The My Tasks - Results screen has several different Result Queues. Once a user selects a queue, the results in that queue are then returned and displayed in the Results List. This article will explain each field in the result list.
Result Lists Definitions
- M - This represents results that were recently modified (changed/findings added/etc...) since the last time the screen was refreshed. Items recently modified will contain a black check icon to indicate this.
- Chart - The patient chart number for the result. If the patient is unknown, this will display as a '?'.
- Patient - The patient name (Last, First) for the result. If the patient is unknown, this will display as 'Unsolicited'
- Ordered - Date the order was placed
- Orders - Pulls the name of the orders associated with this requisition. If a result has been received, the order names come from the order information inside the electronic result. If the result has not been received, the order names come from the orders originally placed in iSalus.
- Received - Date the result was received
- Abnormal - If any 'Flag' in the result contains anything other than a 'N', the result is considered Abnormal and a red exclamation icon will be displayed. If all 'Flag' values are 'N', then no icon is displayed and this is considered Normal. This may change the processor of the result based on the following company settings:
- Findings - If any finding has been entered on the result, this column will display a green check mark icon. Otherwise, it will be blank.
- MML - If this electronic result has been shared with the patient via MyMedicalLocker, a green check mark icon will display. Otherwise, it will be blank.
- Next Appointment: Date and time of the patients next scheduled appointment.
- Processor: The user or user group that this order is assigned to.
- Provider: Name of the provider that placed the order.
- Lab: The name of the lab that this result is connected to.
- Orig. Req ID - The requisition ID supplied in the electronic result file.
- Req ID - The internal requisition ID that our application has connected this order to.
Result List Actions
Several actions can be taken against the result list. Those actions are described below.
The search bar above the result list is used for searching within the queue that you have selected. This will search all results in this queue based on your input, not just results assigned to your user. You can type in nearly any value that is displayed in the columns and the system will return the matching values.
Export to Excel
Clicking the 'Export to Excel' icon on the Results List toolbar will open Microsoft Excel on your computer and export the results list to excel.
Open Patient in EMR:
Clicking the 'Open Patient in EMR' icon will open the EMR Portal and then automatically load the patient chart that you had selected in the Results List. This is helpful when you need to do advanced research related to the patients medical record.
Open Patient in iScheduler
Clicking the 'Open Patient in iScheduler' icon will open the iScheduler Portal and then automatically load the patient chart that you had selected in the Results List. This is helpful when you need to do advanced research related to the patients appointment history or you need to schedule a new appointment.
More - Reassign
Clicking the 'Reassign' icon will open the Result Reassign screen which is used for making mass updates to a set of results. This screen allows for a mass update of the Processor and/or the Status.
When the Reassign window is launched, users will be able to set the new Processor and new Status of the selected results. Take note, that the updates can be applied to the 'Current Task List' (the results that you can see on the screen in the background) or based on a custom 'Search Criteria'.