Check In-Out Dashboard

Coming in June 2024 (For Beta Sites):

Check In/Out Dashboard: Streamlining Patient Processing

Managing the flow of patients in and out of healthcare practices is often fraught with complexity, leading to bottlenecks that can slow down both patient intake and discharge. Our new Check In/Out Dashboard is engineered to transform this critical aspect of practice management by centralizing the myriad tools needed for efficient patient processing into one, user-friendly platform. With extensive filtering options and unparalleled flexibility, our dashboard enables medical staff to customize the software to meet the unique demands of their front-office workflows.

During patient check-in, practice staff perform a variety of complex tasks including the assessment of financial resources, setting clear financial expectations, compiling comprehensive patient histories, ensuring strict compliance with HIPAA and practice policies, obtaining necessary authorizations, and documenting patient preferences for things like pharmacy preference, communication preference, and advanced directives, to name a few.

From a practice management perspective, efficiently managing essential check-in tasks is key to streamlining clinical workflows and ensuring that clinical teams have immediate access to vital patient data. This focused approach allows healthcare providers to dedicate their efforts to delivering superior patient care. Similarly, our integrated check-out process is designed to facilitate the smooth preparation of patient data for billing, provide patients with detailed follow-up care information, and schedule subsequent appointments seamlessly.

Furthermore, the success of the check-out and billing processes hinges significantly on the accuracy and thoroughness of the check-in process. Accurate updating of patient information during check-in is critical due to the complex rules and regulations governing these administrative tasks. This meticulous updating is essential not only for the culmination of patient services but also to ensure that the practice is appropriately compensated for the services rendered. 

Our new customizable dashboard is designed to provide maximum efficiency, making the completion of these intricate tasks both structured and straightforward. By significantly reducing staff processing time, our dashboard enhances overall operational efficiency, ultimately leading to improved patient satisfaction and better healthcare outcomes.