In Microsoft Excel, ‘Facts’ are the actual numbers that you are able to analyze/report on. This type of data is quantitative (numbers).
- Appointment: This data is derived from all appointments created in the iScheduler.
- Appointment Count: The total number of unique appointments.
- Appointment Duration: The total number of minutes for all appointments.
- Blackout: Users can add Blackout Overlays on a schedule template. This type of overlay prevents appointments from being scheduled in this space.
- Blackout Count: The total number of unique blackout overlays on a schedule template.
- Blacount Duration: The total number of minutes for all blackout overlays.
- Employer: Some practices may utilize the iSalus Employer Module. If so, this is the Employer Entity that is configured. This is very rarely used.
- Employer Count: The total number of unique employers in the employer module.
- Placeholder: Users can add placeholders on a schedule template. This is a predetermined appointment slot used to force specific scheduling habits.
- Placeholder Count: The total number of unique placeholders slots.
- Placeholder Duration: The total number of minutes for all placeholder slots.
- Resource: A resource is an entity that an appointment can be scheduled with. Most commonly, this is a provider, but could be a room, a nurse, or any other type of schedule that makes sense for the practice.
- Resource Count: The total number of unique resources.
- Workday Duration: Each resource must have a Workday Start Time and Workday End time (used to determine when they are expected to be in the office). This represents the total number of workday minutes allotted.
- Values
- Appointment Type %: Expected to be used with the 'Appointment Type' dimension. This specifies how frequently an appointment type is used in the practice.
- Employee Appointment Count %: Only used for practices with Employer Module feature enabled.
- Employee Type %: Only used for practices with Employer Module feature enabled.
- Employer Appointment Count: Only used for practices with Employer Module feature enabled.
- Placeholder Usage %: Percentage of placeholders that have appointments assigned to them.
- Resource Usage %: Percentage of resources workday filled with appointments.
In Microsoft Excel, ‘Dimensions’ are how you might analyze or break down a number. This type of data is qualitative (categories).
- Appointment Status: Appointments will always be assigned to a status. This represents where the appointment is within the workflow.
- Appointment Status: The name of the status of the appointment (i.e. Scheduled, Cancelled).
- Appointment Status ID: The internal ID of the status of the appointment (i.e. 1, 6).
- Appointment Type: Appointments and Placeholders will always be assigned an appointment type.
- Appointment Type: The name of the appointment type utilized (i.e. New Patient).
- Appointment Type ID: The internal ID of the appointment type (i.e. 3).
- Blackout Reason: All blackout overlays that are scheduled can have a predetermined Blackout Reason.
- Blackout Reason: The name of the reasons associated with the blackout overlay (i.e. Vacation, Sick).
- Blackout Rason ID: The internal ID of the reason associated with the blackout overlay (i.e. 1, 3).
- Clinic Access End Date: Only used for practices with Employer Module feature enabled.
- Clinic Access Start Date: Only used for practices with Employer Module feature enabled.
- Date: Date of the appointment or placeholder.
- Date.Hierarchy: Selecting this value will break out the included appointments, starting with the year, then drills deeper.
- Example: 2018 -> Q1 -> January, February, March -> 2018-01-01, 2018-01-02, 2018-01-03, etc.
- Date.Date Id: The iSalus unique identifier for the calendar date.
- Date.Date Value: Selecting this value will break out the included appointments by calendar date, regardless of year.
- Date.Quarter Value: Selecting this value will break out the included appointments by Quarter, regardless of year.
- Date.Year Month: Selecting this value will break out the included appointments by Month, regardless of year.
- Date.Year Value: Selecting this value will break out the included appointments by Year.
- Date.Hierarchy: Selecting this value will break out the included appointments, starting with the year, then drills deeper.
- Department: Only used for practices with Employer Module feature enabled.
- Employee Type: Only used for practices with Employer Module feature enabled.
- Employer: Only used for practices with Employer Module feature enabled.
- Employer Group: Only used for practices with Employer Module feature enabled.
- First Appt Date: Date of the patients first scheduled appointment.
- First Appt Date.Hierarchy: Selecting this value will break out the included appointments, starting with the year, then drills deeper.
- Example: 2018 -> Q1 -> January, February, March -> 2018-01-01, 2018-01-02, 2018-01-03, etc.
- First Appt Date.Date Id: The iSalus unique identifier for the calendar date.
- First Appt Date.Date Value: Selecting this value will break out the included appointments by calendar date, regardless of year.
- First Appt Date.Quarter Value: Selecting this value will break out the included appointments by Quarter, regardless of year.
- First Appt Date.Year Month: Selecting this value will break out the included appointments by Month, regardless of year.
- First Appt Date.Year Value: Selecting this value will break out the included appointments by Year.
- First Appt Date.Hierarchy: Selecting this value will break out the included appointments, starting with the year, then drills deeper.
- Health Plan Group: Only used for practices with Employer Module feature enabled.
- Locality: Only used for practices with Employer Module feature enabled.
- Patient: Patient associated with the appointment.
- Address: Patient address
- City: Patient city
- Dob: Date of Birth
- First Name: Patient first name
- Last Name: Patient last name
- Patient Id: iSalus Unique ID
- Patient Name: The patient's full name, structured in the following manner: Patient Last Name, Patient First Name, Patient Middle Initial (Patient Nick Name).
- State: Patient state
- Zip Code: Patient zip code
- Placeholder: Users can add placeholders on a schedule template. This is a predetermined appointment slot used to force specific scheduling habits.
- Utilized: Determines if a placeholder has an appointment associated with it or not. Produces the options of 'Utilized' or 'Not Utilized'.
- Utilized Id: Determines if a placeholder has an appointment associated with it or not. Produces the options of '1' or '0'.
- Registration Date: Only used for practices with Employer Module feature enabled.
- Resource: A resource is an entity that an appointment can be scheduled with. Most commonly, this is a provider, but could be a room, a nurse, or any other type of schedule that makes sense for the practice.
- Resource Id: Internal ID of the resource (i.e. 343)
- Resource Name: Name of the resource (i.e. Nurse Schedule)
- Resource Category: A resource can be assigned to a category and grouped in a logical fashion. Practices can setup their own categories as desired.
- Resource Category ID: Internal ID of the resource category (i.e. 1).
- Resource Category Name: Name of the resource category (i.e. Personnel).
- Resource Type: A resource category can be further classified by creating resource types. Practices can setup their own types as desired.
- Resource Type ID: Internal ID of the resource type (i.e. 2).
- Resource Type Name: Name of the resource type (i.e. Providers or Therapists).
- Service Location: A service location is the physical place where the appointment is to take place.
- Service Location ID: Internal ID of the service location (i.e. 2282).
- Service Location Name: Name of the service location (i.e. North Office).
- Sub Population: Only used for practices with Employer Module feature enabled.
- Time: This refers to the time of the scheduled appointment or placeholder.
- Time Display: Appointment time, formatted as HH:MM AM/PM (i.e. 11:15 AM).
- Time Hour: The hour of the scheduled appointment (i.e. 11).
- Time Id: The unique ID that represents the time (not recommended to use).
- Time Minute: The minute of the scheduled appointment (i.e. 15).
- Wellness Date: Only used for practices with Employer Module feature enabled.