Patient Monitoring, if applicable |
md_revolution_status.json | rpmStatus | Current status of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) for the patient |
medication.json | alerts | Any alerts associated with the prescription (eg, "Test alert") |
medication.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the prescription data was logged or updated |
medication.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who logged the prescription |
medication.json | dispenseAsWritten | Indicates whether the medication must be dispensed as written (eg, "Y" for Yes) |
medication.json | drugName | Name of the prescribed drug (eg, "Lipitor 80 mg tablet") |
medication.json | encounterDate | Date of the medical encounter when the prescription was made |
medication.json | interaction | Information on drug interactions, if applicable |
medication.json | isSample | Indicates whether the medication is a sample (eg, "N" for No) |
medication.json | method | Method of prescription entry or update (eg, "Update") |
medication.json | ndc | National Drug Code for the prescribed medication |
medication.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
medication.json | prescribedBy | Name of the individual who prescribed the medication, if specified |
medication.json | prescriptionId | Unique identifier for the prescription |
medication.json | refill | Refill instructions or status (eg, "No Refills") |
medication.json | renderingProvider | Name of the healthcare provider who rendered the prescription |
medication.json | RxNorm | Standardized identifier for the prescribed drug |
medication.json | sig | Directions for use of the medication (signature) |
medication.json | sigDosage | Dosage form of the medication (eg, "tab" for tablet) |
medication.json | sigFrequency | Frequency of medication intake (eg, "Before meals") |
medication.json | sigQuantity | Quantity to be taken as per prescription instructions |
medication.json | sigRoute | The route of administration for the medication, if specified |
medication.json | startDate | Start date for the medication use |
medication.json | status | Current status of the prescription (eg, "Error") |
medication.json | stopDate | Date when the medication is to be stopped, if applicable |
medication.json | strength | Strength of the drug prescribed |
medication.json | strengthUom | Unit of measure for the drug's strength (eg, "mg") |
medication.json | voidAfterDate | Date after which the prescription becomes void, if applicable |
medication.json | writtenDate | Date when the prescription was written |
optimize_rx.json | The actual email address of the patient | |
optimize_rx.json | emailConsent | Indicates whether the patient has consented to be contacted via email (eg, "Y" for Yes) |
optimize_rx.json | emailType | Specifies the type of email address provided (eg, "Patient") |
optimize_rx.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
optimize_rx.json | text | The actual text message number of the patient |
optimize_rx.json | textConsent | Indicates whether the patient has consented to receive text messages (eg, "Y" for Yes) |
optimize_rx.json | textType | Specifies the type of text number provided (eg, "Home") |
order.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the order was logged or updated |
order.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who logged the order |
order.json | encounterDate | Date of the medical encounter |
order.json | encounterId | Unique identifier for the medical encounter |
order.json | hasBeenReviewed | Indicates whether the lab order has been reviewed (false in this case) |
order.json | labRequisitionId | Identifier for the lab requisition associated with the order |
order.json | orderFulfillmentEncounterId | Encounter ID associated with the fulfillment of the order, if applicable |
order.json | orderId | Unique identifier for the lab order |
order.json | orderName | Name of the lab order (eg, "CBC With Differential/Platelet") |
order.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
order.json | processor | System or service processing the order (eg, "eLabs") |
order.json | route | Path or method used for the lab order (eg, "LabCorp V2") |
order.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
order.json | status | Current status of the order (eg, "Open") |
order.json | type | Type of order (eg, "Labs") |
order_finding.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the finding was logged or updated |
order_finding.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who recorded the finding |
order_finding.json | finding | Description or details of the finding |
order_finding.json | labRequisitionId | Identifier for the lab requisition related to the finding |
order_finding.json | orderFindingId | Unique identifier for the order finding entry |
order_finding.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
pharmacy.json | address | Address of the pharmacy |
pharmacy.json | city | City where the pharmacy is located |
pharmacy.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
pharmacy.json | pharmacy | Name of the pharmacy |
pharmacy.json | phone | Phone number of the pharmacy |
pharmacy.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
pharmacy.json | state | State where the pharmacy is located |
pharmacy.json | zip | Zip code of the pharmacy's location |
phone_encounter.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the encounter was logged or updated |
phone_encounter.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who logged the encounter |
phone_encounter.json | encounterId | Unique identifier for the encounter |
phone_encounter.json | encounterType | Type of encounter (eg, "PatientCaseManagement") |
phone_encounter.json | memo | Brief memo or note about the encounter (eg, "Call completed") |
phone_encounter.json | messageType | Type or category of the message (eg, "Call completed") |
phone_encounter.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
phone_encounter.json | phone_number | Phone number used or referenced in the encounter |
phone_encounter.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
phone_encounter.json | talkedWithPatient | Indicates whether the patient was spoken to (eg, "Y" for Yes) |
portal_message.json | message | The actual content of the message, formatted in XML or similar markup |
portal_message.json | messageDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the original message was sent or logged |
portal_message.json | messageFrom | The individual who sent the message (eg, "Brad Kirschling") |
portal_message.json | messageTo | The intended recipient of the message (eg, "Practice") |
portal_message.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
portal_message.json | providerName | Name of the healthcare provider associated with the message, if applicable |
portal_message.json | responseDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the response was sent or logged |
portal_message.json | responseFrom | The individual or entity that responded to the message (eg, "Neighborhood Physicians Practice") |
portal_message.json | responseMessage | Content of the response to the message (eg, "Thanks for the info") |
portal_message.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
portal_message.json | status | Current status of the message (eg, "Reviewed") |
portal_message.json | subject | Subject of the message (eg, "Message Request") |
pregnancy.json | anesthesiaConsult | Indicates whether an anesthesia consult is needed (false in this case) |
pregnancy.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the pregnancy information was logged or updated |
pregnancy.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who logged the pregnancy information |
pregnancy.json | bloodTransfusion | Indicates whether a blood transfusion is involved (true in this case) |
pregnancy.json | confirmationInitialEdd | Initial estimated due date based on early assessments |
pregnancy.json | confirmationInitialExam | Date of the initial examination for pregnancy confirmation |
pregnancy.json | confirmationInitialExamEdd | Estimated due date based on the initial exam |
pregnancy.json | confirmationInitialExamWeeks | Gestational age in weeks at the time of the initial exam |
pregnancy.json | confirmationLmp | Date of the last menstrual period for pregnancy confirmation |
pregnancy.json | confirmationLmpEdd | Estimated due date based on the last menstrual period |
pregnancy.json | confirmationUltrasound | Date of the ultrasound used for pregnancy confirmation |
pregnancy.json | confirmationUltrasoundEdd | Estimated due date based on the ultrasound |
pregnancy.json | confirmationUltrasoundWeeks | Gestational age in weeks at the time of the ultrasound |
pregnancy.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
pregnancy.json | pregnancyId | Unique identifier for the pregnancy record |
pregnancy.json | prePregnancyWeight | Weight of the patient before pregnancy |
pregnancy.json | updateFinalEdd | Updated final estimated due date |
pregnancy.json | updateFundal | Date of the update regarding fundal height measurement |
pregnancy.json | updateFundalEdd | Estimated due date based on fundal height |
pregnancy.json | updateQuickening | Date of the update regarding quickening (first fetal movements felt) |
pregnancy.json | updateQuickeningEdd | Estimated due date based on quickening |
pregnancy.json | updateUltrasound | Date of the updated ultrasound |
pregnancy.json | updateUltrasoundEdd | Updated estimated due date based on the latest ultrasound |
pregnancy.json | updateUltrasoundWeeks | Gestational age in weeks at the time of the updated ultrasound |
pregnancy_visit.json | bloodPressureDiastolic | Diastolic blood pressure reading |
pregnancy_visit.json | bloodPressureSystolic | Systolic blood pressure reading |
pregnancy_visit.json | cervixExam | Notes or findings from the cervical exam |
pregnancy_visit.json | comments | Additional comments or notes from the visit |
pregnancy_visit.json | dialation | Cervical dilation measurement (eg, "2 cm") |
pregnancy_visit.json | edema | Notes or findings on any edema |
pregnancy_visit.json | effaced | Cervical effacement measurement (eg, "25%") |
pregnancy_visit.json | fetal_movement | Observations or notes on fetal movement |
pregnancy_visit.json | fhr | Fetal heart rate |
pregnancy_visit.json | fundalHeight | Measurement of the fundal height |
pregnancy_visit.json | gestationWeeks | Gestational age in weeks at the time of the visit |
pregnancy_visit.json | nextAppointment | Information about the next scheduled appointment |
pregnancy_visit.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
pregnancy_visit.json | pregnancyId | Unique identifier for the pregnancy record |
pregnancy_visit.json | pregnancyVisitId | Unique identifier for the specific pregnancy visit |
pregnancy_visit.json | presentation | Description of the fetal presentation |
pregnancy_visit.json | pretermLabor | Indicates whether there is a concern for preterm labor (true in this case) |
pregnancy_visit.json | station | Fetal station measurement |
pregnancy_visit.json | urineAlbumin | Level of albumin in urine |
pregnancy_visit.json | urineGlucose | Level of glucose in urine |
pregnancy_visit.json | visitDate | Date of the pregnancy visit |
pregnancy_visit.json | weight | Weight of the patient at the time of the visit |
problem_list.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the problem information was logged or updated |
problem_list.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who logged the problem |
problem_list.json | chronicInd | Indicator of whether the problem is chronic (eg, "Y" for Yes) |
problem_list.json | code | Specific code representing the problem (eg, "M6700") |
problem_list.json | codeDescription | Description of what the code represents, matching the problem description |
problem_list.json | codeType | Type of code used (eg, "ICD10" for International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision) |
problem_list.json | onsetDate | Date when the problem or condition started (eg, "20150302") |
problem_list.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
problem_list.json | priority | Numerical priority assigned to the problem (eg, 19) |
problem_list.json | problemDescription | Description of the problem (eg, "Short Achilles tendon (acquired), unspecified ankle") |
problem_list.json | problemListIdentifier | Unique identifier for the problem list entry |
problem_list.json | resolutionDate | Date when the problem was resolved, if applicable |
problem_list.json | snomedConceptId | SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) concept identifier, if applicable |
problem_list.json | status | Current status of the problem (eg, "Active") |
problem_list.json | type | Type or category of the problem, if specified |
problem_list_note.json | createdBy | Name of the individual who created the note (e.g., "Daoud, Cliff") |
problem_list_note.json | creationDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the note was created |
problem_list_note.json | note | Content of the note, including any relevant observations or remarks |
problem_list_note.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
problem_list_note.json | problemListIdentifier | Identifier linking the note to a specific problem in the problem list |
problem_list_note.json | problemListNoteIdentifier | Unique identifier for the note entry in the problem list |
progress_note.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the progress note was logged or updated |
progress_note.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who created the progress note |
progress_note.json | clinicalNoteType | Type of clinical note (eg, "Progress") |
progress_note.json | encounterDate | Date of the medical encounter related to the progress note |
progress_note.json | html | HTML content of the progress note, which may include formatted text and images |
progress_note.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
progress_note.json | progressNoteId | Unique identifier for the progress note |
progress_note.json | progressNoteType | Type of progress note, if specified |
progress_note.json | signOffDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the note was signed off |
progress_note.json | signOffLevel | Level of sign off for the note (eg, "Primary") |
progress_note.json | signOffUserId | Identifier of the user who signed off on the note |
readme.json | authorLogDateUtc | Export Read Me file |
referral_tracking.json | exportFormatLink | Link to access public facing EHI Export documentation for iSalus Healthcare (OfficeEMR) |
referral_tracking.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
responsible_party.json | source | The source from where the patient's information or record originated (eg, "Online") |
responsible_party.json | address1 | Primary address line for the responsible party |
responsible_party.json | address2 | Secondary address line for the responsible party, if applicable |
responsible_party.json | birthDate | Birth date of the responsible party |
responsible_party.json | city | City part of the responsible party's address |
responsible_party.json | countryCode | Country code part of the responsible party's address |
responsible_party.json | Email address of the responsible party | |
responsible_party.json | emailStatements | Indicates whether the responsible party opts for email statements (eg, "N" for No) |
responsible_party.json | employer | Employer of the responsible party, if applicable |
responsible_party.json | firstName | First name of the responsible party |
responsible_party.json | gender | Gender of the responsible party |
responsible_party.json | homePhone | Home phone number of the responsible party |
responsible_party.json | homePhoneExt | Extension for the home phone, if applicable |
responsible_party.json | idType | Type of identification used for the responsible party, if applicable |
responsible_party.json | idValue | Value of the identification used for the responsible party, if applicable |
responsible_party.json | insured | Description of who is insured, in this case, the patient |
responsible_party.json | lastName | Last name of the responsible party |
responsible_party.json | middleName | Middle name of the responsible party |
responsible_party.json | nameSuffix | Suffix to the responsible party's name, if applicable |
responsible_party.json | orderNumber | Sequential number indicating the order in which the responsible party is listed |
responsible_party.json | otherPhone | An additional phone number for the responsible party |
responsible_party.json | otherPhoneExt | Extension for the other phone, if applicable |
responsible_party.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
responsible_party.json | relationship | Relationship of the responsible party to the patient (eg, "Self") |
responsible_party.json | responsiblePartyId | Unique identifier for the responsible party |
responsible_party.json | securityData | Specific security data or information, if applicable |
responsible_party.json | securityType | Type of security used for the responsible party's information, if applicable |
responsible_party.json | state | State part of the responsible party's address |
responsible_party.json | workPhone | Work phone number of the responsible party |
responsible_party.json | workPhoneExt | Extension for the work phone, if applicable |
statement.json | zipCode | Zip code part of the responsible party's address |
statement.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
statement.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
statement.json | statementDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the statement was issued |
template_encounter.json | statementId | Unique identifier for the financial statement |
template_encounter.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the encounter information was logged or updated |
template_encounter.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who logged the encounter information |
template_encounter.json | encounterDate | Date of the medical encounter |
template_encounter.json | encounterId | Unique identifier for the medical encounter |
template_encounter.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
template_encounter_assessment.json | templateType | Type of template used during the encounter (e.g., "Orders") |
template_encounter_assessment.json | additionalData | Any additional data related to the encounter item, if applicable |
template_encounter_assessment.json | alias | An alternative name or alias for the encounter item |
template_encounter_assessment.json | controlType | Type of control used in the encounter form or record (e.g., "Checkbox") |
template_encounter_assessment.json | encounterId | Unique identifier for the related medical encounter |
template_encounter_assessment.json | encounterValue | Value recorded for the encounter item, reflecting the control type (e.g., "Y" for Checkbox) |
template_encounter_assessment.json | globalDescription | Detailed description of the global entity (data and data type) associated with the encounter |
template_encounter_assessment.json | globalEntityId | Unique identifier for the global entity associated with the encounter |
template_encounter_assessment.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
template_encounter_assessment.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
template_encounter_assessment.json | snomedCtValue | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) values to codified data elements |
template_encounter_exam.json | snomedDescription | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) description to codified data elements |
template_encounter_exam.json | additionalData | Any additional data related to the encounter item, if applicable |
template_encounter_exam.json | alias | An alternative name or alias for the encounter item |
template_encounter_exam.json | controlType | Type of control used in the encounter form or record (e.g., "Checkbox") |
template_encounter_exam.json | encounterId | Unique identifier for the related medical encounter |
template_encounter_exam.json | encounterValue | Value recorded for the encounter item, reflecting the control type (e.g., "Y" for Checkbox) |
template_encounter_exam.json | globalDescription | Detailed description of the global entity (data and data type) associated with the encounter |
template_encounter_exam.json | globalEntityId | Unique identifier for the global entity associated with the encounter |
template_encounter_exam.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
template_encounter_exam.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
template_encounter_exam.json | snomedCtValue | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) values to codified data elements |
template_encounter_history.json | snomedDescription | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) description to codified data elements |
template_encounter_history.json | additionalData | Any additional data related to the encounter item, if applicable |
template_encounter_history.json | alias | An alternative name or alias for the encounter item |
template_encounter_history.json | controlType | Type of control used in the encounter form or record (e.g., "Checkbox") |
template_encounter_history.json | encounterId | Unique identifier for the related medical encounter |
template_encounter_history.json | encounterValue | Value recorded for the encounter item, reflecting the control type (e.g., "Y" for Checkbox) |
template_encounter_history.json | globalDescription | Detailed description of the global entity (data and data type) associated with the encounter |
template_encounter_history.json | globalEntityId | Unique identifier for the global entity associated with the encounter |
template_encounter_history.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
template_encounter_history.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
template_encounter_history.json | snomedCtValue | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) values to codified data elements |
template_encounter_hpi.json | snomedDescription | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) description to codified data elements |
template_encounter_hpi.json | additionalData | Any additional data related to the encounter item, if applicable |
template_encounter_hpi.json | alias | An alternative name or alias for the encounter item |
template_encounter_hpi.json | controlType | Type of control used in the encounter form or record (e.g., "Checkbox") |
template_encounter_hpi.json | encounterId | Unique identifier for the related medical encounter |
template_encounter_hpi.json | encounterValue | Value recorded for the encounter item, reflecting the control type (e.g., "Y" for Checkbox) |
template_encounter_hpi.json | globalDescription | Detailed description of the global entity (data and data type) associated with the encounter |
template_encounter_hpi.json | globalEntityId | Unique identifier for the global entity associated with the encounter |
template_encounter_hpi.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
template_encounter_hpi.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
template_encounter_hpi.json | snomedCtValue | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) values to codified data elements |
template_encounter_order_fulfillment.json | snomedDescription | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) description to codified data elements |
template_encounter_order_fulfillment.json | additionalData | Any additional data related to the encounter item, if applicable |
template_encounter_order_fulfillment.json | alias | An alternative name or alias for the encounter item |
template_encounter_order_fulfillment.json | controlType | Type of control used in the encounter form or record (e.g., "Checkbox") |
template_encounter_order_fulfillment.json | encounterId | Unique identifier for the related medical encounter |
template_encounter_order_fulfillment.json | encounterValue | Value recorded for the encounter item, reflecting the control type (e.g., "Y" for Checkbox) |
template_encounter_order_fulfillment.json | globalDescription | Detailed description of the global entity (data and data type) associated with the encounter |
template_encounter_order_fulfillment.json | globalEntityId | Unique identifier for the global entity associated with the encounter |
template_encounter_order_fulfillment.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
template_encounter_order_fulfillment.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
template_encounter_order_fulfillment.json | snomedCtValue | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) values to codified data elements |
template_encounter_ros.json | snomedDescription | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) description to codified data elements |
template_encounter_ros.json | additionalData | Any additional data related to the encounter item, if applicable |
template_encounter_ros.json | alias | An alternative name or alias for the encounter item |
template_encounter_ros.json | controlType | Type of control used in the encounter form or record (e.g., "Checkbox") |
template_encounter_ros.json | encounterId | Unique identifier for the related medical encounter |
template_encounter_ros.json | encounterValue | Value recorded for the encounter item, reflecting the control type (e.g., "Y" for Checkbox) |
template_encounter_ros.json | globalDescription | Detailed description of the global entity (data and data type) associated with the encounter |
template_encounter_ros.json | globalEntityId | Unique identifier for the global entity associated with the encounter |
template_encounter_ros.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
template_encounter_ros.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
template_encounter_ros.json | snomedCtValue | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) values to codified data elements |
template_encounter_treatment_plan.json | snomedDescription | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) description to codified data elements |
template_encounter_treatment_plan.json | additionalData | Any additional data related to the encounter item, if applicable |
template_encounter_treatment_plan.json | alias | An alternative name or alias for the encounter item |
template_encounter_treatment_plan.json | controlType | Type of control used in the encounter form or record (e.g., "Checkbox") |
template_encounter_treatment_plan.json | encounterId | Unique identifier for the related medical encounter |
template_encounter_treatment_plan.json | encounterValue | Value recorded for the encounter item, reflecting the control type (e.g., "Y" for Checkbox) |
template_encounter_treatment_plan.json | globalDescription | Detailed description of the global entity (data and data type) associated with the encounter |
template_encounter_treatment_plan.json | globalEntityId | Unique identifier for the global entity associated with the encounter |
template_encounter_treatment_plan.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
template_encounter_treatment_plan.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
template_encounter_treatment_plan.json | snomedCtValue | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) values to codified data elements |
vital.json | snomedDescription | Optional fields for clients to associate the SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) description to codified data elements |
vital.json | bmiPercentile | Body Mass Index (BMI) percentile, if applicable |
vital.json | bodyFat | Body fat percentage, if measured |
vital.json | comment | Any additional comments related to the vitals |
vital.json | fiO2 | Fraction of inspired oxygen, if measured |
vital.json | glucose | Blood glucose level, if measured |
vital.json | glucoseUnits | Units used for measuring glucose (e.g., "mmol/L") |
vital.json | headCircumference | Measurement of head circumference, if taken |
vital.json | headCircumferencePercentile | Percentile ranking for head circumference, if applicable |
vital.json | heartRate | Heart rate, if measured |
vital.json | heightPrimary | Primary height measurement |
vital.json | heightSecondary | Secondary height measurement |
vital.json | hipCircumference | Measurement of hip circumference, if taken |
vital.json | litersPerMinute | Oxygen flow rate in liters per minute, if applicable |
vital.json | neckCircumference | Measurement of neck circumference, if taken |
vital.json | o2Saturation | Oxygen saturation level, if measured |
vital.json | pain | Pain assessment, if conducted |
vital.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
vital.json | pulseOxDeliveryMethod | Method of oxygen delivery for pulse oximetry, if applicable |
vital.json | pulseOxExtremity | Extremity used for pulse oximetry, if specified |
vital.json | respirations | Respiratory rate, if recorded |
vital.json | sittingDiastolic | Diastolic blood pressure while sitting |
vital.json | sittingExtremity | Extremity used for sitting blood pressure measurement, if specified |
vital.json | sittingPulse | Pulse rate while sitting, if measured |
vital.json | sittingRhythm | Heart rhythm while sitting (e.g., "Irregularly Irregular") |
vital.json | sittingSystolic | Systolic blood pressure while sitting |
vital.json | standingDiastolic | Diastolic blood pressure while standing |
vital.json | standingExtremity | Extremity used for standing blood pressure measurement, if specified |
vital.json | standingPulse | Pulse rate while standing, if measured |
vital.json | standingRhythm | Heart rhythm while standing, if measured |
vital.json | standingSystolic | Systolic blood pressure while standing |
vital.json | supineDiastolic | Diastolic blood pressure while in a supine position, if measured |
vital.json | supineExtremity | Extremity used for supine blood pressure measurement, if specified |
vital.json | supinePulse | Pulse rate while in a supine position, if measured |
vital.json | supineRhythm | Heart rhythm while in a supine position, if measured |
vital.json | supineSystolic | Systolic blood pressure while in a supine position, if measured |
vital.json | temperature | Body temperature measurement, if taken |
vital.json | temperatureMethod | Method used for measuring temperature (e.g., "Aural") |
vital.json | units | Unit system used for recording the vitals (e.g., "E") |
vital.json | vitalDate | Date when the vital signs were recorded |
vital.json | vitalsId | Unique identifier for the vitals record |
vital.json | waistCircumference | Measurement of waist circumference, if taken |
vital.json | weightLengthPercentile | Percentile ranking for weight to length, if applicable |
vital.json | weightPrimary | Primary weight measurement |
vital.json | weightSecondary | Secondary weight measurement, if applicable |
Practice Management Data Exports
Export Name | FIELD | Description |
appointment.json | appointmentId | A unique identifier for the appointment |
appointment.json | cancelComment | A comment related to the cancellation of the appointment |
appointment.json | chiefComplaint | The primary complaint or reason for the appointment |
appointment.json | claimId | An identifier for a claim associated with the appointment |
appointment.json | comments | Any additional comments related to the appointment |
appointment.json | description | A description of the appointment, which can include patient names or other identifiers |
appointment.json | endDate | The ending date and time of the appointment, formatted similarly to startDate |
appointment.json | insertDate | The date and time when the appointment record was created, formatted as "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MMAM/PM" |
appointment.json | insertUserId | The username or identifier of the user who created the appointment record |
appointment.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
appointment.json | referralNumber | The number associated with the referral to this appointment |
appointment.json | referringName | The name of the referring provider, formatted as "Last Name, Title, First Name Initial." |
appointment.json | resourceName | The name of the resource (typically a medical provider) associated with the appointment, formatted as "Last Name, Title, First Name Initial." |
appointment.json | serviceLocationName | The name of the location where the service is provided |
appointment.json | startDate | The starting date and time of the appointment, formatted as "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MMAM/PM" |
appointment.json | status | The current status of the appointment (e.g., "Scheduled") |
appointment.json | type | The type of appointment as defined by the practice |
appointment.json | updateDate | The date and time when the appointment record was last updated, formatted in the same way as insertDate |
appointment.json | updateUserId | The username or identifier of the user who last updated the appointment record |
appointment.json | walkIn | A field that indicates whether the appointment was a walk-in |
claim.json | accidentCountry | The country where the accident occurred |
claim.json | accidentDate | The date of any accident related to the claim |
claim.json | accidentState | The state where the accident occurred |
claim.json | admissionDate | The date of admission |
claim.json | agingDate | The date relevant for aging of the claim |
claim.json | agingDays | The number of days for aging |
claim.json | agingType | Type of aging |
claim.json | alternate | An alternate field |
claim.json | attending | The attending physician or specialist |
claim.json | authorLogDateUtc | The UTC date and time of authoring the record |
claim.json | authorUserId | The user ID of the author |
claim.json | balance | The balance amount |
claim.json | billing | The billing method |
claim.json | charge | The charge amount |
claim.json | claimId | The identifier for the claim |
claim.json | claimStatus | The status of the claim |
claim.json | claimSubStatus | The sub-status of the claim |
claim.json | dischargeDate | The date of discharge |
claim.json | dos | Date of service |
claim.json | level | The level of the claim |
claim.json | menstrualDate | The date of the last menstrual period |
claim.json | narrative | Any narrative description |
claim.json | narrativeType | The type of narrative |
claim.json | onsetDate | The date of onset |
claim.json | ordering | The ordering physician or entity |
claim.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
claim.json | patientLocation | The location of the patient |
claim.json | payerPrimary | Identifiers for primary payer |
claim.json | payerSecondary | Identifiers for secondary payer |
claim.json | payerTertiary | Identifiers for tertiary payer |
claim.json | referring | The responsible party for the claim |
claim.json | rendering | The rendering physician |
claim.json | reponsibleParty | The claim responsibleParty |
claim.json | serviceLocation | The location where the service was rendered |
claim.json | submissionDate | The date of claim submission |
claim.json | supervising | The supervising physician or authority |
claim_procedure.json | amount | Represents the total charge or cost amount |
claim_procedure.json | authorLogDateUtc | The date and time when the record was authored, in UTC format |
claim_procedure.json | authorUserId | The identifier for the user who authored this record |
claim_procedure.json | claimId | An identifier associated with the claim |
claim_procedure.json | diagnosisCode1 | These fields represent various diagnosis codes associated with the patient's condition |
claim_procedure.json | diagnosisCode10 | These fields represent various diagnosis codes associated with the patient's condition |
claim_procedure.json | diagnosisCode11 | These fields represent various diagnosis codes associated with the patient's condition |
claim_procedure.json | diagnosisCode12 | These fields represent various diagnosis codes associated with the patient's condition |
claim_procedure.json | diagnosisCode2 | These fields represent various diagnosis codes associated with the patient's condition |
claim_procedure.json | diagnosisCode3 | These fields represent various diagnosis codes associated with the patient's condition |
claim_procedure.json | diagnosisCode4 | These fields represent various diagnosis codes associated with the patient's condition |
claim_procedure.json | diagnosisCode5 | These fields represent various diagnosis codes associated with the patient's condition |
claim_procedure.json | diagnosisCode6 | These fields represent various diagnosis codes associated with the patient's condition |
claim_procedure.json | diagnosisCode7 | These fields represent various diagnosis codes associated with the patient's condition |
claim_procedure.json | diagnosisCode8 | These fields represent various diagnosis codes associated with the patient's condition |
claim_procedure.json | diagnosisCode9 | These fields represent various diagnosis codes associated with the patient's condition |
claim_procedure.json | diagnosisId | The identifier for the diagnosis table entry (there is one row entry per CPT entered for the patient that ties into the claimId) |
claim_procedure.json | fromDate | The service fromDate for the period covered by this record |
claim_procedure.json | modifier1 | These fields indicate any modifiers to the procedure code |
claim_procedure.json | modifier2 | These fields indicate any modifiers to the procedure code |
claim_procedure.json | modifier3 | These fields indicate any modifiers to the procedure code |
claim_procedure.json | modifier4 | These fields indicate any modifiers to the procedure code |
claim_procedure.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
claim_procedure.json | pos | Place of service code |
claim_procedure.json | procedureCode | The code for the medical procedure performed |
claim_procedure.json | sortOrder | A numerical value indicating the order of this item |
claim_procedure.json | toDate | The service toDate for the period covered by this record |
claim_procedure.json | tos | Type of service code |
claim_procedure.json | unitCharge | The charge per unit |
claim_procedure.json | units | The number of units for the service or procedure |
demographics.json | address1 | Primary address line for the patient. |
demographics.json | address2 | Secondary address line for the patient. |
demographics.json | birthDate | Patient's date of birth. |
demographics.json | city | City part of the patient's address. |
demographics.json | countryCode | Country code part of the patient's address. |
demographics.json | deathDate | Date of patient's death, if applicable. |
demographics.json | doctorName | Name of the patient's doctor. |
demographics.json | Patient's email address. | |
demographics.json | employer | Patient's employer. |
demographics.json | employmentStatus | Patient's employment status. |
demographics.json | ethnicity | Patient's ethnicity. |
demographics.json | firstName | Patient's first name. |
demographics.json | gender | Patient's gender. |
demographics.json | homePhone | Patient's home phone number. |
demographics.json | homePhoneExt | Extension for the home phone, if any. |
demographics.json | language | Primary language spoken by the patient. |
demographics.json | lastName | Patient's last name. |
demographics.json | maritalStatus | Patient's marital status. |
demographics.json | middleName | Patient's middle name. |
demographics.json | nameSuffix | Suffix to the patient's name if applicable. |
demographics.json | oldPatientId | Previous patient ID if applicable. |
demographics.json | oldPatientId1 | An additional previous patient ID, if applicable. |
demographics.json | oldPatientId2 | Another additional previous patient ID, if applicable. |
demographics.json | otherPhone | An additional phone number for the patient. |
demographics.json | otherPhoneExt | Extension for the other phone, if any. |
demographics.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
demographics.json | primaryCarePhysicianName | Name of the patient's primary care physician. |
demographics.json | primaryIdType | Type of the patient's primary identification. |
demographics.json | primaryIdValue | Value of the patient's primary identification. |
demographics.json | raceList | List of races the patient identifies with. |
demographics.json | referringName | Name of the referring doctor. |
demographics.json | reminderPreferred | Preferred method for reminders. |
demographics.json | rxHistoryConsent | Consent status for prescription history access. |
demographics.json | secondaryIdType | Type of the patient's secondary identification. |
demographics.json | secondaryIdValue | Value of the patient's secondary identification. |
demographics.json | signatureOnFileDate | Date when the patient's signature was filed. |
demographics.json | state | State part of the patient's address. |
demographics.json | student | Indicates if the patient is a student. |
demographics.json | workPhone | Patient's work phone number. |
demographics.json | workPhoneExt | Extension for the work phone, if any. |
demographics.json | zipCode | Zip code part of the patient's address. |
denial.json | adjustmentAmount | Monetary amount of the adjustment |
denial.json | adjustmentCode | Code identifying the specific adjustment |
denial.json | adjustmentQuantity | Quantity involved in the adjustment |
denial.json | claimId | Identifier for the insurance claim |
denial.json | diagnosisId | Identifier for the diagnosis associated with the claim |
denial.json | eobDate | Date of the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) |
denial.json | eobModificationDateUtc | Date and time of the last modification to the EOB in UTC |
denial.json | groupCode | Code representing the group of the adjustment |
denial.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
denial.json | payerName | Name of the insurance payer |
denial.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
eligibility.json | authorLogDate | Date when the transaction was logged |
eligibility.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who logged the transaction |
eligibility.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
eligibility.json | transactionResponse | Eligibility 271 Transaction response (Electronic Data Interchange format) |
insurance.json | address1 | Primary address line for the insured individual |
insurance.json | address2 | Secondary address line for the insured individual, if applicable |
insurance.json | authorizationRequired | Indicates whether authorization is required (eg, "N" for No) |
insurance.json | benefitResetDate | Date when the benefits reset, if applicable |
insurance.json | birthDate | Birth date of the insured individual |
insurance.json | city | City part of the insured individual's address |
insurance.json | copayDollar | Dollar amount for copay |
insurance.json | copayPercentage | Percentage rate for copay |
insurance.json | countryCode | Country code part of the insured individual's address |
insurance.json | coverage | Level or type of coverage |
insurance.json | deductible | Deductible amount, if applicable |
insurance.json | deductibleMetDate | Date when the deductible was met, if applicable |
insurance.json | eligibilitySkip | Indicates whether eligibility checks can be skipped (eg, "N" for No) |
insurance.json | Email address of the insured individual | |
insurance.json | employer | Employer of the insured individual |
insurance.json | endDate | End date of the insurance coverage |
insurance.json | firstName | First name of the insured individual |
insurance.json | gender | Gender of the insured individual |
insurance.json | groupName | Name of the insurance group or plan |
insurance.json | groupPolicyNumber | Policy number of the insurance group |
insurance.json | insured | Description of who is insured, in this case, the patient |
insurance.json | insuredId | Unique identifier for the insured individual |
insurance.json | insuredIdCode | Code or number of the insured's identification |
insurance.json | insuredIdType | Type of identification used for the insured (eg, "Member ID #") |
insurance.json | lastName | Last name of the insured individual |
insurance.json | maxOutOfPocket | Maximum out of pocket amount, if applicable |
insurance.json | maxOutOfPocketMetDate | Date when the maximum out of pocket was met, if applicable |
insurance.json | middleName | Middle name of the insured individual |
insurance.json | mspReason | Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) reason, if applicable |
insurance.json | nameSuffix | Suffix to the insured individual's name, if applicable |
insurance.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
insurance.json | payerName | Name of the insurance payer |
insurance.json | phone | Phone number of the insured individual |
insurance.json | phoneExt | Extension for the phone number, if applicable |
insurance.json | planCode | Code for the specific insurance plan, if applicable |
insurance.json | propertyCasualty | Details of the property or casualty insurance, if applicable |
insurance.json | propertyCasualtyInd | Indicates whether there is a property or casualty insurance (eg, "N" for No) |
insurance.json | relationship | Relationship of the insured to the patient (eg, "Self") |
insurance.json | secondaryId | Secondary identification number, if applicable |
insurance.json | secondaryIdType | Type of secondary identification, if applicable |
insurance.json | signatureOnFile | Indicates whether a signature is on file (eg, "N" for No) |
insurance.json | signatureOnFileDate | Date when the signature was filed, if applicable |
insurance.json | startDate | Start date of the insurance coverage, if applicable |
insurance.json | state | State part of the insured individual's address |
insurance.json | type | Type of insurance (eg, "Commercial") |
insurance.json | zipCode | Zip code part of the insured individual's address |
payment.json | adjustAmount | Amount of any adjustments made to the payment |
payment.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the payment information was logged or updated |
payment.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who logged the payment information |
payment.json | claimId | Identifier for the associated insurance claim |
payment.json | diagnosisId | Identifier for the diagnosis linked to the payment |
payment.json | idNumber | Identification number associated with the payment |
payment.json | method | Method of payment (eg, "ERA ACH") |
payment.json | paidAmount | Amount of money paid |
payment.json | paidBy | Entity or organization that made the payment (eg, "BCBS of Georgia") |
payment.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
payment.json | paymentDate | Date when the payment was made |
payment.json | paymentId | Unique identifier for the payment |
payment.json | primaryFinancialClass | Financial class of the primary payer (eg, "Blue Cross/Blue Shield") |
payment.json | primaryPayer | Primary payer for the claim (eg, "BCBS of Georgia") |
payment.json | provider | Healthcare provider associated with the payment (eg, "Dietzen MD, Charles J") |
payment.json | secondaryFinancialClass | Financial class of the secondary payer, if applicable |
payment.json | secondaryPayer | Secondary payer for the claim, if applicable |
payment.json | serviceLocation | Location where the service was provided (eg, "Audubon Plaza") |
payment.json | tertiaryFinancialClass | Financial class of the tertiary payer, if applicable |
payment.json | tertiaryPayer | Tertiary payer for the claim, if applicable |
payment.json | type | Type of transaction (eg, "ERA EFT") |
preschool_billing.json | cpseDistrict | Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) district for the patient, if applicable |
preschool_billing.json | disability | Description of the patient's disability status (eg, "Non |
preschool_billing.json | fosterCareCounty | The county responsible for the patient's foster care, if applicable |
preschool_billing.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
preschool_billing.json | residenceCounty | The county of the patient's residence, if applicable |
preschool_billing.json | stacId | Statewide student identifier, if applicable |
price_estimate.json | authorLogDateUtc | Date and time in UTC when the cost estimation was logged or updated |
price_estimate.json | authorUserId | Identifier of the user or author who logged the cost estimation |
price_estimate.json | dateOfService | Date when the healthcare service is scheduled or was provided |
price_estimate.json | estimationId | Unique identifier for the cost estimation entry |
price_estimate.json | insuranceCostInNetwork | Estimated cost for the insurance if the service is within their network, if applicable |
price_estimate.json | insuranceCostOutNetwork | Estimated cost for the insurance if the service is outside their network, if applicable |
price_estimate.json | patientCostInNetwork | Estimated cost for the patient if they are within the insurance network, if applicable |
price_estimate.json | patientCostOutNetwork | Estimated cost for the patient if they are outside the insurance network, if applicable |
price_estimate.json | payer | Name of the insurance payer involved (eg, "Aetna 1") |
price_estimate.json | provider | Name of the healthcare provider offering the service (eg, "Adkins MD, Stanley") |
price_estimate.json | serviceLocation | Location where the service is provided (eg, "iSALUS Healthcare") |
price_estimate_line.json | allowedAmountPerUnit | Distinct line item details with for line PMased on the estimateId |
price_estimate_line.json | chargeAmountPerUnit | Charge Amount associated with line item |
price_estimate_line.json | diagnosisCode | Diagnosis code associated with line item |
price_estimate_line.json | estimationId | Cross references with the price_estitate.json (parent) data element |
price_estimate_line.json | estimationLineId | Line item numPMer within a price estimtate price_estimate.json to price_estimate_line.json can PMe 1-to-many) |
price_estimate_line.json | modified | Modifier associated with line item |
price_estimate_line.json | patientId | Unique identified for the patient |
price_estimate_line.json | procedureCode | Procedure code associated with line item |
price_estimate_line.json | units | Units associated with line item |
prior_authorization.json | amount | Authorized amount for the service or treatment |
prior_authorization.json | amountUsed | Amount of the authorization already used, if applicable |
prior_authorization.json | amountWarning | Warning level for the amount used in relation to the total authorized amount |
prior_authorization.json | authorizationDate | Date when the authorization was issued, if applicable |
prior_authorization.json | authorizationId | Unique identifier for the authorization record |
prior_authorization.json | authorizedBy | The individual or entity that authorized the service, if applicable |
prior_authorization.json | callDateTime | Date and time of the call or contact related to the authorization, if applicable |
prior_authorization.json | careConditionAssumed | Indicates whether care condition is assumed (false in this case) |
prior_authorization.json | comment | Any additional comments or notes related to the authorization |
prior_authorization.json | createdBy | The individual or entity that created the authorization record, if applicable |
prior_authorization.json | createdDate | Date when the authorization record was created, if applicable |
prior_authorization.json | effectiveEndDate | End date of the authorization's validity |
prior_authorization.json | effectiveStartDate | Start date of the authorization's validity |
prior_authorization.json | effectiveWarningDate | Warning date for the end of the authorization's validity, if applicable |
prior_authorization.json | facility | Facility where the authorized service is provided, if applicable |
prior_authorization.json | insuredId | Unique identifier for the insured individual related to the authorization |
prior_authorization.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
prior_authorization.json | patientSent | Indicates whether the patient was sent for the service (false in this case) |
prior_authorization.json | referralLetter | Indicates whether a referral letter is involved (false in this case) |
prior_authorization.json | referralNumber | Reference or referral number associated with the authorization |
prior_authorization.json | referredName | Name of the individual or entity referred in the authorization, if applicable |
prior_authorization.json | selectedInsuranceIsPrimary | Indicates whether the selected insurance is the primary one (false in this case) |
prior_authorization.json | serviceDate | Date when the authorized service is scheduled or was provided, if applicable |
prior_authorization.json | status | Current status of the authorization (eg, "Received") |
prior_authorization.json | tracking | Method or system used for tracking the authorization (eg, "Referred By") |
prior_authorization.json | type | Type of record or document (eg, "Authorization") |
prior_authorization.json | units | Number of units authorized, if applicable |
prior_authorization.json | unitsUsed | Number of authorized units already used, if applicable |
prior_authorization.json | unitsWarning | Warning level for the units used in relation to the total authorized units |
prior_authorization.json | visits | Number of visits authorized |
prior_authorization.json | visitsUsed | Number of authorized visits already used, if applicable |
prior_authorization.json | visitsWarning | Warning level for the number of visits used in relation to the total authorized visits |
prior_authorization_code.json | authorizationId | Unique identifier for the related authorization record |
prior_authorization_code.json | code | Specific code number (eg, "99203") |
prior_authorization_code.json | codeDescription | Description of what the code represents (eg, "NEW PATIENT OFFICE VISIT") |
prior_authorization_code.json | codeType | Type of code used (eg, "CPT" for Current Procedural Terminology) |
prior_authorization_code.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
prior_authorization_code.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
prior_authorization_code.json | sortOrder | Numerical order for sorting purposes, indicating the sequence or priority of the code |
prior_authorization_rendering.json | authorizationId | Unique identifier for the related authorization record |
prior_authorization_rendering.json | patientId | Unique identifier for the patient |
prior_authorization_rendering.json | renderingName | Name of the healthcare provider rendering the service |
prior_authorization_rendering.json | rowIdentifier | Unique identifier for the row entry |
statement.json | adjustmentAmount | Total adjustments made, as reflected in the statement, if applicable |
statement.json | aging_0_30 | Amount due within 0 to 30 days |
statement.json | aging_121_150 | Amount due within 121 to 150 days |
statement.json | aging_150_over | Amount due over 150 days |
statement.json | aging_31_60 | Amount due within 31 to 60 days |
statement.json | aging_61_90 | Amount due within 61 to 90 days |
statement.json | aging_91_120 | Amount due within 91 to 120 days |
statement.json | balanceTotal | Total balance amount due on the statement |
statement.json | charges | Total charges included in the statement, if applicable |
statement.json | claimId | Identifier for the insurance claim associated with the statement, if applicable |
statement.json | paymentAmount | Total payments made, as reflected in the statement, if applicable |
statement.json | procedureBalance | Balance amount for specific procedures, if applicable |
statement.json | respPartyAddress1 | Primary address line for the responsible party |
statement.json | respPartyAddress2 | Secondary address line for the responsible party, if applicable |
statement.json | respPartyCity | City part of the responsible party's address |
statement.json | respPartyFirstName | First name of the responsible party for the statement |
statement.json | respPartyLastName | Last name of the responsible party |
statement.json | respPartyMiddleName | Middle name of the responsible party |
statement.json | respPartyState | State part of the responsible party's address |
statement.json | respPartyZip | Zip code part of the responsible party's address |
statement.json | serviceDate | Date of the service related to the statement, if applicable |
statement.json | statementDueDate | Due date for payment as indicated on the statement |