Change the Status of an Order via the Order Entry - History

The order status is used to determine the visibility of the order in the My Task - Orders, Open Orders list. There are three options for order status: Open, Closed, Cancelled. This article will describe the two ways to change the status of an order item within the Order Entry - History screen.

Steps to Complete (Right Click Menu)

  1. After an order has been placed, navigate to the History of the Order Entry chart tab within the patient's chart.

  2. From the list, you can either select and right-click over a single order or select multiple orders at once by using SHIFT+Click and/or CTRL+Click.
  3. Right-click over the selected order(s), Select Status

  4. From here, use the radio buttons to change the statusYou may also change the status of the selected order(s) from this screen.

  5. Save

Steps to Complete (Processing Window)

  1. After an order has been placed, navigate to the History of the Order Entry chart tab within the patient's chart.

  2. From here, locate the order.
  3. Select the Processing Window icon from the list.

  4. Within the processing window, select Processor

  5. This will open a separate window where the Status can be changed via the dropdown.

  6. Save