Automatic Statement Batch Setup

This image represents our recommended setup for automatic statements. In the setup pictured above statements will automatically be batched every 7 days according to their letter range and any statements without warning will be sent to Data Media for print and mail. Some of the settings listed above are required and others are recommended but optional according to the needs of your practice.

Required Settings

  • Auto-Send Statement Cycle Batches - The option must be turned on for the statements without warning to be sent automatically.
  • Processor - The processor must be set to Data Media or to RevSpring for statements to be automatically sent to the vendor.
  • Cycles - It is required that at least one cycle be setup and assigned a Day of Month to be processed.

Key Optional Settings

  • Threshold - This is the minimum statement balance. It is a necessary field to be certain that only intended statements are sent out.
  • Minimum Days from Last Statement - This field is to set the interval (how often) at which a patient gets sent a statement.
  • Past Due Notice Level - If set then it will be communicated to Data Media (not available with RevSpring) to print a Past Due Notice for statements at the designated level.
  • Final Notice Level - If set then it will be communicated to Data Media (not available with RevSpring) to print a Final Notice for statements at the designated level.