Single Click Result Processing Feature

This release includes Single Click Result Processing, a new feature designed to enhance user efficiency in handling Result Findings/Activities. The intent is to simplify the processing of Normal and Abnormal findings by allowing users to complete these actions with just a single click. By default, this functionality is turned off for all users. This new feature does introduce a new 'Save and Next' button that can be used by all users when processing Results even when they do not use the new Single Click Result Processing user settings. 

This feature is most useful for users who often stick to their default settings without needing to add anything additional. Users can choose to activate the Single Click Auto Save & Next setting for Normal or Abnormal independently, or for both findings. The "Manually Save" checkbox located above the default finding icons allows a user to temporarily pause the automated processing when checked before clicking on the Findings Default Icon. This allows the user to make necessary changes to their default setup when necessary. Once the user is complete, they can click on the new 'Save and Next' arrow button to save their updated Findings, move to the next result, and they will notice the Manual Save checkbox is reset allowing them to Single Click process the next result.

When working from the My Tasks > Results work list, users will see updated results receive the expected check-mark indicator as they move to the next record. Additionally, when dealing with multiple pages of results, users will be navigated through each page to complete their findings.

Important note: when the Single Click Auto Save & Next setting is not enabled for either Normal or Abnormal, the "Manually Save" checkbox will not appear. For those users who have set up preferences for only one or the other, the user will need to remember which will auto-process so that they can engage the Manually Save checkbox when needed.


User Settings to turn on Single Click Result Processing:

1. Determine if you want to set up this new functionality for Normal, Abnormal, or both types of results.

2. Access your user settings one of two ways:

   a. User settings through the User Setup screen as outlined here:

      i. Then search for and set up the following related user settings, as desired:


  b. User settings in the Result User Settings window from any lab result requisition view

 Open any Result requisition, click on the Result Option menu item drop down arrow and choose 'Settings'. In the Result User Settings screen you will notice that there is a new 'Single Click Auto Close & Next setting checkbox associated with Normal Finding/Activity Settings and Abnormal Finding/Activity Settings. Users can choose to turn on this new single click functionality for one, both, or none (based on their personal needs).

Notice in the example below, this user only set up Single Click Result Processing for the Normal Findings/Activity Settings default...

3. Once you have chosen to turn on either of the user settings shown in step 2 above, you will need to follow the Single Click Result Processing Workflow noted in the next section.

Single Click Result Processing Workflow:

Single Click Result Processing, once turned on by a user, works the same regardless of where the user opens the Result Requisition and accesses their Green Checkmark icon for Normal findings or the Red Exclamation icon for Abnormal findings. At any time the user needs to pause the automated processing that occurs with Single Click Result Processing, they will just need to click to check mark the Manual Save checkbox.

Processing a lab with Single Click Result Processing turned on for your user account:

1. Access the Result Requisition.

2. Review the result data to determine your findings, most importantly, know if you need to override your Normal or Abnormal Defaults.

3. Once you know the Normal/Abnormal finding, you have two processing options: unchecked manual for auto-processing OR override auto-processing by checking ‘Manual Save’ in those cases where you want to add additional content to your Result Findings:

   a. Green Checkmark for Normal Findings.

   b. Red Exclamation icon for Abnormal Findings.

4. As users process Results, they will be navigated through each page of the current result (even if those additional associated result pages have already been signed), and then they will notice their Result list updating as they navigate through any additional items in their list. When working from a single result requisition the process will still navigate through the pages but would not have a next result item to navigate to after reaching the last page.


Note: In case of accidental processing, users can easily access the result, engage the "Manually Save" checkbox, then input the updated Findings/Activities, and then use the save button to complete the update.