The Quick Pay window contains multiple tabs/sections that can be displayed based on the Quick Pay Settings. Below is a brief overview of each tab/section of the Quick Pay window.
The Receipt tab of the Quick Pay will allow the documentation of a patient payment (co-pay, general payment, payment plan, etc...), the printing of a patient receipt, and the validation of a patient's demographics.
The Claim tab of the Quick Pay window allows the entry of a new charge for the patient. You can also view existing charge entries as well.
The Order tab of the Quick Pay window allows the viewing of open orders for the patient and for users to be able to close them.
The RX tab of the Quick Pay window allows the review of the patient's prescriptions.
The Letter tab of the Quick Pay window allows letters to created, reviewed, and printed for the patient.
The Print tab of the Quick Pay window provides access to the patient's print queue allowing the items assigned to the patient's print queue to be printed.
The Patient tab of the Quick Pay window will allow the reviewing of the patient's demographics and also display the outcome of the patient validation.
The Elig tab of the Quick Pay window allows to view the latest eligibility check for the patient along with allowing a new eligibility check to be completed.
The Intake tab on the Quick Pay window will allow you to view intake assignments and allow the assignment of an intake.
The ID tab of the Quick Pay window allows the viewing and addition of a patient photograph, patient ID, primary insurance card, secondary insurance card, and pharmacy benefit card.
The Auth tab of the Quick Pay window allows the viewing and addition of the patient authorizations.