Prescription Details
- Prescriber: The provider prescribing the medication. The list will display providers registered to send medications electronically.
- Medication: contains information about the drug.
- Drug Name: The name and strength of the drug selected.
- Strength: The strength of the selected drug.
- UOM: The unit of measure for the selected drug's strength.
- SIG: Contains the patient instructions for how much and how often the medication should be taken.
- SIG Quaintly: How many of the medication should be taken at a time (i.e. 2)
- Dosage: The dosage type of the medication instructions.
- Route: The route of administration for the medication.
- Frequency: How often the medication should be taken (i.e. Every Day)
- Free Form: Use this to provide instructions on how the medication should be taken. This can be in addition to the Sig Quantity and Frequency or it can replace it entirely (i.e. Apply a thin layer of cream to affected area as needed).
- Dispense: Contains the amount of the medication that should be dispensed by the pharmacy for each fill.
- Dispense Quantity: How many will be provided to the patient in total (i.e. 60)
- Method: What will be provided (i.e. Tablets).
- Days Supply: Number of days the medication should last for (i.e. 30)
- Refills: Number of refills the patient can receive (i.e. 3)
- D.A.W. Indicator: Indicator if the medication should be dispensed as written. When on, pharmacies will fill the exact medication prescribed. If off, pharmacies may substitute the medication for subtitle generic.
- Administered: Indicator that the medication was administered by the practice.
- Sample: Indicator that a medication sample was provided to the patient.
- History: Indicator that the medication is historical/patient reported.
- Notes and Comments:
- Pharmacy Note: A note to the pharmacist - will be sent/printed.
- NADEAN: Displays and sends the prescription provider's NADEAN number when the Use Provider NADEAN checkbox is selected.
- Use Provider NADEAN: Used when prescribing medication protocols for people with narcotic addiction (e.g. Suboxone) to send the provider's NADEAN number.
- GHB Reason: Used when prescribing Gamma Hydroxybutyrate to capture the medical necessity for prescribing GHB to the patient.
- Internal Comment: A note for internal staff only - will not be sent to printed.
- Pharmacy: The pharmacy the medication will be sent to.
- More: Contains details about when the medication should be started, medication status and more. Tapping on this section will review additional details.
- Start Date: Start date of the medication. Will default to the date it is written.
- Stop Date: Date the medication should be stopped.
- Written Date: The date the prescription was created/written.
- Last Fill Date: Displays the last fill date obtained from Surescripts.
- Rx Status: Status of the medication (i.e. New).
- Prescriber: Not commonly used, buy may be helpful to record who prescribed the medication if it was someone outside of your company (i.e. PCP)