Company Settings are switches/triggers/ID's etc... that apply to the entire application. These settings allow our application to work differently from one practice to the next. This article will explain how to set these values.
The 'Abnormal Results Processor' company setting is used to set the User Group that is set when an electronic result is received and at least one abnormal value is included in the result. This is used in the My Tasks Results screen.
By default, this value is blank, which means this setting is not used. When this setting is not in use, the system will deliver normal results to the user that was originally selected in the 'Ordered By' field on the Order Entry screen.
Default Value: blank
The company setting is used to set a patient's default reminder preference for the Automated Appointment Reminders integration. This setting will be used to set Email consent value within Patient Setup > Miscellaneous > Appointment Reminders.
When a new patient is created, this setting will be applied.
Default Value: 0
The company setting is used to set a patient's default reminder preference for the Automated Appointment Reminders integration. This setting will be used to set the Phone Calls consent value within Patient Setup > Miscellaneous > Appointment Reminders screen.
When a new patient is created, this setting will be applied.
Default Value: 0
The company setting is used to set a patient's default reminder preference for the Automated Appointment Reminders integration. This setting will be used to set the Text Messages consent value within Patient Setup > Miscellaneous > Appointment Reminders screen.
When a new patient is created, this setting will be applied.
Default Value: 0
The 'Autocodify Problem List Codes to SNOMED' company setting allows a practice to decide if new problems that are added are auto-codified to the SNOMED term it is associated with. This occurs in the Problem List chart tab.
Recommendation: SNOMED is an industry standard codification language. Keeping items linked to SNOMED when possible is the best practice.
Default Value: Yes
This setting will allow for temporary MML accounts to be created automatically for the patient at the time the patient is created in the system. This will also be completed when initiating the office code to use a practice supplied iPad either via appointment types or manual assignment. Enabling this setting will greatly reduce the workload of staff setting up MML accounts for the patient. Be sure to review Create MML Account as it will allow the patient to complete the full setup of an account during the intake process without staff involvement.
The 'Auto Post ERA Delay' company setting allows a practice to decide if ERA files that are received or imported are automatically sent to the posting process after a set period of time. This setting is used in the Payment Posting process. With this setting enabled, all claims on an ERA that do not have an error will be posted automatically and any claims that have an error can be managed in the posting window.
Default Value: -1
The Blackout Appointment Status ID - From setting is a comma delimited list of appointment status values which will be converted to a new status, as defined by the Blackout Appointment Status ID - To setting, when a blackout is applied to the appointment range.
Practices often use the Blackout Appointment Status ID - From setting to efficiently update a schedule when a provider is sick or needs to block off their schedule and in turn needs to create a report of patient appointments that would need to be rescheduled.
Default Value: 0
Options: integer value between 0 and 99
Options can be located from the list of Appointment Statuses.
The Blackout Appointment Status ID - To setting is used to apply an appointment status to existing appointments after a blackout range is added to the schedule. The setting will remove any unused placeholders and will update any appointments, as defined by the Blackout Appointment Status ID - From setting, within the blackout range to be set to this status.
Practices often use the Blackout Appointment Status ID - To setting to efficiently update a schedule when a provider is sick or needs to block off their schedule and in turn needs to create a report of patient appointments that would need to be rescheduled.
Default Value: 0
Options: integer value between 0 and 99
Options can be located from the list of Appointment Statuses.
This settings represents which version of the C-CDA will be used to when generating clinical, ambulatory and referral summaries within the application. The most up-to-date and preferred version is 2015 which is R2 of the C-CDA. It is required when using the application as an ONC 2015 Edition Certified Health IT Product.
Default Value: 2014
The setting is used to in conjunction with the auto-receipt posting process. By default, when a receipt posting causes the entire balance of the claim to be $0.00, the claim status is set to Done. In the event that this causes a workflow issue for the practice, this can be turned off. When off, the claim status will remain as it was.
Default Value: Off
This setting is used in the Automated Receipt Posting Process. When set to On, this setting will ensure that a Co Pay receipt balance is only applied to procedure codes that are marked as Co-Pay Procedures. If the receipt amount is greater than the balance on the procedure code, the receipt status will be set to Error. The remaining balance will need to be applied or removed manually.
When set to Off, the co-pay may or may not be applied to Co-Pay Procedures. It will try to find a copay procedure, but if it can not, it will apply it to the highest balance procedure code on the claim that the receipt is tied to.
Default Value: Off
Options: On (Checked) or Off (not checked)
The 'Credit Deposit Claim Status' company setting allows a practice to decide what happens when the posting of a deposit results in a claim on the credit. The status of the claim can be set to meet the workflow needs of the practice. This setting is used in the Payment Posting process.
Default Value: 34 ("Refund")
Function: This setting is used to determine how the system handles credit balances when they're created through the deposit posting process. Each value has its own setting for:
Possible Settings:
Value | Credit Auto-Created on Claim | Error Created on Claim | Claim Status Changed |
1 | Insurance | Yes | Yes |
2 | Insurance | No | Yes |
3 | None | No | No |
4 | Patient | Yes | Yes |
5 | Patient | No | Yes |
6 | None | No | Yes |
The company setting changes the default units on the Vitals chart tab when a new vitals record is created. By default, the Vitals chart tab will select the 'English' option for units. This company setting allows a practice to have this screen default to 'Metric'.
Vitals Chart Tab when the setting is on.
Vitals Chart Tab when the setting is off.
Default Value: On (English)
The 'Display Co-Pay on Printed Schedule' company setting allows a practice to print out a paper schedule for the day that includes each patient's expected co-pay amount.
Please note, this setting will only work if the practice is using the 'Resource View' schedule. Learn more about truing this on here: Company Setting: Resource View
Default Value: Off (not checked)
The setting is used to configure whether drug-drug, drug-allergy and drug-disease interaction alerts display on the Prescription History screen.
Default Value: On
The setting is used to configure whether drug-drug, drug-allergy and drug-disease interaction alerts display when performing a drug search or viewing prescription favorites lists.
Default Value: On
The setting is used to configure whether drug-drug, drug-allergy and drug-disease interaction alerts display on the Prescription Pad when creating a new prescription.
Default Value: On
The setting is used to configure whether level 1 (allergy interaction) drug-allergy interaction alerts display in the configured sections of the prescriptions module.
Default Value: On
The setting is used to configure whether level 1 (absolute contraindication) drug-disease interaction alerts display in the configured sections of the prescriptions module.
Default Value: On
The setting is used to configure whether level 1 (contraindicated drug combination) drug-drug interaction alerts display in the configured sections of the prescriptions module.
Default Value: On
The setting is used to configure whether level 2 (inactive ingredient statistics) drug-allergy interaction alerts display in the configured sections of the prescriptions module.
Default Value: On
The setting is used to configure whether level 2 (relative contraindications requiring evaluation for risk/benefit) drug-disease interaction alerts display in the configured sections of the prescriptions module.
Default Value: On
The setting is used to configure whether level 1 (severe interaction) drug-drug interaction alerts display in the configured sections of the prescriptions module.
Default Value: On
The setting is used to configure whether level 3 (contraindication warning that may require less risk/greater benefit considerations) drug-disease interaction alerts display in the configured sections of the prescriptions module.
Default Value: On
The setting is used to configure whether level 3 (moderate interaction) drug-drug interaction alerts display in the configured sections of the prescriptions module.
Default Value: On
The setting is used to configure whether level 9 (undetermined severity - alternative therapy interaction) drug-drug interaction alerts display in the configured sections of the prescriptions module.
Default Value: On
The 'Display Outstanding Balance on Printed Schedule' company setting allows a practice to print out a paper schedule for the day that includes each patient's outstanding balance. This balance represents the amount that they owe the practice based on statement that have been sent out.
Please note, this setting will only work if the practice is using the 'Resource View' schedule. Learn more about truing this on here: Company Setting: Resource View
Default Value: Off (not checked)
The "Do not run procedure/diagnosis validation for DoNotBill" company setting allows a practice to remove any procedure codes that have been flagged as Do Not Bill from code validations.
Default Value: Off (not checked)
The EPA Processor setting is used in conjunction with the CoverMyMeds ePA integration. This setting or the User Setting equivalent can be used to guide the medication prior authorization workflow by dictating the default processor for the ePA task. As described in the below tooltip the value for the setting works slightly differently than others. The IDs for User Groups and Users will be found in the areas described below.
U#= User & User ID
G#= Group & Group ID
The user ID is a number that is shown within the Setup > User Setup screen:
The User Group ID will be found within Setup > User Groups. The first column displays the ID for the group:
The 'EMR Codified Allergy Required' company setting is used to determine if non-codified allergies can or can not be added to a patient's chart within the Allergies chart tab.
Default Value: Off
Special Considerations:
In the event that your practice allows patients to enter allergies via the Intelligent Intake, it is important to be aware that patient's may still add non-codified allergies on the intake. If the company setting is On, an error will be produced when a user attempts to merge these allergies into the chart. Users will need to manually add the correct allergies as desired to the Allergies chart tab: Add a new Allergy
This setting is used with the OfficeEMR FHIR API's. When set to On, this setting will ensure that CCD's sent for each checked-out appointment with a signed progress note will include the appointment ID. The Appointment ID is necessary when reporting MIPS to ensure the MIPS Dashboard > Promoting Interoperability > Provide Patient Access Measure can appropriately determine whether a patient was sent access to his/her API's for each encounter during the reporting period.
When set to Off, the CCD is sent to the FHIR API's without the appointment ID, and the MIPS Promoting Interoperability Provide Patient Access measure will not be able to count patients towards the numerator.
Default Value: Off
Options: On (Checked) or Off (not checked)
It’s possible for payers to adjudicate a procedure line by writing off the full billed amount as a contractual adjustment. This is effectively a denial, but in many systems it won’t trigger the typical process for handling denials.
We have added two company settings to help deal with instances of full contractual adjustments, with the following default values:
If your practice receives a procedure line on an ERA that is fully adjusted with a CO-45 (the line charge amount on the ERA is equal to the adjusted amount on the CO-45), the CO-45 CARC code will use these settings for its payment type and claim status instead of the CO-45's usual CARC settings. For instance, with the default settings, this CO-45 will be posted with an ERA No Payment payment type, and it will change the Claim Status to "Denied."
If either of the settings is set to '0', the normal settings for a CO-45 will be used if a full contractual adjustment is received.
This setting specifies whether the Assessment, Care Plan Goal, Care Plan Instructions, Health Status and Health Concern sections will pull data from appointment exam templates. See Template Setup: CCD Type for more information on setting up template values to display in the CCDA Assessment/Treatment Plan sections.
Default Value: Off
The system will use this setting to determine which Insurance Profile will be used when creating a new insurance for an account at the patient setup level.
Default Value: 1 = Health Insurance
Steps to Complete
This setting ONLY defaults the Insurance Profile when created on the Patient Setup screen. When adding/editing insurance from the Patient Setup screen, the default Profile can be changed for that particular patient. This does NOT affect what will be defaulted on an Appointment when Appointment Types have been setup for Insurance Profile defaults.
This setting will be used in conjunction with Intake Send Links and will allow the patient to create their own MML accounts at the end of their Intake form. This change will greatly reduce the time your staff spends setting up accounts for the patient. They will only be required to enter a password prior to submitting the information back to the practice and we will send them login instructions for future access.
This setting is used to enable the Intake Links for Intelligent Intake practice-wide, this can NOT be done per location or Intake type. This will allow a reminder link to be sent to the patient via their communication preference. This message will contain a link to the assigned intake form either based on automated assignment via appointment types or manual assignment.
The 'iScheduler Primary Appointment Color (Background)' company setting allows a practice to control how the list of appointments appear in the iScheduler. This setting specifically affects the background color of the appointment block.
This feature is helpful for practices that want a visual indication of either the type of appointment that the patient is scheduled for or the status of the appointment.
Check out the Company Setting: iScheduler Secondary Appointment Color (Right Side Bar) for even more control.
Default Value: 1 - Appointment color background will reflect the status of the appointment.
The 'iScheduler Secondary Appointment Color (Right Side Bar)' company setting allows a practice to control how the list of appointments appear in the iScheduler. This setting specifically affects the bar found on the right hand side of the appointment block.
This feature is helpful for practices that want a visual indication of either the type of appointment that the patient is scheduled for or the status of the appointment.
Check out the Company Setting: iScheduler Primary Appointment Color (Background) for even more control.
Default Value: 0 - No secondary color will be shown
The 'Lab Result via Collection Date' company setting allows a practice to decide how a lab result displays in the application. If the value is set to be on, then lab results displayed in the following locations will use this date. If this date happens to be blank, the Reporting Date will be used.
Locations where this setting will be used:
EMR > Timeline > Lab Result icons
EMR > Timeline > Vitals Icon > Graph View
EMR > Timeline > Vitals Icon > Table View
EMR > SOAP Notes > Data Trends
Value Options
This company setting allows a practice to setup a more strict password policy for all users. This setting will only allow a password to be valid for a set number of days. After the timeframe has passed, users will be required to change their password before logging in.
Pro Tip: Check out more security features here: How can I keep OfficeEMR more secure?
Default Value: 0
This company setting allows a practice to setup a more strict password policy for all users. This setting will require that a password be longer than a specific number of characters. The greater the number, the more complex the password and the harder it will be to exploit.
Pro Tip: Check out more security features here: How can I keep OfficeEMR more secure?
Default Value: 8
This company setting allows a practice to setup a more strict password policy for all users. This setting will require that users do not re-use an old password when resetting their password.
Pro Tip: Check out more security features here: How can I keep OfficeEMR more secure?
Default Value: 5
The 'Normal Results Processor' company setting is used to set the User Group that is set when an electronic result is received and no abnormal values are included in the result. This is used in the My Tasks Results screen.
By default, this value is blank, which means this setting is not used. When this setting is not in use, the system will deliver normal results to the user that was originally selected in the 'Ordered By' field on the Order Entry screen.
Default Value: blank
The setting is used in the Dialysis Visit Note documentation process. For practice's that document the dialysis note in our application, rather than in the Dialysis Center application, will want to enable this setting.
If this setting is selected and the user left-clicks over a dialysis round and adds a comprehensive or regular visit, the visit will no longer will automatically be saved and the Dialysis Visit chart tab will be opened instead where the visit can be added.
Default Value: Off
When a patient is added to the Hospital Rounds List, the Company Setting: Patient Roster Admission Date Defaulted will automatically set the Admission Date to the current data. Otherwise, it will be blank
Default Value: Off
When a patient is added to the Hospital Rounds List, the Company Setting: Patient Roster Recurrence Pattern Defaulted will automatically create a daily reoccurrence pattern for the newly added round. Otherwise, no recurrence pattern will be created.
Default Value: Off
When a patient is added to the Hospital Rounds List, the Company Setting: Patient Roster Resource Required will determine if a resource must be set for a round. Otherwise, this field can be left blank.
Workflow Note:
When a patient is added to the Hospital Rounding schedule, different practices may dictate how that patient round is managed. For example, some practices may specifically assign a Resource to the round - this is commonly done when a specific provider needs to see a specific patient when rounding. Other practices may just simply assign the patient to the location. Then, they will assign their providers to go to specific locations on a given day and round on any patient at that location. Use this setting to enforce your business rules related to managing hospital rounds.
Default Value: On
This setting determines how the medication search feature works on the OfficeEMR Mobile application. When enabled, a "wild card search" is performed. This means that when a search is performed, the system will find drugs with the word that you typed anywhere in the medication name. If this setting is off, the medication search will only find drugs with the exact name you typed. We highly recommend keeping this setting on.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: On
For practices that provide their patients with access to MyMedicalLocker (aka the Patient Portal), you have the ability to turn on or turn off the ability for a patient to request a refill of a medication that you prescribed. When the setting is on, patients are provided with this option. These requests will flow directly into the My Tasks > Prescriptions > Refills queue for you to review and approve. When the setting is off, patients are not given this option.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: On
For practices that provide their patients with access to MyMedicalLocker (aka the Patient Portal), you have the ability to turn on or turn off the ability for a patient to request a refill of a medication that you prescribed. If you have this setting on, you can set a threshold that determines if a prescription is automatically denied or not based on how long it has been since the patient's last appointment. If you set the value to '3', this means the patient should have had an appointment within the last 3 weeks. If not, the refill request is auto-denied. You can control the message that the patient sees when this error occurs in Setup > MyMedicalLocker > Announcements.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: 0
For practices that provide their patients with access to MyMedicalLocker (aka the Patient Portal), you have the ability to turn on or turn off the ability for a patient to request a refill of a medication that you prescribed. If you have this setting on, you can use this setting to recommend pharmacies that you commonly use. This is especially helpful if you have your own in-house pharmacy that you would like to make available for a patient when requesting a refill. You can add one to many pharmacies here by supplying a list of NCPDP ID's of the desired pharmacies. Pharmacy NCPDP ID's can be found here: Setup > Pharmacies.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: blank
For practices that utilize the My Tasks Prescription Refill queue, you can decide if a user must first enter a PIN before approving a refill or not. If the setting is turned on, a user will be required to enter their 4 digit PIN number each time a prescription refill is approved, denied, or changed. If the setting is off, users will not be required to enter their PIN.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: On
For a user that decides to refill a medication from the Prescription History window, you may find it helpful to have the status of the prescription that you are refilling changed from New to Current without you having to make the change yourself. Generally, medications with a status of 'New' will show up in the Plan portion of your note while medications with a status of 'Current' show in the Subjective portion of your note. If you would like for the prescription status of refilled medications to remain unchanged, turn this setting off.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: On
For practices that utilize the My Tasks Prescription Refill queue, you may find it beneficial to have all refill requests and change requests assigned to one specific user rather than having these requests assigned to a group of users. To direct all refill requests and change requests to a specific user, input the user ID into the setting. Otherwise, if left blank, prescription refill requests and change requests will be assigned to the RxRefill user group.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: blank
For practices that send prescriptions electronically to pharmacies, some edge scenarios may require you to change if the 'RxCode' field value is sent in the electronic message. In general, users should not update this setting unless they are absolutely sure of the impact.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: On
For practices that send prescriptions electronically to pharmacies, some edge case scenarios may require you to change the Minimum Action Days Setting. In general, users should not update this setting unless they are absolutely sure of the impact.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: 1
For practices that print out prescriptions using non-custom Rx Layouts, this setting will determine if the image stored in Provider Setup displays on that printed layout. If on, the image will be displayed, otherwise, it will not.
Please note, most practices are not configured to use non-custom Rx Layouts. Practices are usually set up with 'Custom' Rx Layouts which means that this setting does not apply.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: Off
For practices that utilize the prescription screen to send buprenorphine electronic prescriptions for chronic pain, it will be necessary to utilize this setting to override the NADEAN requirement. Use this setting to specify the specific ICD10 diagnosis code that will be added to buprenorphine electronic prescriptions (for pain) as a diagnosis to override the NADEAN requirement to submit the prescription. Be sure to add the diagnosis code without the decimal point.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: G894
For practices that print out prescriptions, the prescription may be printed through our legacy 'Report Viewer' window or via our new modern 'PDF Layout' window. It is recommended to have this setting on so that more modern technology is being used.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: On
For practices that send prescriptions electronically to pharmacies, some groups may need to modify which practice name is submitted on the electronic prescription. By default, the practice name stored in the Provider Setup screen for the prescribing provider will be sent. However, you may alternatively choose to have the practice name stored in the Company Setup screen instead.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: Off
For practices that send prescriptions electronically to pharmacies, some groups may need to modify which address is submitted on the electronic prescription. By default, the address stored in the Provider Setup screen for the prescribing provider will be sent. However, you may alternatively choose to have the address retrieved from the Company Setup screen.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: Off
For practices that send prescriptions electronically to pharmacies, some groups may need to modify which phone numbers are submitted on the electronic prescription. By default, the phone numbers stored in the Provider Setup screen for the prescribing provider will be sent. However, you may alternatively choose to have the phone numbers retrieved from the Company Setup screen.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: Off
For practices that send prescriptions electronically to pharmacies, some groups may need to modify which email address is submitted on the electronic prescription. By default, the email address stored in the Provider Setup screen for the prescribing provider will be sent. However, you may alternatively choose to have the email address retrieved from the Company Setup screen.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: Off
For practices that send prescriptions electronically or print a paper prescription, you may find it beneficial to increase or decrease the security protocols related to performing these actions. The options are as follows:
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: 2
For practices that utilize the pharmacy search screen, you may choose to change how the pharmacy type is displayed. The options are as follows:
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: 0
For practices that use the prescription pad, you can modify how the 'Days Supply' language displays:
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: 0
For practices that utilize the prescription screen, you may choose to change how the word 'Tiers' is displayed to conserve space.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: 1
For practices that utilize the prescription screen, it is highly recommended that practices utilize the RxHub and the features that it enables. RxHub is the connection that allows medication coverage information to be displayed as well as allows medication history data to be pulled from pharmacies. If this setting is off, these features are disabled. We strongly encourage you to leave this setting on.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: On
For practices that electronically send medications to the pharmacy, in a few edge cases, it may be appropriate to send the following fields in the electronic message: DrugDBCode and DrugDBCodeQualifier. Unless you truly understand the impact of this setting, it is recommended this remain unchanged.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: Off
For practices that utilize the prescription screen to view prescription coverage details, you may want to enable this setting so that a patient's secondary insurance plan name will display in the event that the primary insurance name is left blank. Generally, practices do not need to change this setting.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: Off
For practices that utilize the prescription screen to view prescription coverage details, you may want to enable this setting so that a patient's insurance plan ID displays next to the insurance plan name. Generally, practices do not need to change this setting.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: Off
For practices that utilize the prescription screen to view prescription coverage details, you may want to enable this setting so that all of the possible therapeutic alternatives recommended display the various strengths and forms that are available. Otherwise, the strengths and forms displayed will be limited. Generally, it is recommended to leave this setting on.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: On
For practices that electronically send prescriptions to a pharmacy, you may want the application to interrogate the sig dosage field (i.e tab) to automatically set the Dispense Method (i.e. Tablets). When this setting is on, enhanced logic is used to automatically set this value. Otherwise, users are required to set the Dispense Method themselves.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: On
For practices that utilize the prescription screen to send or print prescriptions, it may be necessary to activate this setting so that these prescriptions automatically check local state rules related to Dispense As Written settings to ensure the correct message is displayed. It is recommended to leave this setting on.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: On.
For practices that utilize the prescription screen to electronically send prescriptions, you may want to require users to have captured a patient's height and weight within the last 30 days before sending a prescription. Doing so will ensure that the appropriate vital information is sent electronically with the prescription. Otherwise, this requirement will only be enforced for patients 18 and younger.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: Off
For practices that utilize the application to data related to a prescription fill status from the pharmacy, you may find it beneficial to only see a set number of Rx Fill Statuses. Use this setting to determine your preference.
The options include:
Our recommendation is to leave this setting on 'All Fill Statuses' while you become used to the type of data that is supplied. Then, as you see fit, narrow your selection.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: All Fill Statuses
For practices that utilize the prescription screen to electronically send prescriptions, the application has the ability to check the current operating status of each pharmacy you send a prescription to. The check ensures that the pharmacy is up and able to receive a prescription. If they are not, an appropriate error message with an explanation of why the pharmacy is offline will be returned. Practices can turn this check off if needed, but is recommended to remain on.
Configuration Note:
All Prescription Settings and Rules can be configured here: Company Settings for Prescriptions
Default Value: On
The setting is used to identify a list of procedure codes should be added to the Vitals Timeline graph when a user selects the Procedures icon. This can be a specific list of codes separated by a comma (i.e. 99213, 99205) or a range of codes (99203-99205).
This setting works in unison with the User Setting of the same name. If the user setting is set, this will trump the Company Setting.
Default Value: blank
Options: A comma separated list of procedure codes and/or a range of cpt codes.
This settings represents which Clinical Notes type the (Base) SOAP/Progress Notes are coded as in the CCDA when generating clinical, ambulatory and referral summaries within the application. The default value is 0 which is off. This means that any SOAP/Progress Notes with the type set to (Base) will NOT appear in CCDA summaries. If a value other than 0 is set, then all signed SOAP/Progress Notes with the type set to (Base) will appear in CCDA summaries with the selected Clinical Notes type (e.g. Progress Note).
Default Value: 0
This settings represents which Clinical Notes type the (Group Note) SOAP/Progress Notes are coded as in the CCDA when generating clinical, ambulatory and referral summaries within the application. The default value is 0 which is off. This means that any SOAP/Progress Notes with the type set to (Group Note) will NOT appear in CCDA summaries. If a value other than 0 is set, then all signed SOAP/Progress Notes with the type set to (Base) will appear in CCDA summaries with the selected Clinical Notes type (e.g. Progress Note).
Default Value: 0
This company setting effects how Receipts are posted via the Auto-Receipt Posting process. This setting will determine if a receipt with the type of 'Co-Pay' will be applied to more than one procedure code on the claim. Typically, Co-Pays are applied to one and only one procedure code. However, some use cases have emerged that the co-pay amount should be applied to multiple procedures on the same claim. This setting will be off by default, which means co-pays will only be applied to one procedure code. If on, a Co-Pay receipt may be applied to multiple procedures.
Default Value: Off
This setting is used to modify how payments are removed on the Transaction History screen.
Payments associated with deposits can always be deleted -- this ensures that even after posting, users can resolve issues with COB balancing.
However, in many instances, administrators want to prevent users from completely deleting past payments, as they could have been created in a prior reporting period. In this case, this company setting can be turned on. This will ensure that users do not have the ability to delete payments that originated in receipts or were added as payments directly to the transaction history. Instead, they will have the option to reverse payments. Though this practically has the same impact on a claim, it will create a new transaction with the current post date. This will offset but maintain the original transaction.
If this company setting is unchecked, users will be able to delete any type of payments as desired. However, keep in mind that this can affect payments in prior reporting periods.
Default Value: Yes
Options: Yes (Checked) or No (not checked)
This settings represents which quality reporting year will be used to when generating billing and clinical data sent to the CQMsolutions reporting tool.
Default Value: 2019
The 'Resource View' company setting changes how a schedule looks when it is printed out of the application. There are two views, the Resource View and the Legacy View.
Resource View
Legacy View
Pro Tip: The Resource View is the more modern layout and is what most practices use. This view allows the practice to customize it quite a bit by turning items on and off so that it only prints what you want it to.
Default Value: On
This company setting in conjunction with the CoverMyMeds (Legacy) feature will enable the ability to run the CoverMyMeds RxBC module from the prescription pad. When a user initially opens the prescription/medication chart tab for a patient, an eligibility check is run via SureScripts. These values are used when passing the benefits information to CoverMyMeds to initiate both the Real-Time Benefit Check as well as the electronic prior authorization if the RxBC response returns "PA Required".
Checked = RxBC will be enabled for the practice
Unchecked = The 'Benefit Check' checkbox on the prescription pad will not be present
The 'Run Real Time Prescription Benefit Check (RxBC)' company setting allows a practice to decide if the Benefit Check box is displayed or not on the prescription pad for all users in the practice. This option is only available for users that use the CoverMyMeds integration.
Default Value: On (if Product is activated)
The "SBR 05 HMO Payer SysIDs" company setting allows a practice to enter a list of comma-delimited payer IDs that will be sent in loop 2000B SBR05 when the payer source of pay is 16 (Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Medicare Risk).
Default Value: Off (no payer IDs)
The setting is used to in conjunction with the auto-receipt posting process. Groups with unique workflows may choose to disable the auto-posting of receipts that are designated as Co-Pays.
Default Value: Off
The setting is used to in conjunction with the auto-receipt posting process. Groups with unique workflows may choose to disable the auto-posting of receipts that are designated as Coinsurance receipts.
Default Value: Off
The setting is used to in conjunction with the auto-receipt posting process. Groups with unique workflows may choose to disable the auto-posting of receipts that are designated as Deductible receipts.
Default Value: Off
This setting specifies whether the new Billing Analytics package will split the initial aging bucket of 0-30 Days into two different buckets, 0-15 Days and 16-30 Days. This setting takes effect during the nightly refresh of the Billing Analytics data.
Default Value: Off
The 'Unsolicited Results Processor' company setting is used to set the User Group that is set when an Unsolicited Result is returned in the My Tasks Results screen.
The company setting requires that you supply a valid User Group ID. This can be found in the User Group setup window (Setup > User Groups).
By default, an "Unsolicited Results" user group has been created for every practice and this setting defaults to that.
Default Value: Unsolicited Results User Group
The setting is used to identify a list of wireframes (logical grouping of lab result values) that should be added to the Vitals Timeline graph. This can be a specific list of values, separated by a comma.
This setting works in unison with the Company Setting of the same name. If the user setting is set, this will trump the Company Setting.
Default Value: cbc, chem-7
Options: Add a list of comma separated values (the underlined word is the value).
This company setting is used in conjunction with two other Webservice Setup Filters: Document Folder Identifiers and Problem List Diagnosis Codes. The combination of these settings assists in filtering (limiting) the number of records to be returned in the GetPatientFilterIdentifiers webservice response.
Default Value: (blank) - All patients would be included in the GetPatientFilterIdentifiers response no Superbill/Claim procedure code filtering will be completed.
Options: CPT/HCPCS codes (comma delimited)
This company setting is used in conjunction with two other Webservice Setup Filters: Claim Procedure Codes and Problem List Diagnosis Codes. The combination of these settings assists in filtering (limiting) the number of records to be returned in the GetPatientFilterIdentifiers webservice. This setting is utilized to limit which eDocuments should be provided within the webservice response. The vendor will then utilize GetPatientFilterDataImage to submit a series of image_id(s) that will then return the corresponding base64 for the eDocument.
Default Value: (blank) - All documents would be included in the GetPatientFilterIdentifiers response no eDocument filtering will be completed. And any eDocument added to the patient's chart will include the patient within the GetPatientFilterIdentifiers given the appropriate parameters are provided.
Options: eDocument Folder IDs (comma delimited)
This company setting is used in conjunction with two other Webservice Setup Filters: Claim Procedure Codes and Document Folder Identifiers. The combination of these settings assists in filtering (limiting) the number of records to be returned in the GetPatientFilterIdentifiers webservice.
This setting is utilized to limit which ICD10 codes added to the patient Problem List will trigger a patient to be included within the GetPatientFilterIdentifiers response.
Default Value: "All" - All problem list additions will trigger a patient to be included within the webservice response.
Options: ICD10 codes - no periods "." (comma delimited)
The "Override Loop 2320 SBR09" company setting allows a practice to set the source of pay to Medicare Part B when the secondary payer is payer ID SKKY0 (Kentucky Medicaid) and the primary payer has a Medicare Replacement flag
Default Value: Off (not checked)
The "CKCC Appointment Indicator" company setting allows a practice to be able to show the Comprehensive Kidney Care Contracting (CKCC) icon (for applicable patients) within the appointments to help identify them on the scheduler.
Default Value: Off (not checked)
The Default 2FA Setting for Users company setting allows an administrator to determine the authentication requirements for accessing the system. Depending on practice preference and intended implementation, the following options will help drive this transition. This article describes the various options and considerations for each.
1 = No Requirement
Users will not be required to set up any method for 2FA authentication.
2 = Suggest 2FA
Users will be prompted to configure 2FA upon login. They will be guided to download an Authenticator application on their cell phone. However, they will be granted an option to bypass the configuration. Users who bypass the configuration step will continue to be prompted each time they log in until complete.
3 = Require 2FA (Overrides user setting)
Similar to the 'Suggest' option, 'Require' will also guide the user to download an authenticator application and link their account via QR code, but they will not be given the option to bypass the configuration. This is the option to choose if having a 2FA login is required for all users. It will ensure that upon the next login, every user will be forced to set up their 2FA application.
The setting is used to automatically apply payments when a receipt is tied to an appointment and linked to a claim. When set, Company Setting: Allow auto posting of prepayments for selected receipts allows the system to auto post the receipt to that available claim if the receipt has the Autopost Prepayment override box checked.
Default Value: Off
The "Default alternate to rend. provider when blank" company setting allows a practice to default the Alternate Provider to the Rendering Provider if the Alternate Provider field is left blank when creating or updating a claim.
Default Value: Off (not checked)
The "Use Company Profile Practice Address for Return Address" company setting allows a practice to set the Practice Setup Address as the return address for printed statements instead of the address from the Billing information.
Default Value: Off (not checked)
The "Enable Patient Demographics Sex for Clinical Use" company setting allows a practice to add a Sex drop-down field within the Patient Demographics/Demographics tab. When set, Company Setting: Enable Patient Demographics Sex for Clinical Use will make the Sex field available, which will be displayed right below the gender field in the Patient Demographics screen. The user can then record the Sex for Clinical Use (this field is audited, with the audit record displaying the description of the sex selected) as required by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC).
Default Value: Off (not checked)
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