Release 23.17 - October 5th, 2023

Executive Summary

Patient Search
Display Recent Patients 

Release Note | Documentation

New Features and Updates


Patient Search

  • E15471 - Display Recent Patients:  This new feature builds a Recent Patients list comprised of the last 10 patients the user has searched and opened.  Each searched and opened patient updates the Recent Patients list across OfficeEMR, displaying patients in descending order to provide convenient access to the most recent patients a user has been working with across OfficeEMR.  More information can be found here.
    • Real World Use: User searched and opened James Adams in iScheduler, John Doe in EMR, and Jane Carr in eDocuments, the Recent Patients list would display like this:

Note:  This feature is now available in the EMR, iScheduler and eDocuments portals.  The Billing portal will be updated in the next release. 



  • U15866 - CCM User Case Load by LoS:  This new Connect report shows a user's case load divided by Level of Service.  Parameters include Users, Status and Client with an All option.  Fields include Case Manager, Client, Last Call Date, Description, Level of Service, Patient ID and User ID.  More information on Connect reports can be found here.

Bug Fixes



  • B15992 - Patient Comments:  Resolved an issue where adding a new comment caused the Patient Setup toolbar to not be visible.  Now when adding a new comment, the toolbar remains visible.  



  • B16327 - Payment Analysis:  Payments applied to a zero dollar charge were not displaying in the Payer Totals summary but were listed in the Detail view.  These payments will now display in the Payer Totals summary view.