Dashboard User Setup

The Billing Dashboard display can be configured by user through the User Settings screen. This screen is accessible by clicking the gear icon in the upper right corner of the Billing Dashboard screen and then clicking on User Setup.

The user settings screen gives you many options on how you view your dashboard.

Default View - Allows you to change the view that shown in the middle portion of the screen each time the dashboard is opened.  You can choose between the Revenue Cycle Wheel, Advanced, or Metrics Views.

Activity Settings - Allow you set the location of the tiles that appear at the top of the screen by default.  These can be moved to the bottom, left, right, or hidden.  You may also choose which specific tiles to display or hide by checking or unchecking the boxes next to the tiles. In addition you can change the default 7 days for the Eligibility tile.

Key Performance Indicator Settings - Allow you to display or hide the section displayed by default at the bottom of the screen. You may also set the number of days that is being viewed on the dashboard version as well as the number of days for the expanded version of the KPI screen. A/R DOS Options and A/R Age Options allow you to set the date options to use when viewing the information for KPI Aging by date of service or by aging date.

Revenue Cycle Settings - Allow you to display or hide sections of the revenue cycle wheel.  You may also use this section to set the day range and default data view for each section.

Advanced Settings -  Allow you to display or hide sections of the Advanced display for the center section of the billing dashboard. You may also set the day range for each section as desired.

Metric Settings - Allow you to display or hide section of the Metric display for the center section of the billing dashboard.