

The iSalusPatient.PatientList webservice is used to retrieve a list of patients that match specified search criteria. The webservice will accept search values as input and limited patient details are returned for each patient matching the search.  The search string will look across the following fields:

  • Chart Number
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Nick Name
  • Phone Number (Home, Work, Other)
  • Date of Birth
  • Social Security Number

Sample Call


        <userid />


<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
            <name>Baby, Blake</name>
                <home_primary>(317) 956-7909</home_primary>
            <primary_id />
            <bridge_key />
            <bridge_provider />
            <employer />
            <name>Head, Blake A.</name>
                <home_primary>(317) 956-7909</home_primary>
                <business_primary>(317) 888-7729</business_primary>
                <other>(317) 833-8967</other>
            <bridge_key />
            <bridge_provider />
            <employer />
            <name>Head, Blake A. JR (BH)</name>
                <home_primary>(317) 956-7909</home_primary>
                <business_primary>(317) 687-8119</business_primary>
                <other>(317) 956-7909</other>
            <bridge_key />
            <bridge_provider />
            <employer />

Element Description


The Request element will serve as a wrapper for the entire body of the XML request.

Request > Security

See documentation for the Security node here:  Access to Webservices

Request > Search

This is a stub for the search parameters.

Request > Search > Criteria

This is a string input for what you want to search for.  This can be any combination of the following fields 

  • Chart Number
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Nick Name
  • Phone Number (Home, Work, Other)
  • Date of Birth
  • Social Security Number

This search is very flexible and can handle inputs as you see below:

  • Partial Name Search:   
    • Input:  <criteria>ba ma</criteria> 
    • Patient Returned:  Bat Man
  • Name and DOB Search
    •  Input:  <criteria>Man 03/20/1989</criteria>
    • Patient Returned:  Joe Manard where the birth date is 03/20/1989

Request > Max_Rows

This accepts a maximum number of patient rows that you would like to return based on the input.  


The Response element will serve as a wrapper for the entire body of the XML response.

Response > Patient_List

The <Patient_List> element will serve as a wrapper for all possible patient objects that will be returned.

Response > Patient_List > Patient

The <Patient> element will serve as a wrapper for all data for the returned patient.  This element may repeat.

Response > Patient_List > Patient > ID

The unique, public-facing ID for this patient (aka Chart Number).

Response > Patient_List > Patient > entity_id

Unique, internal facing ID for this patient.

Response > Patient_List > Patient > name

Patient name formatted as Last, First, Middle

Response > Patient_List > Patient > dob

Patient date of birth.  Formatted as MM/DD/YYYY.

Response > Patient_List > Patient >age

Patient calculated age based on the date of birth and today's date.  Formatted as "3.7 yo".

Response > Patient_List > Patient > gender

Patient gender. Represented as Male, Female, Unknown.

Response > Patient_List > Patient > Phone

Wrapper for all phone information returned.

Response > Patient_List > Patient > Phone > Home_primary

Patient's home phone number.

Response > Patient_List > Patient > Phone > Business_primary

The patient's work phone number.

Response > Patient_List > Patient > Phone > Other

Patient's "other" phone number, often a cell phone.

Response > Patient_List > Patient > Primary_ID

Value of the primary ID.

Response > Patient_List > Patient > Primary_ID_Type

Decoded representation of the primary ID used (i.e. SSN).

Response > Patient_List > Patient > Bridge_Key


Response > Patient_List > Patient > Bridge_provider


Response > Patient_List > Patient > Vitals

Wrapper for all vital records returned.

Response > Patient_List > Patient > Vitals > BMI

Body Mass Index - calculated from most recent height and weight entered in the Vitals chart tab.

Response > Patient_List > Patient > Vitals > BSA

Body Surface Area - calculated from the most recent height and weight entered in the Vitals chart tab.

Response > Patient_List > Patient > Employer

Name of the patient's employer.