Payment Batch Setup

Below you will find an explanation for each company setting and roles along with the default value that are applied. These settings and rules will affect exactly how payment batches are handled in your database. 

As a practice, you will be responsible for updating these settings to meet your business rules.

Company Settings

  • Enable Payment Batch Posting 
    • Description: This company setting will be used to determine if Payment Batch will be enabled in your database and how it will function.
    • Default Value: 0 = Disabled.
    • Business Use Case and Recommendation:  
      • If your practice does not wish to implement Payment Batch posting this setting should remain 0 = Disabled.
      • If your practice wishes to group some of it's payments within a Payment Batch to facilitate with reconciling but does not wish to limit users to have all payments taken (patient payments and insurance payments) be placed in a batch this setting should be set to 1 = On/Optional.
      • If your practice wishes to group all payments taken within a Payment Batch to facilitate with reconciling payments posted by user and/or date then this setting should be set to 2 = On/Required
  • EDI Deposit Payment Batch Posting User 
    • Description: This company setting will designate the user that the batch will be created for when ERAs or DMA Statements deposits are created. If the setting is left blank no auto batch creation occurs for those type of deposits and the user will need to manually associate them to a batch if applicable. If the setting is set to a user then auto posting can occur using the EDI batch connected to that user id.
    • Default Value: blank
    • Business Use Case and Recommendation:
      • If your practice uses the auto posting process this setting should be set to a user that you wish to review the batch of payments that were auto posted.
      • If your practice does not use the auto posting process but you receive ERA or DMA Statement deposits and you wish to remove the manual linking of those deposits to a batch this setting should be set to the user you wish to review those deposits.
      • If your practice splits ERA from DMA Deposits by user or ERA deposits by payer for specific users this setting should be left blank and the users will be able to add the deposits to their own payment batch as needed.


  • Practice - Billing - General -> Payment Batch
    • Close all Payment Batches screen: This role allows the user to close all payment batches including batches assigned to other users. This roles default is disabled.
    • Close user Payment Batches screen: This role allows the user to close payment batches assigned to their user. This roles default is disabled.
    • New Payment Batch screen: This role allows the user to create a new Payment Batch. This roles default is disabled.
    • Payment Batch Details screen: This roles allows the user to have access to the Payment Batch Details screen. This roles default is disabled.
    • Re-Assign Payment Batches screen: This role allows the user to assign another user's Payment Batch to themselves. This roles default is disabled.
    • Re-Open Payment Batches screen: This role allows the user to be able to re-open a completed Payment Batch. This roles default is disabled.
    • Search Payment Batches screen: This role allows the user to have access to the Payment Batch screen and perform searches. This roles default is disabled.
    • Update All Payment Batches screen: This role allows the user to update the details in any Payment Batch. This roles default is disabled.
  • Practice - eDocuments -> Cabinet
    • Practice Payment Batches screen: This role allows the user to be able to view the scanned items for Payment Batches. This roles default is disabled.