Adding a Chart to Billing Analytics

In Billing Analytics, you have the option of adding a chart that connects to your practice's data. This chart can make use of all the same fields as PivotTables, and can even be connected with slicers. To add a chart, take the following steps: 

  1. Navigate to the worksheet where you would like the chart to appear. 
  2. At the top of the screen, select Insert, then Pivot Chart, then Pivot Chart. Note: If you would like to add a PivotChart and a PivotTable that displays the same data but in numerical format, you can instead select PivotChart & PivotTable.

  3. Select Use an external data source, and select Choose Connection:

  4. In the resulting window, select your connection and hit OK, then hit OK again: 

  5. You will see a blank PivotChart:

  6. You can build the chart just like a PivotTable, adding fields in the pane at the right to build your chart. For instance, here is a basic chart showing Charges and Payments by Post Date: