Release 23.22 - December 14th, 2023

New Features and Updates


Emergency Contact

  • U16742 - Add new checkboxes for Emergency Contact within Patient Setup: You can now update Emergency Contacts to include a permission checkbox to "leave detailed messages" with the listed contact (Primary/Secondary) when the box is checked (yes), or not to do so when the patient has left it unchecked (no). 

These new fields can be added to Patient Intelligent Intake Forms within Setup > Intake Setup

Bug Fixes



  • B16828 - Case-sensitive Environment Check Query: Corrected an issue that was causing users that log in with a database name that does not have the same casing (lowercase/uppercase) as the internal database, to ignore results collected at launch from the report data. This meant that if you ran results for your login, and you wanted to view the results logged in with a different case (lowercase /uppercase), you wouldn't be able to see that run.



  • B15884 - Email Notifications not received as expected:  Corrected an issue that was causing communications sent to users with the Email Notify setup in place not to receive messages sent to them outside of a group communication.

Procedure Codes

  • B16867 - Allow Bypass Claim Validation Rule Flag Not Being Taken Into Account:  Corrected an issue that was causing the Allow Bypass claim flag on the procedure code set up to not affect the claim validation option to bypass the rule.    

Company Settings

  • B16776 - Print Schedule including Appointments in Rescheduled Status:  When printing the day's schedule, appointments in a Rescheduled appointment status were being printed. To correct this issue, we added a company setting called "Display rescheduled appointments on printed schedule" to include/exclude rescheduled appointments from the printed schedule.