Monthly Financial Report - Summary Tab

The Monthly Financial Report can be found in the Reports portal under the Billing category on the navigation bar. This report by default will open with this month's total in the Monthly Summary tab.

The date parameter on the Monthly Summary tab can can be found in the left upper corner. The This Month button will reset the summary back to the current month. The less than and greater than buttons can be utilized to toggle back or forward a month at a time. The calendar icon will open the calendar allowing you to select a month within the calendar view.

There are 6 totals that are displayed in the Monthly Summary tab; Insurance Payments, Patient Payments, Claims Created, Claims Submitted, Rejected Claims, and Unapplied.

  • Insurance  Payments: this will provide the total dollar amount and quantity count of the insurance payments that were posted based on the report month.
  • Patient Payments: this will provide the total dollar amount and quantity count of the patient payments that were posted based on the report month.
  • Claims Created: this will provide the total dollar amount and quantity count of charges entered based on the report month.
  • Claims Submitted: this will provide the total dollar amount and quantity of claim charges submitted based on the report month.
  • Rejected Claims: this will provide the total dollar amount and quantity of claim charges rejected based on the report month.
  • Unapplied: this will provide the total dollar amount and quantity count of payments that have not been posted but have a receipt/deposit date for the month.