Payment Batch Details Screen

The Payment Batch Details screen can be accessed by double clicking on a batch from the Payment Batch screen.  This screen can be used to review, edit, and complete the payment batch.


Batch Details

This section will provide details on the payment batch you have opened.

  • Batch Date: The date entered by the user for the batch.
  • Status: The current status of the payment batch.
    • New: The payment batch has been created but not completed yet.
    • Completed: The payment batch has been marked as complete and it is now locked.
    • Removed: The payment batch has been removed and is not tied to any payments.
  • ID: The system auto assigned ID for the payment batch.
  • Assigned To: The user assigned to the payment batch.
  • Total: The total dollar amount entered by the user for the payment batch.
  • Total Posted: The total dollar amount of payments tied to the payment batch.
  • Total Applied: The total dollar amount of payments that have been applied to a claim from the payments in the payment batch.
  • Completed By: The user who completed the payment batch.
  • Items: The numbers of payments entered by the user for the payment batch.
  • Items Posted: The number of payments tied to the payment batch.
  • Items Applied: The number of payments that have been applied to claims from the payments in the payment batch.
  • Created By: The user and date of creation for the payment batch.
  • Notes: The user note for the payment batch.
  • Detail Actions: 
    • Complete: Allows the user to complete the payment batch.
    • Re-open: Allows a user with the appropriate permission to reopen a batch.
    • Re-assign: Allows a user with the appropriate permission to assign the payment batch to themselves.
    • Remove: Allows the user to remove the batch.
    • Report: Provides a report of the payment batch which can be saved as a pdf, printed, or exported.

Deposit Details

This section will display details on the deposits linked to your payment batch. You can use the actions in this section to add, remove the deposit from the payment batch or create a new deposit that will be auto linked to the batch. 

  • ID: The deposit system assigned ID.
  • Payer Name: The name of the payee of the deposit.
  • Sys ID: The system ID of the payee.
  • Payment Method: The method of payment utilized for the deposit.
  • Check/Trace Number: The check or EFT trace number of the deposit.
  • Amount: Dollar amount of the deposit.
  • Applied: Dollar amount of the deposit that has been applied to claim(s).
  • Unapplied: Dollar amount of the deposit that has not yet been applied to claim(s).
  • Date: Deposit date.
  • Deposit Actions:
    • New: Allows the user to create a new deposit that will be auto linked to the current payment batch.
    • Add: Allows the user to search for an existing deposit to add to the payment batch.
    • Remove: Allows the user to remove the checked deposit(s) from the payment batch.

Receipt Details

This section will display details on the receipts linked to your payment batch. You can use the actions in this section to add, or remove the receipt from the payment batch. 

  • ID: The receipt system assigned ID.
  • Patient Name: The name of the patient.
  • Chart: The patient chart number.
  • Payment Method: The method of payment utilized for the receipt.
  • Check/Trace Number: The check or transaction number of the receipt.
  • Amount: Dollar amount of the receipt.
  • Applied: Dollar amount of the receipt that has been applied to claim(s).
  • Unapplied: Dollar amount of the receipt that has not yet been applied to claim(s).
  • Date: Receipt date.
  • Receipts Actions:
    • Add: Allows the user to search for an existing receipt to add to the payment batch.
    • Remove: Allows the user to remove the checked receipt(s) from the payment batch.